In time, with Love


They went to the same middle school, high school and university.

Time has turned then to best friends from enemies.

They can't live without each other now.

Many around them always questioned why they are not together.

They were sure though, that that would never be more than best friends..

Or will they?





Kim Myungsoo/L: The older heir of Mondo Group. Presents himself really well and is therefore a respectable figure in the industry.

He is cold and quiet to people that he doesn't know but totally childish and dorky to those who knows him well.

He often gets unwanted attention due to his good looks.

He is probably the only one that knew Sooeun inside out.


Jung Sooeun: The only daughter of Jung San Group. She hates being tied down and is therefore not working at the company.

She is cheerful and friendly but has toned down this side of her ever since something happened.

She tries her best to keep a low profile and is therefore not given much attention most of the time.

She isn't in good terms with her family due to her attitude and behaviour towards the company.


There are actually more character in the story but i will not be writing their profiles here. Sorry about that!



Myungsoo and Sooeun were enemies as it started out. With one being the president of the class and another being the vice-president of the class, it was hard not to have the 2 of them fighting over any small things in class. However, time has turned the 2 into best friends and they can barely survive without each other now. Myungsoo has been keeping something from Sooeun for such a long time he was sure he will keep it to his grave. Will he?

Will things change if she finds out?


"Of course I choose him!"


"You... are leaving?"




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yourfangirlmica #1
Chapter 14: Author-nim! I'm actually a college freshman but had to stop last year due to family reasons. XD Can I call you Unnie? :D anyways, waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh, Congratulations for making it out of college alive! Hahaha! Good luck to you and I wish you the best for whatever you've decided to do next in your life. I'm so happy for you~ ^^ Back to your story, I think it's just fine~ Well the story is progressing slowly but I like it that it keeps me waiting for what's next. And ohgerd, I'm so waiting for Kai oppa as the ex and what's next ith him, Sooeun and Myungsoo oppa~ And will Sooeun go back to their company with her sweet brother? I'll be waiting for your update, Author-nim~ Fighting! ♥ And nice poster, by the way! Kai oppa's in there, too, that's cute! XD
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 13: wahhhhhh congrats for admission!!!!! update when u can"!!!!!!
yourfangirlmica #3
Chapter 12: I wonder what's gonna happen next.. Hmmm.. and also getting curious with Kai oppa's character here! Looking forward to your next updates, Author-nim! Fighting~ ^^V♥
yourfangirlmica #4
Chapter 9: Author-niiiiiiiiiim! Hogod, how I missed 'talking' to you and reading your story~♥ Kai oppa, waaaaaaaahh, he's the mystery guy at the airport! =D Ohmygod, I just can't contain my feels.. And lol, he's a cheater ex-namchin.. Haha! So excited to read the next chapters~ Anyways, I'm sorry I just got back here in your comment box now. I wasn't able to check here whenever I got to go online before.. *pouts* I hope you're okay Author-nim.. Not getting sick anymore, right? ^_^ Myungsoo oppa, always the worried bestfriend. I really missed this! *groans* Okay, off the read the next chapters~ ^^
MitsuKyuYamazaki #5
Chapter 10: Aooowww MyungSoo-ah X'DDDD
MitsuKyuYamazaki #6
Chapter 7: It's sooo good XD
Keep updating~ <3
yourfangirlmica #7
Chapter 7: It's good that you're fine now Author-nim! And I'm happy I encourage you with my words. :D What do you think of the issue right now with Myung oppa and the girl, KDY? *sighs* I hope he and the other Infinte oppas are okay. The girl has to stop doing and saying more non-sensical things or more bashing will come her way.
Lol at Myungsoo oppa when SooEunnie went out of the fitting room with the y dress! I can just imagine his killing stare meet the guys' eyes in that store! Haha, ohmy, I know I say this in all my comments but MYUNGSOO OPPA IS REALLY SWEET! I admire your cute portrayal of Myungsoo oppa as a best friend. It's so ideal I want to have a guy best friend too, someone just like him. Haha!(^_^)♥
TCA! ♥
yourfangirlmica #8
Chapter 6: You had fever Author-nim?! I hope you're really okay now. And thank you very much for saying that you won't! ♥ Ohno, it really makes me feel so bad I still haven't watched MAMA 2013 to see our oppas win. But I'll make sure to do that when I have the chance to use the computer for a wider screen, lol. also for a better chance to see the moments of MyungYeol! It's really great that they won! Leader Gyu must be happy with s. ^o^ Ah! I think the fluff level here is good enough since they're still 'just best friends'. Myungsoo oppa is really sweet taking care of Sooeun ALL THE TIME and funny here with his answer when she asked him which house will they go home to. Haha ^^ Remember to take care always Author-nim! =D
yourfangirlmica #9
Chapter 5: Hehe, I do so because I'm scared that you might just give up and I clearly don't want that to happen Author-nim. I sincerely like your story so I really want to know the end of this and more of your new stories in the future. I promise to be your loyal reader and commentor. ^^ I also ship those OTPs you mentioned. Haha, it makes me really sad and disappointed whenever they get paired with actual girls. That's why sometimes I wish they'd just end up with guys instead. Lol, that's just crazy. XD
So back to your update, they're put into differents rooms separately, not in pairs? Is that why Myungsoo said he should get fast to Sooeun? Haha, I wonder how he's going to get to her when he's also panicking. I hope it'll be a somewhat fluffy chapter next Author-nim. *^o^*
yourfangirlmica #10
Chapter 4: Haha, that's okay Author-nim. It's really good that you keep me curious with a lot of things. I love mysteries, well sometimes. XD Meanwhile, as much as I love it when you update fast, you should have time for yourself too. Don't want our Author-nim to be sick or stressed, you know? So, it's okay, you can take your time. I'll patiently wait for your next updates. And just like what I told you before, your story is perfectly fine. It's cute and laidback. So don't worry! It'll get better and better as the story progresses. =) Oh by the way, do you ship the pairing GyuL? It's just now that I knew about it. I know, I'm so outdated. XD *sigh* I'm not sure if I should be happy about it. But oh, of course, I respect the shippers. Just that, Myungsoo oppa should just stay loyal to Sungyeol oppa! Haha *.* Take care of yourself Author-nim. And Fighting! I'm sure you'll do well on your internship. ^^