The Day We Met Again was the Day He Fulfilled His Promise

The Day We Met Again was the Day He Fulfilled His Promise (sequel to 'Til the Day We Meet Again)

6 years later…


 “Bom, hurry up or you’ll be late for your flight!” Bom’s roommate shouted from downstairs. “Coming! Just a minute!”, Bom scurried downstairs along with her luggage. “Do you want me to drive you to the airport?”, her roommate/good friend offered. “No need, I know you still have work to attend to. I’ll just take a cab there.” Bom replied. Although she really wanted to accept the offer, but she didn’t for she know that her friend still has some place to go and work to do. “Are you sure?” Bom nodded and smiled. Then she went out of the dormitory, and took a cab to the airport.


“Finally, after 6 years, I’ll be coming back home. And I’ll be able to be with Jiyong. I hope he’s still waiting for me”, Bom thought to herself. While she walk to the board the plane, she couldn’t help but think as of what would be it like when she come back home. Would it be still like before? Wouls she be happy of what she’s about to see? Questions like these kept on lingering her mind. And she could not just stay still and be calm. She was anxious, that’s for sure.



“Good evening passengers, please remained seated with your seatbelts fastened. We will be landing at Seoul Airport shortly. Thank you.”, Bom was awakened by the speaker. It was almost midnight when they arrived at Seoul. “At last, I’m here once again” she thought to herself, as she looked out her window, although it was dark and they were still quite a bit far way, she could already see some lights from outside. After a few minutes, the plane landed and Bom quickly claimed her luggage. Luckily, there was already a cab when she went outside the airport. Then  she rode to go back to her old home.


When Bom arrived at the front porch steps, she rang the doorbell, and heard footsteps approaching the door. “Yes? How may I hel---“ there was a pause. “Bom? Bom?! Is that really you?” her mother, Mrs. Park shouted with disbelief and excitement. She saw her mother looked older, and some gray hairs started to show. But the sweet old smile was still there. And she never failed to show that warming feeling. “Yes Eomma”, Bom said in a soft voice. “I wanted to surprise you so I didn’t tell you” she said, “Surprise?” she added. “Oh my god! Why didn’t you tell me that you were already coming home???” Mrs. Park squeezed Bom in a hug, making Bom blush a bit. “Eom-ma. Can’t. Breathe.” she said gasping for air. “Well I was surprised alright. Now come in. I know you’re very tired from your flight, why don’t you take a shower, and take a sleep, okay?” Bom nodded with a smile.

“By the way, do you want me to make you a coffee? Or a tea perhaps?”, Bom just shook her head politely and proceeded to her room bringing her luggage with her. When she opened her door she smiled at her sight. “Wow, there isn’t really much difference when I left” Bom said to herself. She looked around her room and saw that it was still the same old as before. The only difference is that it was a little dusty. She placed her luggage at the top of her bed and ped it, choosing and taking out clothes for her to change in to. Then she entered her bathroom and took a quick shower. The warm water soothed her nerves making her calm down, and felt a little less tired. After that, she got out, dried herself and wore her pajamas. And then finally, went to bed. She fell asleep as the deep slumber embraced her.


When morning came, she cheerily got up and went downstairs to take breakfast.  “Morning Eomma” she greeted, while taking a seat at the dining table. “Good morning Bommie”, Mrs. Park greeted back. “Here, I made you your favorite”, she looked at her plate and saw, sunny-side-up. “Thanks Eomma”, her mother gave her a smile as a response.

“By the way, I’ll be out today. I’ll be going over Mrs. Han” Bom nodded, understanding what her mother had just said. Then she remembered something, “Uhmm… I’ll also be out today. I’ll be going over Chaerin’s today”, there was excitement in Bom’s voice. “Is that so? Come to think of it, I haven’t seen that girl for quite some time now. Oh well, just say hi to Chaerin for me” her mother said with a smile. “I will”, Bom replied. “Bye”, her mom waved goodbye and then walked out the door.

After eating breakfast, Bom went upstairs back to her bedroom to take a shower and then dressed up. She tried to look extra better today, for she knw she’ll be seeing Jiyong. But she didn’t put too much make up, she thought it would be much better if go for the natural look today. After that, she took a cab and head to Chaerin’s, but while on the way, she caught sight of the café where they; she, Jiyong and Chaerin, used to go to every Friday after school. She then decided to stop by and see if there was still her favorite snack.

“Fresh Leaf Café”, she read as she looked at the shop’s sign, displayed clearly and neatly at the front. When she walked in, the aroma that she loved the most was still there, it lingered through her nose, and the scent couldn’t seem to get out. “Hmmm… I’ve missed this place so much”, she thought. She inhaled the heavenly scent that surrounded the shop.  “Bom? Is that you?” the old lady in the counter asked, with a bit of excitement. Bom shifted her gaze and looked at the person who said those words and smiled. “I haven’t seen you for… how long?”, the old lady’s eyebrows met and her nose was scrunched up too, with this Bom knew that this woman was thinking. “Six years, Mrs. Hwang”, Bom sighed but gave out a smile.  “You still work here?” Bom asked. “Of course” Mrs. Hwang’s the owner of the café, and she’s been running and working at the café, for almost 10 years now. The place never goes bankrupt because they surely serve the best coffee and doughnuts in town.

“Didn’t you went to States for college?”, Bom nodded. “When did you arrive?”, Mrs. Brew asked again. “Uh, Just last night” she answered. “Really? Oh, why don’t you order something. It’s on me”, Mrs. Hwang offered nicely.


Suddenly, something caught Bom’s attention she suddenly shifted her gaze to it and saw a familiar face at the far corner of the café. It was… Jiyong. But Bom’s smile became a frown when she saw the lady sitting across Jiyong. She’s gorgeous, Bom thought. With her long, jet black hair, brown eyes that twinkle. She looks like she’s a model with her body that so slim and skinny. She almost looked perfect… flawless. They were talking yet they were smiling and giggling with one another. And somehow, that made Bom… jealous.

“So, it looks like Jiyong wasn’t able to keep his promise…” Bom muttered under her breath. “I mean, 6 YEARS??? Who am I kidding? Jiyong wouldn’t wait for that long! Who would??!” she thought. “I’m nothing compared to her,” Thoughts and questions rushed through Bom’s head.

