Two Moons

Under the Willow Tree

September 28th. It's been two weeks since school has started at Two Moons. I moved from Busan to Seoul about a month ago with my uncle. Life? It was not fun. Not for me. My dad is overseas doing his studies for his job, my mom is dead and my uncle is an alcoholic. I haven't seen my dad for ten years. The last time I saw him was after mom's funeral. He told me to go overseas with him, but I refused and told him that I will stay with my uncle, who is my dad's older brother.

It was lunch time and I sat at my usual spot alone. It was under a willow tree by a pond. I'm surprised a school had a pond with a willow tree. Two Moons is a very big high school. I don't plan to make friends here. I was always alone. Since my mom died of course. It was hard not to look like a loner at school. Sometimes, things got too hard and lonely for me that I would cry myself to sleep for days. But I'm use to being alone. I don't cry over the fact that nobody will be there for me anymore. I was in the middle of reading a book that my dad sent me a week ago until I heard a voice.

"Hi." It was a guy's voice coming from the left. I ignored what I heard because he's probably not even talking to me.

"Um..hello?" The same voice said.

I looked to my left and saw that he was talking to me.

He smiled. "You're the Junior in our Senior class right? Lee Soojin?"

I nodded.

"WOW. You must be really smart to skip junior year! I'm Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun. I sit right behind you in class. I would've said hi to you earlier, but...I was too shy." He chuckled.

I sat there staring at him chuckling, then went on with my reading.

"Oh, that's a good book." He commented.

I kept ignoring him. But it was hard to read with someone yapping in my ear.

"Aren't you eating lunch? I never see you eat lunch."

I shut my book and glared at him. "Are you a stalker?"

He laughed a little more than he should.

"I'm not joking." I kept my cold face on.

He stopped laughing but had his smile on. "No, I'm not a stalker. I sit over there." He pointed to the bench that was next to the garden of bright colored flowers. "I just notice that you never eat lunch so I was just wondering."

"Does it matter to you if I eat lunch or not? It's not your business. Don't get involved." I sternly replied.

"Oh..I'm sorry." He apologized.

I'll admit, I felt guilty. But he doesn't even know me, why does he care?

"Umm..see you in class then Soojin. Err it was nice meeting you!" He ran back to the bench he pointed to.

My cell phone buzzed. It was a text message from my uncle.

Come home early today and you'll end up digging your own grave.

I guess he's drinking with his group of so-called friends again tonight. I probably won't get home until 8pm. I don't mind though. But where should I go?

The bell ringed and the second half of school began. Sitting in the same seat all day with a 30 minute lunch break is tiring. Another three hours to go and today will be over. Class has started and one student was five minutes late.

"I'm sorry for being late Ms. Lin." He bowed.

"Get over here and face the class." She demanded.

He hesitantly walked up and faced the class. Ms. Lin grabbed a thin stick and sat down facing the student's left leg. And the whipping began.

This was the first time I've ever seen a teacher hit a student so hard. Every whip, every curse word coming out of , and every cry of pain was too hard for me to watch. I covered my ears with my hands and tightly shut my eyes. A few moments later, I felt Baekhyun tap my shoulder from behind. I opened my eyes and uncovered my ears. It was over. The student limped back to his seat. I took a deep breath and tried to clear my mind.

Classes passed by and the final bell ringed. Everyone rushed out while I took my sweet time.

"Soojin?" I heard my name and looked up to the person standing next to me. It was just Baekhyun.

"Would you like to go to the cafe with me and do some homework together?" He politely asked.

Well, I couldn't go home until 8 anyways. Might as well go right?

I smiled at Baekhyun and nodded. His eyes looked a bit bigger, like his pupils dilated or something. His cheeks were also flushed pink.

I stood up and that got him out of his gaze. "Where's the cafe?"

"J-just a couple of blocks down." He stumbled.

Both of us walked out together to the cafe. It wasn't a long walk like I thought it'd be. We got to the cafe and Baekhyun opened the door for me.

"Would you like something to eat?" He asked.

I ignored his question and looked at their menu. "May I get a small hot chocolate and a cinnamon roll please?"

"Yes ma'am you can." The cashier was confirming my order.

"Can you double everything she just ordered?" Baekhyun asked.

"Err yeah, sure." The cashier gave Baekhyun and I a weird look. "Twenty-two dollars and ten cents."

I took out my wallet to pay. Thank goodness I recently got a job at the bakery.

"My treat." Baekhyun handed the cashier the money before I could.

Being the person I am, I hate it when people helped me with something I can handle myself. Now I feel like I owe him. I walked to a clean empty table and sat down.

"So which homework do you want to do first?" Baekhyun sat down across from me.

I ignored him again and began doing my math homework.

"You're really, really quiet. Like, REALLY quiet." He commented.

I glared at him.

"And that's my cue to get our food." He quickly got up and left.

I checked my cellphone to see if my uncle texted me anything. It was blank. I left my phone on the table and went to use the bathroom. When I came back, I saw Baekhyun already doing homework.

"Why didn't you eat first?" I asked while I sat down.

"I wanted to wait for you." He smiled and took the first bite. "Delicious. Hurry, eat!"

We ate and did homework together with little talk between us. Before I knew it, it was already 7.

"It's already late. We should go home." I suggested.

Both of us started packing our belongings and headed outside.

"Here." I handed him eleven dollars and five cents.

"Oh, no need to repay. I wanted to pay." He refused.

"No, I have to repay you somehow."

"Hmm..if you want to repay me, you can let me walk you home."

"NO!" I raised my voice. "My dad will think wrong. He's a bit...protective."

"Ahh." He nodded.

There was a gust of awkward silence.

"Um, maybe I can buy you a drink sometime? Not alcohol or anything like that...bubble tea?" I suggested.

He laughed. "Sure, that'd be cool."

"Well then, have a good night." I bowed.

"You too. See you tomorrow!" He smiled and we parted our own ways.


I walked down the small, dim ally towards the new place we're renting. Dogs were barking and I heard yelling through our front door. Beer bottles were scattered all over the place. I sighed and knocked on the door before I entered.


A/N: FINALLY DONE WITH CHAPTER ONE. Is it interesting so far? I'm sorry if it isn't. It will be soon! mwhahahaha~ and SORRY IF THERE ARE ANY TYPOS! I'm so tired *-* Thanks for reading chapter one! Please keep reading~

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