Escaping Reality


*"I remember, vaguely, but I remeber."

I remeber back when I was a child. Small and frail with no sign of trust given to strangers. 
Back when the green mint trees were fresh and freely swayed as one with the wind.
But there stays a vague memory, of them. Or to be exact, you.

It was you who appeared and came to my rescue. Only you would take a blame for me, and only you had told me what love really was.

The sad thing is...

I don't know you.

A t times, I'd wonder if you were only a figment of my imagination. But I swear I saw you run past me the time I fell ill. But quickly, in a blur, unable to see you.

I don't want it to be my imagination, like before.

And I pray, hope, wish, that reality will finally tip in our favor.

I sincerely thank Cinimoroll08, HanAhRin, and The Enchanted Graphic Shop for their amazing poster's which helped me and my story by alot! I'll use them well and I hope your shops will get more AFF Famous!





 "Stop following me, Minji!"

14 year old Baekhyun yelled angrily at the very young Minji. His voice ricocheted off the expensive granite floors and walls inside the blindingly white mansion. Minji stood there, ragged bunny stuffed animal that was clearly dragged around everywhere, clutched tightly in her hand. She winced as the loud voice reached her ears.

"Baekhyun-" Myungsoo put his hand on Baekhyun's shoulder but it was quickly shrugged off.

"Stay out of this Myungsoo," Baekhyun growled angrily. Slowly, Myungsoo stepped back.

"Oppa, I have something for you." 

"I don't care Minji. I told you not to call me that. I'm not your oppa and I never intend to be." 

Baekhyun stormed out of the mansion, followed by Myungsoo, Chanyeol, Lu Han, and Hoya. On the way out, Hoya  quickly gave Minji a sympathetic look and followed him out the door. Intrigued by Hoya's look, she followed; like a bug is drawn to a light. In a daze, she walked after him, and pulled on his the edge of his shirt, trying to get his attention. 

"Minji, I said stop following me!" Baekhyun turned around, exasperated. 

"Oppa, I didn't mean to-" 

On his last nerve, he pushed her away. She stumbled into the street, dropping her bunny, and putting her hands behind her to soften the fall. Small tears formed in the corner of her eyes, clouding her vision. Quickly, she got up, baby blue dress ripped a bit at the bottom and gravel stuck in her palms. Red scratches blemished her baby soft hands but she didn't care. All she wanted was her ragged bunny and to go back to the mansion. She started her way from the middle of the road back to the side walk. All she could hear was herself crying, not  the yelling from the group. All she saw was her Baekhyun oppa, standing there, angry at her.

"Baekhyun, you should- Oh my gosh." Myungsoo covered his mouth and Baekhyun turned around. 

Terror was written all across his face. Guilt and sorrow filled up his lungs until he couldn't breathe in any longer. The gears that helped his brain function everday, somehow stopped working, stopped spinning, as if something small got stuck between the large gears and it wasn't willing to budge. So all he did was stand there, watching the scene unfold.

"I'm so sorry..." Was all he said as tears rolled down his perfect, umblemished features. 

:D I love yew all, Angels  ^^

Co-author Note:

Hey! I hope you will enjoy reading! The author has asked me to edit her chapters so don't be surprised if the chapters look different from before. Thank you!

Thank you Cinimoroll08 for the awesome poster!

Ehm, I'm such a napeun author but I've deleted chp7 and up. Things got slightly off track from my original angst plot. Sorreyyy. :*


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Chapter 11: Ahh I really like this story! I wonder what happened with Lay! I hope you come off hiatus authornim~
Waffle_Berry #2
Chapter 11: This is like intense love triangle, and i am always gonna be rooting for baekji cause i think they're cute together, Update Soon!!! ^^
HeiRyung #3
Please update
Chapter 19: OuO Ooooh~ intense cx love it~ Keep going I'm rooting for you!! It's once again amazing and breath taking, it's majestic then ever! ^^
minzysantamaria #5
Chapter 18: I like it. It seems interesting but there's a lot of things that are confusing. For instance if Baek is going to school with Minji and D.O. is a doctor then how is she dancing to Exo's the Star. There were also a few other things that confused me but I assumed those will be explained later in the story.
Chapter 17: So good!!! xD Please update soon i be staying in tune!! Thank you for writting this beautiful story~ ^^
Chapter 17: Heyyy! You're right! Im loving this! This is soooo good for your first fic! Continue writting ^^ Good Job Author-nim! Ive already subscribe so im looking forward to the next chapter <33
AFFAdvertize #8
Hey! Do you want an advertisement for you story! It's free!
P.S. I've been reading your story and It's really good. Yeah this is my first time advertising in the comments of a story.
I just love this story so much
ExoticLust69 #9
Chapter 17: Yay! Go Baekji! I'm supporting Baek!
Let's go! B-A-E-K-H-Y-U-N!♡
Author-nim~ I love your story so please keep updating!

Also give a big hug to your co-author!^^ I know she's a great help judging from your story feed!^^

:) Saranghae!