The Past Matters...

"KIM MYUNGSOO!" Sunggyu pulled Myungsoo's collar as soon as he entered the class. Before, he did not want to pick fight with the 'weak' Myungsoo.


"Shut up!" Sunggyu cut Dujun's words.

"Surprise..." Myungsoo smirked victoriously. Every pair of eyes widened, seeing a new side of Myungsoo -except the Infinite boys.

"Huh... why did you have to beat Woohyun? There was no need -"

"Chill... I'm not gonna kill him. He's too weak. How do you pick your lackeys anyway?" Myungsoo's words hit Hoya, and he tried to punch Myungsoo's guts. But poor Hoya, he had no equal strength to Myungsoo. He held Hoya's fist without a hint of pain on his face.

"Woohyun-ah!" Sungjong exclaimed as soon as Woohyun and Sungyeol reached the door. Behind them was Dongwoo. With that, the whole Infinite were there.

"Oh... gathering lackeys, eh?" Myungsoo sneered.

"Let's get this over with," Sunggyu suggested.

"With pleasure leader-nim..."

Sunggyu started with a strong punch on Myungsoo's cheek, replied by a kick on his stomach by Myungsoo. As usual, the fight ended so long as nobody declared defeat. Everyone only watched until someone approached them.


"Dujun-ah. Stop meddling and you won't get harmed," Sunggyu panted. Duju did not even moved. Junhyung approached and tapped his shoulder.


"No. I don't know what's going on with you two but I'm not letting blood spilling in my class!"

"Huh... talking crap. Are you even qualified to say that?" Myungsoo snickered.

"Kim Myungsoo!" Junhyung tried to hold Dujun and pulled him away so he could calm himself.

Then, Jang Hyunseung came and walked to the boys. Now, everyone was thinking the same thing: 'How could that thin... weak, Jang Hyunseung could stop this? the best thing he could do is get punched and fly away'.

But.. who knows... 

"Kim Sunggyu. Kim Myungsoo.." he continued when he cought the boys' attentions, "let's just say I don't know... what's happening between both of you... But.. just solve this with some talk, kay?"

"What do you mean... 'let's just say'?" Hoya, who was quiet before- asked.

"Nothing... just saying," Hyunseung answered simply.

Sunggyu finally let go og Myungsoo and decided to be rational, rather than his 'physical attacks come first' concept.

"You've been like this since the start of the year... why..?" Sunggyu pulled on straight face.

"I guess.. it's time to show you -"

"Show me what? You're stronger than me? Yeah.. no thanks. I already know that,"

"You know huh? But why didn't you..."

"Why didn't I kick you off? Because...." Sunggyu sighed. He did not want tp admit this, publicly but... "because... I thought we were friends. Until..."

"Until I became L?"

Everyone gasped

Gikwang braved himself and asked Myungsoo, "Y-you're L?" he stuttered.

"Yeah kid. Why? Wanna eat my fist? Shut up before I kick your nerdy face..." Myungsoo sneered, pissed off at the sudden distraction. Gikwang however, was silenced by the thought. Sunggyu -as if nothing happened- continued.

"So, why? I thought we were friends..?"

"Yeah.. I thought so too, until... I remembered my purpose of joining Infinite. Hmm... you know the word revenge, leader-nim?" Sunggyu did not speak up and he continued, "Hmm... how should I say this... Have you even remembered who you rejected to join your gang..?"

"Why would I?" the leader answered harshly yet he did not feel good of the conversation.

"Really? I think you're just cruel..."


"Of  course. I know you must've felt you're familiar with my face, right? That, is.. what you call guilt, Sunggyu.."

"What crap is this?!"

"You... beat my twin to death! Just because.... just because he wanted to join your stupid gang.." Myungsoo spat at the leader. "You have no idea, eh? After you guys..." he pointed to the others one by one, " kick him. Punch him... You left him alone. There... to death. Thats... where the word revenge came from,"

"You should've just killed me -" Sunggyu finally remembered. In fact, ALL the members remembered that scene. They were just saying that the dead boy should pass a test to join the gang.

And the boy agreed and all...

So they beat him.... But they had no idea, he'd die.

"Yah... no fun killing you, right? I think torture fits you better. I don't want to dirt my hand with your filthy blood, would I? Huh..."

"Okay.. let's finish this all with an apology,"

"No, thanks. A simple 'sorry' won't revive the dead," Myungsoo cut Sungyeol's words. He then stared at Sunggyu, "and you... you'll suffer... forever. Remember. That,"

The handsome boy took his bag and paced off the class. Everyone -who was still astonished- only stared.

Sunggyu was already full of guilt... He would never knew that he had KILLED someone. And ot of all people, it was his bestfriend's brother...



Weeks passed, yet Myungsoo never came to school anymore. Sunggyu knew that he was still in town, because he had met the so-called L many times, at night. The secret identity of L was kept safely by the whole class. Nobody dared to go against L. Besides, it was also what Sunggyu wanted.

Sunggyu knew he was in the wrong since that day... and he woud just what was to come to him -the torture L had promised.

"Who cares... Whatever you're doing, you're still my friend, bestfriend Kim Myungsoo..."






Yeah, so I finished this yeay!! //claps hands//

Because it was so tiring. Thanks for primulady (ahaha~ you subscribed as soon as you read this XD I love you

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Chapter 1: Yo author-nim 사랑해요♥♥