A Song of Hearts

Every year, the GALAXY-ENT holds an audition to accept fifty people into their training program to become the country’s next celebrity. Through the years, GALAXY-ENT has evolved from a meager talent agency to a glorious entertainment empire, responsible for most of the country’s hottest and biggest stars. Many people, especially teens, dream of entering the training program, aptly named Idol Project, iProject in short. Thousands of hopefuls flock towards the week long audition, in the hopes of landing a spot. And among the many hopefuls is 19 year old, Ari Lee. After battling it out with more than fifty thousand people, Ari successfully nabbed a spot in the coveted top 100. After a month of endless hours of singing and dancing, she was among the lucky ones who got chosen in the top fifty. That moment was the happiest of Ari’s life. She was about to reach her dream of becoming a true musician. It didn’t matter whether she would debut as a group, or as a solo artist. All that mattered was that, at long last, the world could finally hear her songs. But that dream was cut short. As a trainee, they would sometimes sideline as back-up dancers or MV extras. One particular day, after hours of shooting an upcoming group’s MV, the mini-bus where most of the crew and extras were on, skidded over and flew over a guardrail. It was a snowy day, and thick fog had appeared due to the extreme cold. Some say it was due to the driver’s own negligence, as he had fallen asleep while on the wheel. Other’s said it was no one’s fault but the weather itself. Despite it all, lives were lost, and others were put on the brink of life and death. Ari, having been seated directly behind the driver were among those who almost lost their lives. As the bus rolled down the hill, some people were flung out of the windows, including Ari herself. According to Ari, it all happened so fast. One moment, she was laughing with her seatmate, the next, she was flying with glass-shards through the air. The last thing she felt was a sharp stab in her neck, and the last thing she saw before she lost consciousness was the starless sky. She stayed in the ICU for eight months, in a complete coma. Her parents thought she couldn’t make it and were about to pull her life plug. But Ari was a fighter, and eventually, she made it through, losing her voice in the process.

Five years after the accident, Ari now works as a make-up artist and stylist for GALAXY-ENT, having been cut off from the trainee program due to the loss of her voice. It may not be what she had intended at first, but at least, she still had a chance, no matter how slim it may be, to have her music heard, through others.


I’m so proud of you! Ari gestured as her longtime friend, Will Kim told her the exciting news. Finally, after years of working hard, he was about to debut as an idol. Like Ari, giving-up wasn’t in Will’s vocabulary. Though a little bit old for an idol, his bright eyes and boyish charms, not to mention his insane dancing ability, were enough to lead him to his dream.

“I can’t wait, we’ll be shooting the MV for Boys Gone Wild in a few days…and in two weeks, it’s our debut stage!” Will said, as he punched a fist into the air.

Well, make sure you don’t forget me once you’re big and famous. Ari smiled brightly as she handed Will a pair of leather pants and a white tank top. They were currently doing a fashion shoot for GALAXY-ENT’s annual coffee table book.

Will’s smile vanished as he saw what he was supposed to wear. The theme was Rugged, and for Will, leather pants and a tank top weren’t in any way, rugged. “What is this? A Prince photoshoot?” he said, rather annoyed. “I can’t wear those… it’s too… skimpy.”

Ari gave a soundless laughter. She found it cute whenever Will complained. She couldn’t bring herself to the idea of how, a guy nearly 6 feet in height could act so childishly.

Will narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips. “You’re clearly enjoying this, aren’t you?”

Ari shook her head. Of course not!

“Ah, why do I find it hard to believe you?” Will laughed.

But really, I think you would look good in these. Handsome guys look good in everything. Ari tenderly nudged Will on his arm, at the same time, giving him dewy-eyed glances. It was too much for Will to take that he burst out laughing again.

“Alright, if you say so,” he said, taking the clothing. “If only I didn’t like you so much.”

It was easier to pretend that she didn’t hear anything, as she often didn’t know what to say. Ever since their training days together, Will has showed a strong attraction towards Ari, and had asked her out countless of times, but she always politely denied. She had made it clear that she always liked him as a very good friend, but that was all there is. However, being the fighter that he was, Will never gave up. He even studied sign-language religiously, just so he could still communicate with her, even if she can’t speak.

“You know, my heart shatters whenever you pretend you don’t hear me,” Will said, breaking the silence.

What? Ari gestured. Kidding!  She added hastily when she saw the frown on Will’s face. Get dressed quickly, we still have to do your hair and make-up.