“Uhmm… Bom. Bom?” Mrs. Brew asked, as Bom was pacing out. “Oh I’m sorry. What was that?” Bom said, getting back to her senses. “Are you alright?” Bom nodded and gave a smile, but only came out as a weak one. “As I was saying, do you want to order anything? It’s on me”. “Uhh thanks but no thanks Mrs. Hwang. I’ll just come back some other time.” Bom forced one final smile, and then ran out for she needed to get out of there. She quickened her steps and then finally stopped her tracks, she picked up her phone from her pocket and dialed Chaerin’s number. After a few rings, Chaering finally picked up her phone. “Hi Chae. It’s Bom”, sha said but it sounded like a squeak. She suddenly cleared and repeated what she said. “Bom? What’s up?” Chaerin asked from the other line. “Where are you right now?”, Bom asked. And Chaerin could tell from her tone, that she was in a hurry. “At home. Wh---“, she wasn’t able to finish her sentence when Bom quickly cut her off, “I’ll be there. Just wait”. “Wait. Wh---“ But before Chaerin could finish her sentence, Bom had already hung up.

Bom quickly rode a cab, and rode to Chaerin’s house. While on the way, she couldn’t help but tap her fingers, and feel anxious. When she reached the place, she quickly paid the driver and ran to Chearin’s front steps. Ringing the doorbell she heard a response, “Coming! Just a minute!” Chaerin called from the inside. Then the door swung open, revealing an all new Chaerin. “Bom? Bom?! Is that really, really you???” Chaerin asked with disbelief, Bom just slightly nodded. “OMG! Why didn’t you tell me, that you were already home?” Chaerin squeeled as she squeezed Bom in a hug. “Chae. I. Can’t. Breathe.” Bom said while gasping for air. And then Chaerin finally let her go. “Geez, what is with you people that keep on squeezing me until I couldn’t breathe?” Bom exclaimed jokingly. “I still can’t believe you’re here already!”, Chaerin squeeled once more. “Are we just gonna stay here?” Bom asked with one of her brows raised. “Haha. Of course not! Come in!”, she gestured Bom and came in. “Why don’t you take seat, and I’ll make us some snacks. You’ve got a lot to tell me.” then Chaerin disappeared, entering the kitchen. After a few minutes, Chaerin came back with snacks on the tray on her hand. “Hey”. “Don’t you ‘hey’ me. Tell me what happened in those 6 years that you were gone?” Chaerin asked excitedly. Bom rolled her eyes, “There’s really not much to tell.” Bom said. “Oh by the way, you looked much more beautiful from before. You’ve changed. I meant a good, good change”, Bom stated. “I know. And you too. You— Wait! Are you changing the subject?”, Chaerin asked. “Oh come on. Just spill the beans girl” Chaerin continued looking at her, knowing that Chaerin wouldn’t let her go this easily. Bom sighed, and then told Chaerin her experiences in States during college.

It was already noon, when they Bom was done telling her story to Chaerin. Suddenly they heard someone, approaching the door. “Oh that must be Jiyong” Chaerin stood up to get the door. Bom stiffened as she heard footsteps. Everything that Bom saw at the café flashed back in her mind. She was pacing out again, until she stopped and came back to her senses when somebody tapped her on the shoulder. Bom almost jumped when somebody tapped her on the shoulder again. “Bom are you alright?” Chaerin asked from behind. She was shocked when she saw Jiyong… and this time, there’s this girl again, standing beside Jiyong. Adrenaline rushed through her body as she remembered what she saw again this morning. And it irritated her more as that girl smiled at her oh-so-sweetly.

“Bom? Are you alright?” Chaerin asked again. “Oh, uhmm, uhh, yeah sure.” Bom said while her eyes met with Jiyong’s. Their gazes locked, not breaking. “Bom?” Jiyong asked, almost came out as a whisper. He couldn’t believe at what he’s seeing right now. “Yeah?”, she replied, melting at Jiyong’s gazes. Then Bom was shocked when Jiyong suddenly hugged bom tightly. But this time, she couldn’t complain, as her body froze, not able to move or even say a word. She stood there shocked and Jiyong decided to let go. “Why are you here?”, Jiyong asked. “Why? Don’t you want me here. If you don’t then I---“, Bom was starting to complain. “No, No, what I meant was. Why didn’t you tell me, that you were coming?” Jiyong said, with a bit of chuckle. “Well, I wanted to surprise everyone”, she responded, “but it seems that I was the one surprised.” Bom mumbled to herself. “What?”, Jiyong got curious as to what she said. “O-Oh nothing. I just… wanted it to be a surprise” Bom said rolling her eyes. Bom’s gazes shifted to the girl beside Jiyong. “So, who’s the girlfriend?” Bom asked, annoyance could be trailed from her tone. They already knew who Bom was referring to. At first Jiyong gave Bom a confused look, but then said “Oh, her?”. Bom nodded nicely, but Chaerin sensed Bom’s sudden change of attitude. “I’m Min-seo. Kim Min-seo” the girl offered her hand and Bom shook it.

“We’re just office mates.” Jiyong said. “Oh, really? Early this morning, I saw you two talking at the cafe, that early and you two are already talking about work?” Bom asked looking back at Jiyong giving him a glare, she crossed her arms against her chest. “Oh, not really. I came at the café this morning to buy coffe, and then I saw Min-seo, and we just had a little chat.” Jiyong explained, curious at why Bom was giving him a glare, Did he do something wrong? Jiyong thought to himself. “Wait! You were at the café this morning?” Jiyong asked, still confused.

“So?” Bom glared at Jiyong again. Then there was a complete silence, no one said a word. Jiyong was very much curious as to why was Bom acting this way. The atmosphere was getting tense, when suddenly Jiyong broke the silence, “Anyway, Chaerin I’ll be going back home. I just came to pick something up. Nice seeing you again Bom” Jiyong flashed Bom a smile, and then walked out the door, with Min-seo following from behind.

“Did I just smell jealousy?” Chaerin grinned at Bom. “What?!”. “Oh come on. Just admit it. You were right right? Right? Right?” Chaerin said wiggling her eyebrows at Bom. Bom sent her a death glare. “So I was right.” Chearin smirked at Bom. “Oh don’t be. They really are just officemates. You know, Jiyong never laid a hand on any girl since you left. Every night he would only think and dream of you. So there’s no need for you to be jealous.” Bom blushed on what Chaerin had just said.

“If he still… love me, then why would he just walked out there, I mean, yeah, he was surprised, but unlike you, we talked and had a conversation, but him… he just walked out that easily” Bom sighed. And when he left, he was with that girl!” Bom’s face was becoming red again. She know she doesn’t have any right to be jealous, for she knew she doesn’t own Jiyong. “Tch. That’s nothing. Trust me. Maybe there was something important he has to attend to, so he left early. And Min-seo’s just a FRIEND, and she’s really nice you know.” Chaerin emphasized the word. Bom smiled back, but she still couldn’t stop thinking about Jiyong being with that girl. Bom sighed, “I gotta go, I still need to unpack and fix my things”. “Oh. Okay.” There was a sign of disappointment in Chaerin’s voice when Bom was leaving. “Bye then”, Bom picked up her things and left.


