The bully Woo Bin

Transfer Student




Hyun Joong's POV

I was waiting outside the classroom for Min Ho to finish his work when a group af guys came up to me.

"HEY, YOU! Who are you?? I've never seen you here before?" He stepped up infront of me.

"I-I'm H-hyun J-joong..." I stammered. 'First of school and I'm already picked on.' I ducked my head avoiding eye contact with the guy infront of me. 

"What does your family do? Huh?! Is your family wealthy??" the guy said with a threatening tone as he poked my chest.

I stumbled backwards.  "Yah! You better answer me!" He raised his fist up. "YAAH!! KIM WOO BIN!!"

Min Ho's POV 

'! Why is Woo Bin shouting at Hyun Joong??' I felt uneasy as i know what he could do to people whom he do not like. "Yahh!! Leave him alone!!" I shouted before he could punch Hyun Joong. I ran up to Hyun Joong and dragged him away.

"Hyun Joong what did he say to you?? Did he hurt you??" I gripped onto his shoulders and shaking him. He shook his head nervously.

"H-he asked me about m-my family." Hyun Joong answered. "Who is h-he??"

"Did you tell him?? Did you tell him about your family??" I asked anxiously ignoring his queastions.

"I was.. until you appeared and dragged me away.. Who exactly is he??" Hyun Joong said impatiently.

I sighed and let go of my grip on his shoulders.  "Don't EVER tell him anything about your family, okay? He.... He has problems with people who aren't as wealthy as him. He'll threaten you if he finds out your not as weathly as him. So, don't go near him. He is a dangerous person, okay?" I warned Hyun Joong. He looked at me, confusion filled in his eyes.

"W-who is he??" Hyun Joong asked again.

"A very dangerous person.. That is all i will say." I walked off leaving him dumbfounded.

Hyun Joong's POV

Min Ho left leaving me with many thoughts running through my head. 'Who is he?? Why is he dangerous?? Why can't i tell any thing about my family?? When Minho talked to him, Minho's expression changed... Before I told that guy about my family, Min Ho shouted his name. What was it? Kim Woo Yeon?? Woo Bbyon?'

I went home, thinking about what Min Ho said and that Woo-something guy.



A/N: Heeeey~~ This is Co-author KpopFREAK98!! I'm here to help my friend pikamaine who is the main author of this story ^^ Give many many comments, arraso!! Enjoy~~

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Hatchi06 #1
Chapter 4: Wash two handsome guy fall in love kkkkkk interesting story update soon please
horrormovie #2
Chapter 3: interesting...