Chapter 1


I wanted to gouge my eyes out form the pain the minute I gained consciousness. I sat up, clutching my head as dizziness started to kick in. Images flicker from the night before.







With spots in my vision, my eyes wandered around the dim lit room and stopped by figure at the window. Kai was oblivious of my consciousness and stared at the view with a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. How do I know it's coffee, you ask? Let's just say that I'm an expert on how his favourite beverage is made. The twilight washed his tan skin a grey-blue. If I wasn't utterly shocked by what he had just done, I would have asked him to stay still so I can paint him. He'd be perfect for my portfolio. With his god like features, I'd get into any Art university I wanted. It amazes how I'm still thinking about university. At this point I don't even really know if I'll see the light of day. With my mind in a trance I hadn't noticed that his gaze had averted from the view on to me.

“You’re awake.” He stated. Almost a question-like remark with many hidden meanings. Like, 'You're awake. Are you okay?' or 'You're awake. Are you mad at me?' or 'You're awake. I'm sorry for what I just did’.

'Yeah, I'm awake. What the , Kai?' was what I would have said if I hadn't watched many movies of this scenario. Never antagonise the kidnapper. Instead I said, "Yeah, I am. What the...hell, Kai?" Subtle. Right?

His gaze returned to the window, and mine bore at the back of his head.

“Kai… Where are we?” I asked. My voice small. Afraid. Which pissed me of a lot, so when he didn't answer I asked again, with more authority this time. My eyes scanned the room again, triggered by my question. A small room, with only two distinguishable features. A single bed, that I was occupying, and a window that interested Kai. A lot. If my hadn’t frozen on this bed from nervousness and if I didn't feel so queasy, I would have scrambled to my feet, stomped around and demanded that he take me home immediately. Subtly, of course.

“We’re in my old house.” He answered, voice coarse, very unlike his angelic tone. Everything of him now is very unlike everything of him then. The Him now wears cargo pants, boots, worn T-shirt, and messy hair. The whole atmosphere is different, as if he just came out of a post apocalyptic novel. The main lead that survived, but watched everyone else die. Except those guys stay sane through all the hardship, and doesn't kidnap the innocent girl.

“Well, nice house. Mind giving me a tour to the door, so I can go back to mine?” Why is it that the more I try to say something that would help me in life, the more I say stupid remarks? I got up from the bed anyways, just in case post-apocalyptic-Kai decides to tend to my request.

"You can’t.” He replied, unphased by all my movements. He's a lousy kidnapper.

“Why not?” I challenged.

The door was by the foot of the bed. I don't see any weapons on him, so without hesitation, I head for the door. An endless dark corridor awaited me with what seemed to be thousands of other doors on each side. My stride was quick. First, because I wanted to get away from him. And second, this 'house' is giving me the creeps. Should I open those doors and check if he's kidnapped anyone else?

“You can't Ji" he said softly behind me.

“Really? Because, that’s what I'm doing” I scoffed. "And don't call me Ji. We're not friends anymore" It was scaring me more that he wasn’t trying too hard to stop me, and letting me wind around the corridors. Which by the way, I'm either really doped up, or they never end. I turn to my left, and finally see light at the end of the tunnel. There seems to be an intersection of more corridors up ahead. I start to run, and each time my soles met the ground a knife stabs my already throbbing head. In the middle of the intersection is a round table of intricate design. The adrenaline, mixed with whatever drug he fed me, is messing with my head. I notice all the stupid things, the table, the leaves on the ground, the mold on the ceiling...and the doors. Two big, wooden double doors to my left and right. Each featured a stained glass. To my left was of the Mary, with one of her image's head decapitated, shards of its remains on the floor mixed with the pool of leaves. To my right, the doubles doors was designed with a stained glass of a single red rose on each door. I picked that exit. Both my dads were apostate Christians, and condemned all religions in general. Not that it matters now, but I want to honour their stupid beliefs before I die- for lack of a dramatic expression. Also, the rose was more inviting.

The handles were covered in rust, and the door's screech echoed through the endless corridors. Its noise covered the little gasp I make when I see the secret it hides beyond. For the second time this night I had the desire to paint, despite my circumstances. Outside, the crescent moon flirted with her image reflected upon a man made lake that's surrounded by flowers and trees. The stars peaked behind the grey clouds, and gossiped about the dumbfounded girl standing by this asylum of a house. A beautiful, undisturbed, tranquillity that made me want to breathe slower despite my lungs begging for air. It enchanted me frozen on the spot and striped me of my realism. I had to question wether I was having a nightmare, turned to a dream.

"Beautiful, isn't it? Just like I remember it." His boastful voice woke me. I turned to him and remember how to breathe again. "Water?" He offered, handing me the cup. I was wrong about you Kai. So wrong.

I snatched the cup of him and splashed the water on his face. I wished so much it was steaming hot coffee.

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