When Bom arrived, she realized her mother wasn’t home yet. Then she went upstairs to her room, and changed into her comfortable clothes then started unpacking her things. While she was unpacking, lots of things kept on running through her head, and there was only one she couldn’t stop thinking of: Does Jiyong still love me? Is what Chaerin said was true? That Jiyong never laid a hand on any girl since then?

Suddenly she remembered something; the day before she left, the kiss that Jiyong gave her. The thought of that made Bom touch her lips, and made her trust Jiyong again.

“But what if he doesn’t love me anymore? What if all of that feelings were just from the start, but has faded now? What if he already got tired of waiting for me? Would he still want me? Does he still have feelings for me? What if he only see me now only as a friend? As a sister? Or just an old company?” Bom sighed, as she ran her fingers through her hair. “Really you gotta stop, thinking about these things.” Bom mumbled to herself. “If he doesn’t love you anymore, then make him fall in love with you again!” Bom said to herself. It was already past six, when she finished packing. And just in time, her mother has just arrived. “Oh I see, you’ve already unpacked you things.” Bom nodded, agreeing and smiled. “Oh and by the way, there’s someone waiting for you outside” Mrs. Park winked at Bom. “Really?Who--?” But Mrs. Park had already disappeared going to her room. Curiosity hit Bom and scurried off downstairs. When she was at the staircase, she gasped on what or perhaps… who she saw…

She came closer to the person sitting on the couch, probably waiting for her. “Ji-Jiyong?” Bom stuttered. “What are you do---“ Before Bom could finish her sentence, Jiyong already dragged her out of the house. “Wait! Jiyong! Where are we going?!” Bom exclaimed she stopped walking. But then Jiyong just pulled her again. She tried to remove Jiyong’s hold from her, but Jiyong was far stronger than her. “We’re going somewhere tonight.” Jiyong said with a smirk “WHAT?! Wait! I still haven’t told my mother abou-“, “I already told her that you’re coming with me tonight” Jiyong cut her off. She looked back at her house and saw her mother waving her goodbye, with a smile. “I’m still not dressed!” Bom kept on making excuses. “There’s no need for that”, Jiyong replied. “Here, put this on” Jiyong handed Bom a silk piece of cloth, but Bom didn’t take it and just stared at it. “What’s that?” Bom asked pointing at the piece of cloth at jiyong’s hand. Jiyong sighed, “Turn around”. “What?”, she asked. “Just turn around!” Jiyong demanded. She quickly turned around and the next thing that Bom realized was, she couldn’t see anything anymore, for her eyes were covered. Then she felt Jiyong hand gently grabbed her wrists.

“W-Where are you taking me?” Bom asked, while Jiyong was guiding her to seat at front seat of his car. “Jiyong? Ji? Where are you?”,  her head kept turning at different directions. “I’m right here, just relax” Jiyong held Bom’s hand, and kissed it lightly. Even though she couldn’t see, she felt her cheeks flushed red. And somehow, those words that came out from Jiyong’s lips, mad her calm down and just trust him. That’s all she need, trust. “I’m asking you one more time… Where are we going?” Bom asked, but this time, her voice smoothened. “It’s a surprise” Jiyong answered with a smile. “You know I hate surprises” Bom huffed, crossing her arms aagainst her chest. Jiyong just chuckled at her expression. “Oh really? But this one’s worth waiting for. I assure you that” Jiyong smiled.


After one and a half hour of driving, Bom felt the car already stopped. And she felt the cold breeze, bit lightly at her skin. “Ji?”, she turned her head to Jiyong’s direction, even though she couldn’t see anything but darkness. “Just wait a minute.” She heard Jiyong opened the door and hopped out of the car and then he went around opening Bom’s door. Jiyong held Bom’s hand as he gestured her to stand up and guide the pathway. “Ji, where are we going?”, she whispered lightly. “Shhh” Jiyong shushed Bom planting his index finger on her lips. Bom blushed feeling Jiyong’s warm touch against her, still not knowing where she’s walking or where they’re going. “Okay”, Jiyong then slowly unfold and removed Bom’s blindfold.

“WOW”, was all that Bom could say. They were at a lake, the full moon was shining so brightly and it reflected in water of the lake. They were at a secluded place. Trees surrounded the place, and everything was in peace. The leaves rustled as the wind blew at them. She felt the cold breeze, and fresh air. Near a giant tree, not that far from the lake, Bom also saw a blanket laid on the grass, with little lit candles around it, there was also a picnic basket placed beside. “Do you like it?” Jiyong asked nervously, Bom nodded with a smile. “I couldn’t think of anything else. At first I thought of bringing you on a fancy restaurant. But then I just decided to bring you here.I even consulted Min-seo for this” Jiyong smirked at Bom, who blushed at his expression. “Wait. What? You consulted her for this?”, she couldn’t believe at what Jiyong said. Jiyong nodded and held her hands. “Thank you”, Bom half-whispered. “Glad you liked it” then they sat at the blanket, and ate. While they were eating, they also talked about lots of things. Bom now knew that Jiyong had already moved out, at first he lived in an apartment, and when he got a stable job, he brought a penthouse. And now he works, at one of the biggest companies in Seoul as a professional. As for Bom, she told Jiyong everything when she was at the States.

“Thank you, Jiyong. Thank you for making this one of the beautiful nights of my life.” Bom smiled at Jiyong, and Jiyong also gave her a smile. Then their gazes locked. They just stared at each other for a couple of seconds, when Jiyong decided to break the Silence. “Bom…”, Jiyong half-whispered, which made her shiver, chills ran down to her spine. “Yeah?”, their eyes not breaking the contact. “Remember the day when you asked me when I would wait for you?” Bom nodded, understanding what Jiyong said. “Uh, I did wait for you, after all those years. But can I ask you something?”, Jiyong gulped, he suddenly felt nervous when he said those words. “Yeah, sure. What is it?”,  “Uhhh, Uhmmm, Bom…” Jiyong paused and gulped, “Do you still love me?”. Bom was shocked at Jiyong’s sudden question. There was a silence for a couple of minutes. Neither of them talked or even made a sound. All the sound there was, was the soft whistling of the wind. And both of them just looked at each other. As Jiyong was tensing up, Bom’s eye softened.