Hans Young couldn’t take it anymore. He found it unbelievable how a top celebrity such as himself could be treated as such. Of course, he was well aware of the fashion shoot that was scheduled for that day, and he was also aware that as one of the company’s biggest stars, he was to have the biggest spread. Call time was set for 7 in the morning, and no one – crew and artists alike – was exempt. Except for him, the Hans Young, the man with the golden voice, the son of Apollo, and many other titles (some of which he gave himself). He made it perfectly clear, as he always does, that all of his schedules were to be given after 10 A.M. because as a top star, he needed ample time to rest and recover. He argued that it was completely necessary that he have at least eight hours of sleep to keep his flawless skin and perfect face, perfect.

Therefore, an 8 o’clock call time was totally uncalled for. The moment he stepped into the building, he quickly demanded to see the company CEO. He told his very flustered manager that unless the person responsible for scheduling him at such an early hour was fired, he wouldn’t make any appearance at any of his future shows.

“But Hans? You were told about this almost a week ago!” his manager, Jack, said.

“Exactly! A week ago,” Hans said, with emphasis. “Do you expect a top star such as me, with a very busy schedule, to remember things such as this? You could have reminded me yesterday, at least.”

“I did! I even texted you, reminding you again.”

Hans was agitated, but immediately gained his cool. “Stop making excuses! Take me to CEO Park!”

Jack the manager completely lost his mind. It was useless to argue with someone like Hans Young who saw himself as the center of the universe. “AHHHH!” he screamed, pulling out his hair in frustration.

“What is this noise? And you, why are you still here? Aren’t you supposed to be in Studio C?” Just then, CEO Park had arrived. He was on his way to the fashion shoot to check on its progress when he heard Hans mentioning his name.

“CEO Park sir, Hans was demanding to see you but I said he can’t because you’re too busy, then he –” Hans quickly covered Jack’s mouth, preventing him to say anything more.

CEO Park raised a bushy brow. “He’s lying, sir. I didn’t say anything,” Hans said as he gave a wide smile. “In fact, we were just heading out to get some coffee. The stylists are taking an awfully long time to manage us all.”

PAK! CEO Park smacked Hans’s head. “You bloody fool!”

Hans bowed his head repeatedly. “CEO Park sir, I am sorry.” He bowed again.

PAK! Another smack, this time even Jack the manager didn’t escape the CEO’s unforgiving hand.

“Idiot! I don’t keep up with your shenanigans for nothing! Now leave before I completely lose my temper!”

Without another word, Hans, together with Jack, left and hurried off to the studio. CEO Park watched the both of them as they blundered out of his sight. It was unbelievable how egotistic the most talented member of his roster of artists was. Despite of his unparalleled megalomania, Hans was one of the sweetest guys CEO Park knew. For him, the boy was almost perfect – tall, good-looking, and extremely talented. Yet, he was also an insufferable diva, and foolish as well. In his 10 years in the entertainment industry, Hans Young was involved in more or less thirty scandals; most involved dating scandals, alleged substance abuse, and unrestrained alcoholism. Of course, a lot of these were proven untrue, except for that one time when Hans was photographed looking intoxicated in a strip club. This too, was eventually dismissed as an attempt to tarnish Hans’s image.

Since then, the company has warned Hans that he had to be extremely careful with his actions. After all, too much of bad press can do irreparable damage to one’s career. No matter how popular you are. But Hans, being too much of a free-spirit, wouldn’t even listen. Despite the company’s advice against dating, Hans went on to date top actress, Diana, dubbed as the Nation’s Sweetheart and Perfect Face. Unlike normal dating scandals, this one was different as Diana had just been engaged to entertainment tycoon, Wilhelm Smith. The two were caught smooching on a cruise just along the coast of Belize. A few days after the photos were released, all hell broke loose. It was the scandal of the century. Tabloids wrote about it nonstop, and it remained a trending topic among social media sites. When the news didn’t seem like it would die down anytime soon, Diana announced that she would be taking a break from her career. According to her, it was for everyone’s benefit. When Hans remained silent, eventually, the issue ended. Han’s career slowly took a turn for the worst. His CD sales diminished, and his endorsements lessened, as well as his television appearances. His usually sold-out concerts took longer to sell.  Everyone thought that it would be the end of his brilliant career. He took a one-year hiatus, and returned with a revamped image. The balladeer was now a rock star, and a funny man who appeared a lot in variety shows. His ongoing show, Super Men, slowly helped him regain some of his lost popularity, and he is once again, recognized as one of the country’s top stars. Though he was not as big as he was before.

It would take something big for the boy to return to who he was, CEO Park thought. And he hoped that that break would come soon.


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