“Jiyong… I…” Bom paused and sighed. “Actually I do. I still love you, and every day that I would see you, even in those years I only look at your picture, I fell deeper and deeper, until it came to the point that… I realized I couldn’t live without you…”. It might be a bit embarrassing but Jiyong couldn’t help but let a tear escape from his eye. And he hugged Bom. “Bom, I also feel the same way towards you” cupping Bom’s cheek, Jiyong gently kissed Bom and Bom responded by kissing Jiyong back. At first the kiss was slow and gentle, until it became more rough and passionate. And then both of them broke the kiss, as they were gasping for air. Both of them were panting so hard.

There was silence again, but this time, it was a comfortable silence. Jiyong wrapped his arms around Bom and Bom just leaned her head at Jiyong’s shoulder. They just sat there, enjoying the view and the simple breeze, until both of them felt the need of sleep. They lied down in the blanket, and Jiyong covered Bom’s body with another blanket that he kept at the picnic basket. And then both of them fell into the deep slumber.


Bom was awakened by the chirp of the birds that morning. When she woke up, she saw Jiyong staring at her. “Goodmoring beautiful”, Bom blushed and giggled at Jiyong’s words. “Morning to you too” Bom returned the stare. Suddenly, Jiyong lifted Bom up, and Bom squeeled, “Ji! Put me down! Right now!” Jiyong just laughed and ran towards the lake. “Ji! AHHHHHHHHHHH!” Bom screamed as she fell into the cold water. Now she’s all wet and felt cold. She smacked Jiyong in his arms, while Jiyong was just laughing so hard. “Y-you should’ve seen yourself. Hahahahahha!” Jiyong kept laughing then he got back his composure, but still forcing not to laugh anymore. “You really are crazy, Aren’t you?” Bom glared at Jiyong, but he just chuckled. “I’m sorry” Jiyong apologized with a smile on his face. “I hate you,” Bom mumbled. “Ah come on, we both know that you could never hate me” Jiyong joked. Although what he said was pretty true. “Hmph!” Bom turned around, her back facing Jiyong. “Come on”, Jiyong offered his hand to Bom to help her stand up, Bom gladly accepted it but he dragged Jiyong along to the water. “What the!”, now Bom was the one laughing, feeling the triumph. Suddenly, Bom felt Jiyong wrap his arms around her.

“Bom…” Jiyong called, but Bom didn’t reply, she stiffened and stayed still. Jiyong lifted Bom’s chin, making her look into her eyes, melting into those pools of brown. “Bom last night was one of the best nights of my life. I couldn’t ask for more. And right now all I want is to be with you. Bom, I’ve known you my whole life, ever since we were in kindergarten. Since then, my world revolved around you, and only you. I loved no one since then, for my heart and soul were reserved just for you. Whenever you’re gone or away, I can feel that something in me, that half of me is missing. But when I’m around you could feel completeness. I couldn’t be happier than to be with you in every single day of my life. Those years were already enough for me to know you, and right now, I think is the perfect time to ask you this… Park Bom…” Jiyong paused, taking out the ring from his pocket, holding it and looking at Bom’s eyes, and Bom did the same.

“Will you marry me?” Jiyong gulped, Bom was silent at first, but then her eyes widened, as she process the words that Jiyong had just said to her. “I-I-I…” Bom paused. Jiyon was tensing up and was shaking, worried about Bom might reject him. “If you don’t want to I understand I can---“, Jiyong sighed and even though he felt disappointment, he could understand Bom. “I will Jiyong oppa! I will marry you!” Bom squeeled and Jiyong pulled her into a hug. Jiyong then slipped the ring into one of Bom’s finger. The ring fits so perfectly in Bom’s finger. The ring was so beautiful, it was in a silver ring band covered with small pieces diamonds that aligned around, and there was a diamond at the middle. “Thank you Bom, Thank you so much! … I love you…” Jiyong said pulling out from the hug and looking back at Bom’s eyes, “I love you too oppa!” . Then they both shared a passionate kiss.


“Come on, I really should get you home. Your mom must be already worried.” Then they both walked out of the water, and went in the car, although they were dripping wet. “I couldn’t let you go home looking like that. Maybe we should go to my place, and then you could take a shower and get changed, before I drive you home. Is that okay?”, Bom nodded excitedly, for she’ll be going over her fiance’s place. While driving, a question came into Bom’s mind, “Oppa?”, “Yeah?” Jiyong crooked his head a little then looked at Bom when the street light was still red.  “Since when did you plan any of this? I mean, it’s you proposing to me, when I came back from abroad”. “I’ve been thinking about it for a while now.”, Jiyong answered her, smirking. Bom felt her face reddened a bit. They were silent all throught out the ride, it took them almost two hours, to get back at Jiyong’s place. When they arrived, they entered the lobby and took the elevator. They arrived at the very top of the building. “Wow, It’s so beautiful up here”, Bom watched the view of the whole city in awe. Jiyong grabbed Bom in her wrists, as they entered Jiyong’s place. “I didn’t know you could afford such an expensive and luxurious place like this,” Bom was amazed. Jiyong chuckled, “When I finished college, I already found a good job. And then my rank went higher, and so did my salary. Besides, I wouldn’t want us to live in an apartment for our whole life. I wanted to give you a good life and future.”, Bom blushed at Jiyong words. “Come, hurry up, or you’ll catch a cold.”, Bom just silently followed Jiyong to his bedroom. Even his bedroom was big enough. It was very spacious, and only a king-sized bed, a wardrobe, a bedside table and a flat screen TV almost big as a table.

“Here” Jiyong gestured Bom towards the bathroom and handed her a towel. Even the bathroom surprised her.  Bom went inside the bathroom and took a long warm bath, soaking herself in the bath tub. When she was finished, she wrapped the towel around her body; she swung the door only a bit open, showing only her head. When she looked in the room, there was no one there, but a few clothes that lay on the bed. She went out and got dressed. After dressing, she went out of the room to look for Jiyong, but was a bit surprised when she smelled bacon and eggs. She saw Jiyong already changed his clothes. “Hmmm…” Bom inhaled the scent once more. “I didn’t know you knew how to cook.” Bom teased. “I remembered that time, when we were going to bake cookies, but then you left oven, so we had to eat it burn. Oh, and also that time when we were about to cook and ramen and you---“ Jiyong cut her off, “Fine, I get it. I know I wasn’t such a kitchen master, but hey, I moved since college, so I had to learn how to cook by myself, even though it took me quite some time, before I knew how to cook without having a disaster.” Jiyong placed a plate with bacon and a sunny side-up infront of Bom. “Is this edible?”, Bom teased once more. Jiyong glared at her.

Bom chuckled, “I was just kidding, okay?” “Okay eat up”, Jiyong sat across Bom. “Oh and btw, where did you get the clothes that I’m wearing?” Bom asked after swallowing her food.

“Oh that, Chaerin used to go here during summer and stay here as if she owns the place. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind letting you borrow some of her clothes.” Bom nodded understanding what he said. Then they continued eating.

After that, Jiyong drove Bom back home. “Wait, are you nervous?”, Bom asked Jiyong, stopping her tracks when they walk towards Bom’s house. “A little bit.” Jiyong answered. “Don’t worry. It’ll be fine. I’m sure eomma wouldn’t go against it.” Bom gave Jiyong a reassuring smile. They rang the door bell. And the door opened. “Goodmorning Mrs. Park” Jiyong greeted, putting up his best smile. “Oh I see you’re already home” Mrs. Park returned the smile. “Come,” then all of them went inside. Bom held Jiyong’s hand as they walk and sit towards the couch, “Eomma…there’s something we would like to tell you”, Bom gave Jiyong’s hand a squeeze. “What is it?”, Mrs. Park still smiling. “Eomma… Jiyong…” Bom paused. “a-already proposed t-to me”, this time Bom was also getting nervous, in fact more nervous than Jiyong. They were still hand-in-hand, Bom felt Jiyong’s hands were sweating.

The expression that Mrs. Park had dropped from a smile to a frown, and then her face didn’t show any emotions. This time Bom was trembling too. Silence was all there was, none of them talked, until Mrs. Park stood up. “Oh my gosh! Really? I’m so happy for both of you!” Mrs. Park squeezed Bom in a hug. “When did this happen?” Mrs. Park asked letting Bom go, and looked at her. “Just last night”, Bom answered. When Bom’s mom  stood up, she also hugged Jiyong. “So when’s the wedding?” Mrs. Park asked excitedly. “Uhmm… actually, we haven’t talked about that yet” Jiyong answered. “What?! You two should get married as soon as possible!” Mrs. Park said, but it sounded more like a demand. “Eomma… there’s no need to rush thi---“, Bom felt Jiyong’s hand held hers tightly. “I have to plan the wedding right now, so next week, you’ll be able to get married” Mrs. Park said picking up her phone. “Wh-what?!” Bom was shocked at her mother’s actions, when she saw her mother already talking to someone, and she assumed it was the receptionist. Then Jiyong’s hand loosened a bit, “Come on, and just let her. Besides, it’ll be the last time she’ll be living with her daughter, so let her have it her way”, Jiyong winked at Bom. Bom sighed. “Fine, but you know we still have to tell Chaerin and the others.” Jiyong nodded.

“Eomma. We’ll be going over to Chaerin’s”, Bom informed her mother. “Okay, now go! Shoo!” Mrs. Park pushed them out of the door. Both of them just chuckled, while walking hand in hand towards the car. Then they drove off to go to Chaerin.


“Oh hey guys. Wait! Am I seeing what I really think I’m seeing??” Chaerin was shocked at the ring at Bom’s hand. Bom nodded and smiled. “OMG! So you two are getting married???” Chaerin asked excitedly. “Well…” Bom just didn’t know what to say. “Are you letting us in, or we’ll just talk here?”, Jiyong cutted them off. The three of them went inside and sat at the living room. Jiyong and Bom sat beside together, while Chaerin sat across from the two of them. “So when’s the wedding?” Chaerin asked with a big grin on her face. Bom was lost on her own thoughts, “Next week”, Jiyong answered for Bom. “Next week?! OMG! Really???” , Jiyong nodded. “Actually, Bom’s mom’s already preparing the wedding…” Bom said shyly, “Eomma got a bit carried away”. Suddenly Jiyong’s phone rang and he picked up his phone from his pocket. “Hello?”, Jiyong said as soon as he answered it. “Yes. yes. I’ll be there right away” then Jiyong hung up. “I’m sorry babe, there’s an emergency meeting I had to attend to”, he looked at Bom, feeling sorry that he had to leave so quickly. “It’s OK”, Bom responded to Jiyong, smiling at him. “I’ll call you later. ‘kay?” Bom nodded. Jiyong gave Bom a peck on the cheek before he left.

“Okay, so how did he propose?” Chaerin asked excitedly. Bom told her the whole story, and Chaerin was just quiet the whole time listening to bom. “OMO! Really?”, Bom nodded. “But… don’t you think, all of that went just too fast?”, Bom suddenly said. Chaerin shook her head. “No, I don’t think so. You’ve known each other for a very long time, ever since you were in diapers”, Chaerin chuckled. “So, even though you two didn’t begin at being girlfriend and boyfriend, that’s okay, because you two know everything about each other.” Chaerin added. Bom nodded, thinking about what Chaerin had just said. The two of them talked and talked, until Bom’s phone rang.

“It’s Jiyong” Bom said before picking her phone up. “Hello?”, Bom said. “Hello Bom”, Jiyong answered from the other line. “I’ll pick you up later okay? Wait for me there, I’ll be picking you up for lunch”. “Okay” Bom smiled.


“Bye. I love you”

“I love you too.”

Then they hung up.


“Okay so what was that about? Why were you smiling?” Chaerin grinned. “Nothing. He just said he’ll be picking me up for lunch, that’s all” Bom replied. “Is that so?”, Bom nodded. “Wait! I haven’t told the others yet!”, Chaerin blurted out. “Oh yeah, you’re right!”, Bom’s face lightened. “They’ll be happy to hear about this. I’ve got to call them.”, Chaerin quickly picked her phone up, and dialed all of their friend’s number, telling about Jiyong and Bom being together, and soon getting married. All of them were happy and greeting Bom about being with Jiyong.

Suddenly, they heard a familiar honk of a car outside. “That must be Ji”, Chaerin said to Bom but still talking with someone from the other line. “Okay, bye!” “Bye!”, Bom stood up, fixed herself  and picked up her things. “Just enjoy the time, okay?”, Chaerin said one last time, Bom nodded and said, “Okay. I will.” Then she headed to the door and went outside.

 “Hey”, Bom approached Jiyong’s car. “Hey”, Jiyong opened the door at the passenger seat beside him, and Bom hopped in. Jiyong then gave Bom a quick kiss. And then Jiyong started to drive. “So what was the meeting about?”, Bom asked to start a conversation. “Nothing much really. It’s just a new client’s arriving tomorrow and we still have to do some preparations.”, Bom nodded. “Btw, we’ve already told the others about… us and getting married.” Bom informed her fiancé,  “Really?” Bom nodded and smiled. “If that’s so, then we better start making some invitations” Jiyong said. “So where do you wanna have lunch?”, Jiyong asked. Bom shrugged and smiled, “It’s up to you”.


After a couple of minutes of driving, they arrived at a diner. But Jiyong ordered only at a drive-through. “We’re not going to eat here?”, Bom asked, wondering why they didn’t went in. “No”, Jiyong replied. “I’ve got a better idea.” He smiled. Then Jiyong started to drive again. During the ride, Bom on,y kept on wondering of where they’ll be eating. When they arrived at their destination, Bom couldn’t help but smile and stare at what she saw. “Uhmm, Bom. We’re here”, Jiyong scratched the back of his neck. “I know. It’s just that, this place reminded me of the first time we met right?”, Bom turned to Jiyong. Jiyong nodded. Both of them remembered that day when the two of them became friends.



Jiyong and Chaerin were laughing and smiling while they were playing at the swing set, when suddenly they heard somebody crying. “Hey, did you hear that?” Jiyong nodded. “Who’s crying?” Chaerin asked again. “Why don’t we find it”, Chaerin nodded. When they were at the sandbox, they saw a little girl crying. “Are you alright?”, Jiyong asked the girl. But the girl just kept on crying. “What happened?”, Chaerin was the one who asked this time. “They destroyed the sand castle that I made. And they kept on making fun of me”, the girl finally explained, and pointed at the group of boys at their same age. “It’s okay, we’re here. If you want we could help you rebuild your sand castle, if that would make you feel better”, Jiyong said and smiled. Then the girl stopped crying and looked up to the two of them. “My name is Bom by the way”, Bom smiled, lending out her hand. “I’m Chaerin, this is my cousin, Jiyong”, Chaerin introduced. “It’s good to see you smile. Starting from now, I won’t let any of them bully you anymore. Is that alright with you?”, Jiyong said with a smile, Bom then nodded.

They spent the whole afternoon playing and rebuilding Bom’s sand castle. Since then, the three of them became inseparable.

*end of flashback*


“We were still little at those days”, Jiyong nodded and smiled at what Bom said. “Oh! I remembered something!” excitement suddenly filled Bom’s voice. “What is it?” Jiyong asked curiously. “Come on!”, Bom hurriedly hopped of the car, and ran to the center of the park. Bom smiled at what she saw. “It’s still here”. Jiyong then saw what Bom was referring to and he also smiled.



“Today was so much fun!” Chaerin cheered. “I’ve got an idea!”, Bom said. “What?” Jiyong asked. “Come on!”, Bom ran to the center of the park and pick up a stone that has a sharp end. Then she faced the tree infront her and started carving something. When she was finished, she showed it to Jiyong and Chaerin. “Bom+Jiyong+Chaerin= Friends Forever”, It said. “This will mark the day that the three of us became friends”, Bom smiled at the two of them, and they returned the gesture.

*end of flashback*


The two of them sat at a bench and ate their lunch. Neither the two of them talked and just enjoyed each other’s company. Throughout the lunch, Bom kept on remembering the days when she, Jiyong and Chaerin were still in kindergarten. After lunch, the two of them just walked hand in hand, and talked about lots of thing they could think of and enjoyed the scenery. “Ji…”, Bom stopped. “What is it?”, Jiyong turned to Bom. Bom sighed, “Nothing”. “Come on, just say it.” Bom bit her lower lip. “What if…”, Jiyong was getting more curious at what Bom would say. “What if, one day we would turn old, and you finally got tired of me, and---“ Jiyong cut in before she could finish her sentence, “What? Why are you saying this?”, “Nothing. It just came into me”, Bom looked at Jiyong’s eyes, and their eyes met. “Why would you even say that? You know I’d never get tired of you. I’ve waited for 6 years, that’s long enough. And I’m never gonna let all of that go to waste, Okay?”, Jiyong smiled and Bom nodded. “Then what if I die? Would you still love me?”, Bom suddenly blurted out, Jiyong chuckled. “What? Come on, of course I would still. Now, please stop spouting nonsense, because I will never let that happen to you. Okay? Let’s just enjoy our life for now okay?”, Bom nodded and smiled. Enjoying their time together and talking about different things and their dreams, they walked for a good 20 minutes. “We better get you home. Your eomma might be worrying about you. And I also better get back to my office. There’s still too much that we need to finish, for the arrival of our new client. And there will be new investors”, Jiyong sighed. Bom’s expression dropped. But she knew she had to, and so does Jiyong. They walked to the car, and Jiyong started to drive, while one of his hands was holding hers.



It has already been 6 days since the ‘preparations’ for Jiyong and Bom’s wedding. And tomorrow’s the big day they have all been waiting for. And Mrs. Park’s plans has been going pretty well. This day was the day for Bom to choose her wedding dress. Her mother and best friend, Chaerin, are helping her choose the dress for her.

“How about this one?”, Bom’s mother pointed at an extravagant-looking dress. Bom shooked her head. It has been like the 8th times that she rejected the dress. Bom sighed. “Eomma, there’s nothing here that just suits me”, Bom looked at her mother with a worried look. “Oh, come on Bommie, every dress here probably suits you”. Chaerin nodded at Mrs. Park’s statement. “No, it’s just that… I want something that’s… uhmmm… how do I say this… uhh… right! Simple! Something simple but somehow elegant”, Bom started to search for a dress. “Why don’t you try this on?”, Chaerin handed out another dress. “Come on just try it.” Bom sighed again, “Fine”. After a few minutes, Bom came out of the changing room. There was a long moment of silence, Chaerin and Mrs. Park stared in awe. “What? I knew it! It doesn’t suit me at all. Hold on a minute, I’ll just change”, Bom turned around and started to walk back towards the changing room. “No! Wait!”, Chaerin hurriedly stood up and approached Bom. “That dress looks perfect on you!”, Chaerin exclaimed.“What?”, Bom’s face formed a confused look. Chaerin nodded. When Bom looked at the price tag of the dress, her eyes widened. “No! We’re—I. am not gonna take this dress”, Bom turned her back and started her steps to the changing. “Why?”, Chaerin asked stopping Bom. “It’s just too expensive!”, Bom exclaimed, “What? No!”, her friend protested. “No, let’s just take this back, and find a cheaper one”.

“No way!”

“Yes way!”

“Oh come on Bommie!”

“No! Besides I’m just going to wear for a day. No, for a FEW HOURS”, Bom emphasized the words.

“But this is only a once in a lifetime experience Bom!”

“No way! It’s too expensive.”

“Grrrr”, Both of them was starting to get agitated. They have been arguing for some time now, and Mrs. Park was starting to get irritated listening to their argument. She massaged her temple as she calm herself down. “Shhhh! Shut up girls!”, Mrs. Park shouted. Both stopped talking and shouting, instead they looked at Mrs. Park direction. Mrs. Park handed out her phone and started to dial. “I’m going to call Jiyong and ask about the dress. You two are not gonna talk until Jiyong answers, understand?”, Mrs. Park said in  a strict  tone. Both nodded vigorously. After a few rings, Jiyong finally answered. “Yeoboseyo?”, Jiyong said from the other line. Mrs. Park cleared before saying, “Uh yes Jiyong”,  “Oh, eomma! What is it?”. “Jiyong, you see… Uhh… There’s this dress that suits Bom very well…”, Mrs. Park started to explain, “Yes? Well then buy it. I’ll be the one to expense my money on it.”, “Uh yes, but the problem is, Bom’s being stubborn and said that the dress is way too expensive”, she continued. Bom suddenly snatched the phone on her mother’s palm. “Ji. The dress’ is too expensive so I just said that we’ll find a cheaper one. Besides, I’m only going to wear it for a few hours.” Bom heard Jiyong chuckle, “What? Why are you laughing?”, “Yeobo”, Jiyong’s voice became soft and gentle. “What?”, Bom’s hand was placed on her hips waiting for Ji’s answer. “Just take the dress okay?”, Jiyong said calmly, “But---“ Bom started to protest. “Don’t worry. I’ll pay for it”, Jiyong assured her,  “But---“, “Oh, just take the dress okay?” Jiyong cut her again. “Fine”, finally Bom stopped arguing and gave back the phone to her mother. “So?”, Chaerin asked, “He said to just take the dress.” Bom sighed. “See? Now come on”, There was a smile on Chaerin’s face, feeling her triumph. They took the dress, paid for it and then left the shop.

“Now where are we headed to?”, Bom asked suddenly feeling tired from what just happened. “Hmm… let me see… Why don’t we eat lunch first, then we’ll head to the flower shop later. I’m sure you two are hungry as well”, suddenly Bom’s stomach started to growl. Bom’s face turned red, being embarrassed at the moment. Mrs. Park and Chaerin laughed at Bom. “I’ll take that as a yes”, Mrs. Park fixed herself, even though there’s still a hint of laughter in her voice. They hopped in Chaerin’s car. And then, they headed to eat lunch.


There were almost finished in eating lunch when Bom’s phone started to ring. “Yes?”,  “Where are you right now?”, Jiyong asked who seemed to be in a hurry, “I’m here at the Black and White Resto. Why?”, “I’ll be there in ten minutes. Is that okay?”, Jiyong said. “Uh, of course.” Bom responded. “Great. See ya”, “Wait! Why—“, but Jiyong had already hung up. “What was that about?”, Chaerin and Mrs. Park looked at , Bom could only shrug.  Earlier than what she expected, she already saw Jiyong entering the restaurant. She quickly fixed herself and fixed her things. She stood up and waved at her mother and friend as she approached Jiyong. “Hey”, Bom gave a quick peck on the cheek to Jiyong when they were already settled at the car. “So, why call me all of a sudden?”. Jiyong didn’t say anything; instead he started to drive leaving Bom confused and curious.


 “Were here”, he parked the car somewhere. “Where is this?”, Bom asked curiously taking a look around her when she hopped off the car. Suddenly Jiyong took and held her hands. “Where are we going?”, she asked once more. But all Jiyong did was to lead her somewhere. “Are you sure were not lost?”, and again Jiyong ignored her, “Ji”, Bom called and Jiyong just ignored her and kept on walking, with their hands still held together. “Ji! Talk to me!”, she finally bursted out, “Look”, he finally said. “No!”, she ignored what Jiyong said, But Jiyong turned Bom around. And she was fascinated at what she saw, “Wow. Where are we anyway”, they were at some nearby lake, and the atmosphere was so peaceful and quiet, you could hear the birds sing and the wind whispered lightly. “This is where I want to build a home for us, you and me, and then finally our kids. Us”, Bom was touched at what he said. Jiyong wrapped his arm around Bom’s waist and kissed her lightly on her head. “It’s beautiful”, Bom said in awe. “I’ll start planning the house once we get married”.  “Wait. What about your penthouse?”, Bom asked turning her head so she could face Jiyong. “That? Oh well, Chaerin could take care of it”, “Are you sure?”, Jiyong nodded. “But for the meantime, you’ll be staying at my place. Will that be alright?”, he shifted his gaze to Bom and looked at her eyes. Bom smiled at him sweetly and hugged him. “I Love You Ji”, she said in such a soft voice, “I Love You more”, he held Bom’s chin up gently and kissed her lightly on her lips. The two of them stayed for a few more moments watching the view in awe and just enjoying each other’s company. “By the way, how many kids do you want?”, Jiyong suddenly asked, which also startled Bom. “What??”. “Oh come on”, Bom turned around and faced Jiyong. “But we’re not even married yet”, Bom said with an eyebrow raised and arms crossed. “I’m thinking about 4”, Jiyong smirked at Bom. “What?! That much??”, Jiyong nodded like a kid responding to its mother obediently. “No! I’m thinking of only 1 or 2”, Bom retorted back. “What? But I even want a dozen little Bommies and Ji’s”, Jiyong pouted at Bom. “Do you even know how hard and difficult it is to give birth to a child???”, Bom ignored Jiyong’s cute attempts. “But---“.  “No Buts! Mr. Kwon”, this time Bom was the one who cutted Jiyong. “Fine”, Jiyong finally said at Bom, but grinned at Bom. And with that, Bom already knew what that grin means.

Bom was about to say something to Jiyong when Jiyong suddenly grabbed her hand and started walking. “Where are we going now?”, Bom asked. “Hmmm… It’s almost dark out, and I need to take you home”, Bom looked up to the sky and saw that the sky was getting darker and the sun was already setting. She nodded and they both hopped in Jiyong’s car.



The bells were ready to make their sounds. Flowers were arranged beautifully and neatly everywhere, giving out fragrance that would please anybody. Guests were starting to arrive, and they sat as they wait for the event. Today’s finally the day where two hearts will finally become as one. Of course, the busy atmosphere couldn’t be shaken of, for there are still some things that must be done. But despite of that, everything was perfect and so far there’s still no flaw, which satisfied everybody.

“Where’s the beloved bride?”, Chaerin voiced out, entering the waiting room. There she saw Bom standing in front of the tall mirror, in her dress and blooming ever than usual. Her hair was arranged neatly in a bun, and the color of the gown suits her perfectly. Her make-up was simple yet it didn’t fail to show her pretty face. “Chaerin would you quiet down, it’s still too early for you to be such a loud mouth”, Bom turned around so that she could face her best friend. “Oh come on. Today’s such a beautiful day and stop being a spoiler”, Chaerin smiled and approached her. “I am not”, Bom frowned. “Don’t you dare frown”, Chaerin demanded. Bom then sarcastically smiled, widely and tried showing sich sweetness. Chaerin ignored this and fished out her phone from her purse, “By the way, have you called Ji already?”, Bom shook her head. Chaerin sighed and started dialing Jiyong’s number.

“Hello?”, Jiyong said from the other line. Chaerin then gave the phone to Bom. “Hello?”, Jiyong repeated. Bom cleared before responding, “Yes?”. “Oh, Bom it’s you”, Jiyong’s voice softened. “Uhh… Are you still at your place?”, she started the conversation. “Yes. But I’ll be there in no time, I’m already dressed and I’m already at the lobby, just waiting for my car”, he explained, Bom noded and said yes, understanding what he said. After a few more exchange of words they hang up. Bom waited patiently for her groom to arrive.

After a few minutes, they heard a knock on the door Bom was expecting it to be Jiyong. When it opened, it only revealed her mother. It has already been 30 minutes but Jiyong still hasn’t arrived and all of them, mostly Bom was starting to get worried. She couldn’t help but to keep looking at the ticking clock. “Why isn’t he here yet?”, Bom mumbled to herself. “Bom, why don’t you try calling him again?”, her mother recommended. She nodded and quickly got her phone. She tried dialing his number a few times, but Jiyong wasn’t picking up. Bom was starting to get worried. She kept on dialing his number but he wasn’t picking up. She gave up and just waited for him to come or call. “There must be something important that came up, that’s why he isn’t picking up and he might be late”, Bom thought, hoping he would arrive anytime soon. Suddenly her phone finally rang. She quickly picked it up, excitedly, and her hopes were all up high once again when she saw Jiyong’s number displayed on the screen.

“Hello?”, Bom said excitedly. When they hung up, Bom suddenly dropped her phone to the floor. Her mother and her friend were shocked at her sudden expression. They kept asking her what’s the problem but she doesn’t answer them. A deafening silence was all Bom could hear, her breathing became heavier as each second passes away. Suddenly, she started running out of the room, she ran as fast as she could. They were murmurs that could be heard from the guests when they saw Bom running out. Some tried to ask her and stop her but she just kept on running. When she got out of the church, she stopped for a second and removed her heels. Picking them up at her hand, she continued running. People everywhere, kept on looking at her wondering as to why was a bride running. It might be embarrassing and quite shameful, Bom didn’t mind them. She just kept on running as fast as her feet could. Teardrops suddenly started dropping out from her eyes. Even though her feet hurt and were swollen from running in the cold cement, she didn’t stop. She only stopped when she reached her destination. She ran inside, and said, “Kwon Jiyong???”, the lady was shocked at what she saw, who wouldn’t be? A bride at this place? “Where’s Kwon Jiyong??!”, she demanded an answer, and the lady was startled at this. “Uh-uh. He’s at the emergency room right now”, she answered, remembering the man that just got confined in the hospital not that long ago. She ran where the lady told her where Jiyong is. There in a place inside the emergency room, she saw a lot of doctors and nurses was busy over someone. And she knew for sure that that was her beloved one.

“Ji!”, she screamed as she approached the bed where Jiyong was laid down. There she saw, Jiyong laying down, lifeless. Blood was all over his body, and a lot of bruises and cuts can be seen everywhere in his body. Her breathing became even heavier. “Uhm, miss just wait outside”, one of the doctors said. “No!”, I’m not leaving until he’s okay!”, she protested. “Please—“, the doctor begged. “No!”, then one of the nurses took Bom out of the emergency room and making her wait outside. She sat at one of the chairs along the hallway, where most guardians would wait for their loved ones.

She was crying so hard that she was gaining attention from everyone in hallway. After a few minutes, she saw doctors that were taking care of Jiyong before got out from the room along with Jiyong still on liying down, unconsciously. “We need to perform surgery. His condition is very critical right now”, one of the doctors quickly informed her. Then they disappeared entering into another room. Bom was really worried and she could collapse any minute now. She decided to call the persons who were worried about her. “May I please borrow the telephone?”, she asked calmly although her voice was still shaking. The nurse from earlier nodded, giving her a reassuring smile. “Hello?”, her voice came out cracked. “Hello?! Bom is that you??!”, her mother was the one who was on the other line, and you could hear that she’s really worried right now. “Eomma…”, Bom continued. “Where are you right now??!”, her mother’s voice became louder. “I-I am at the h-hospit-tal right now”, her voice was shaking, and so was her body was trembling. “Why??!”, “J-Ji”, this time tears escaped her eyes once again, and she was crying really hard. Her hold on telephone tightened. “Okay. We’ll be there in a minute”, her mother quickly hang up. She returned the telephone and thanked the nurse, then went back on her seat.

Not long after the phone call, her mother arrived at the hospital along with Chaerin and the others. “Bom!”, Mrs. Park called her as soon as she caught sight of her daughter. “What happened?”, she cupped her hands at Bom’s face and wiped out the tears that also messed her make-up. Bom started crying out again. Everyone tried their best to calm her down, and when she already did, she started to explain, “J-Ji, was in a c-car a-accident. H-his c-car w-was h-hit b-by a t-truck”, she said between sobs. Mrs. Park embraced her daughter tightly and she too was crying with her daughter. Chaerin also was crying and rubbed circles at Bom’s back. Everyone was shocked at what happened and all of them tried their best to comfort, especially Bom. While they were waiting for the result, all of them was praying the same thing, for Jiyong to be alright.

After 2 hours and 30 minutes, a doctor a finally came out. He saw the family dressed in such formal attires and he knew for sure that they were the family of the patient. Bom quickly stood up when she saw the doctor. “H-How was the operation”, she asked, trembling. There was a long pause, and only silence can be heard. The doctor sighed before saying, “I’m sorry. But he didn’t make it. He was just too injured. A lot of his bones were fractured, and he just lost too much blood. I’m sorry, but we did all we can to save him. But unfortunately, he didn’t make it”. And those words were more than enough, for Bom’s world to came crashing down.



--------THE END----------

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BlackjackedVIP #1
Chapter 1: Why so sad authornim? I thought they're already gonna ba happy?
Although, it's a nice story :)
nokeykey #2
Chapter 1: eeeeeeeuuuuu why ths author made jiyong died. not funny at all .
perghsukadia #3
Chapter 1: What the...omo...jiyoung..die?..omg such a tragic..story authornim..
perghsukadia #4
Chapter 5: sweet..too i man like jiyoung..hehe..but nehhh..
722DolDeer #5
Chapter 3: thanks for update
Chapter 2: next please.. :)
Yeah~ sequel!!!!!! :D