







Defined as luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant things that are not looked for


And there’s the word ‘Luck’.


The accidental way things happen without being planned.


It was safe to say that those two words defined or embodied the relationship that blossomed between Joen Jungkook and Bae Soo Yun.


It was pure luck with meeting and falling in love with him and the love they formed could be classified with the word serendipity.


Luck as it was as the first time the two met was when their Biology teacher announced that there would be sequential long quizzes that would take event as it was the only way to salvage the grades of those who were in the edge of failing her class. Jeon Jungkook didn’t mean to score low grades during the past months but with training becoming more vigorous as he was just done with the evaluation thus leading him to sleepless nights and ignoring his text books.


It was then when Jungkook was said to be assisted with the catching up and studying for the test as he let the teacher know his situation and she understood so their Biology teacher asked one of her most decent student as she liked to put it as she believe that her students are the best. Bae Soo Yun.


Bae Soo Yun is in the 6th place in their school ranking. The subjects in which she excels or topped on are Biology, English and Home Economics. She also thought of this as a nice way to help her school mate in need and a good extracurricular point as she was rooting to have a higher rank.


Bae Soo Yun was someone who broke the stereotypical ‘wallflower’. Yes she was sometimes invisible but she knows when to strike to make her known, it was in a positive. She was not bullied no, everyone liked her more or less doesn’t really that much interact with her but have enough respect to acknowledge and smile at her when she passed by and the same treatment Soo Yun does with her school mates.


As her Biology teacher asked her this small favor and also promised that treat it as an extracurricular points she was weighing out the situation and just hoped for the best regarding her ‘tutee’. She hope he was not a total no-brainer and would cooperate with her smoothly.


Their Biology teacher helped them or rather gave a schedule regarding when their tutorial session would take hold and what time. Weirdly enough the room they were assigned or free to study in is the Home Economics laboratory. Not gonna complain about it but Soo Yun actually favored there since the lighting is the best there, it’s more open plus it’s her comfort zone as what she likes to call it so everything were in her favor with the tutoring sessions.


There first ever tutorial session was about to take event and Soo Yun was now currently prepared as she was sitting at the high stool looking through the notes she made and the book she flipped open to the topic they are supposed to tackle. Seems like Soo Yun’s tutee was taking a little bit late she trudge out of the high stool and decided to just look around, even though she’s familiarized with everything inside the laboratory still she just feel at ease and calmed around this place as her passion was witnessed in the said facility.


As her hand gently glided through the marble counter she smiled as she remembered her first time being in here and everything just amazed her how complete they were in equipment’s and tools it just leaved her at awe and though


Wow this is so worth it for cramming and burying myself in books for the entrance exam. I love it here.


Her marveling and reminiscing was cut short as she flinched from the loud bam the door created when it was opened by a person who she perceives as her tutee


“I’m sorry for being late. I had a little bit of errand to run to.” A voice which clearly belongs to a boy made Soo Yun turn around and look at the owner of the voice.


Turning around Soo Yun saw the pretty boy that everyone was fussing about, though not to be judge she kinda saw someone who would be those type of ‘ popular kids’ that would always need a lending hand when their on the edge of a cliff regarding their grades but truth to be told she does find him exceptionally good looking but she was someone who would want someone to communicate with in intellectual level of conversations and topic. Still she keeps in mind the worn out motto ‘Never judge a book by its cover.’


Sporting a small smile Soo Yun shook her head and said


“No it’s alright it was probably important and I was just waiting for a couple of minutes so it’s a no big deal. Why don’t we go ahead and get an overview of what you already know so we can breakdown what we need to study.”


Soo Yun then gestured to the high stools and the table where she laid out all the materials they needed. This was one of her compulsive habit; she has this need to be organized, like how in baking she is; she needs to make sure to layout everything she needs first, get the measurements, clean up a bit so no major mess would happen so that smooth sailing would happen when she bakes. Maybe that’s why she is so organized.


“So just point out to me what you have already learned or know so it’ll be easier.” Soo Yun said as she patted the high stool next to her.


Jungkook followed suit and sat down.



The process of their study session was simple, rather than a child being spoon fed every information Soo Yun decided that Jungkook would rather say everything he knows or his idea about the topic and have him correct his mistakes if he does. Soo Yun would rather call herself as his ‘guide’. Jungkook liked this treatment as he sees that she lets him learn on his own potential but has a little help he can lean on.



This study session for both of them continued for about a month and fortunately Jungkook passed all the quizzes. Even though the study session was only about to last for a month and no shocker that the time was up still Jungkook asked Soo Yun to continue on being his ‘study buddy’ rather than tutor. He honestly liked her company. She was nice, calm, her aura was soothing,  she was caring as always she would lay a bottle of water in front of Jungkook whenever they would start and sometimes accompanied baked goods; cookies, muffin, cupcake, éclairs, scones and others.  Ever since Jungkook mentioned to Soo Yun that he liked food made out of flour she always gave him some as she would say she made too many in Home Economics. But really Soo Yun would not eat her part in Home Ecomics rather she would give it to Jungkook as she knows he’s a trainee and he needs the energy. It now became a tradition for both of them doing this process as Jungkook asked his dance teacher to move his schedule a bit later and said he wouldn’t mind ending it later. As he was truly enjoying Soo Yun’s company and didn’t want to miss it.


I guess you can say that both have found comfort in each other and unknown to them they’ve grown attached to each other.


Skinny love I might say.


Skinnly love is when two people like each other but are too shy to admit it. It’s a normal phase that ‘friends’ go through as the favorite reason of theirs to avoid or to nod admit their feelings is because they don’t want to ruin their built friendship as they can’t seem to bare for the other to be awkward with them and distance their self in the end.









The two were seated facing each other. Soo Yun was busy transferring her notes to her reviewer while Jungkook has his book opened but the latter’s focus was not on the book as he was staring at Soo Yun with a faraway look like he was busy contemplating about something.


Truthfully Jungkook was starting to be startled with himself as he, cliché as it may sound, but is starting to think about Soo Yun more. He was becoming more aware of his attraction to the said girl was he was finding himself thinking of her as beautiful, smiling at some little details about her that would go unnoticed by him that he was starting to memorize about her.


But what alarmed him the most is that he knew in himself he was not the one to fall easily.  Yes he had crushes in the past but the feeling with Soo Yun was different it was more real and a part of him is scared that he’s feeling was growing too fast and in the end he’ll get hurt.


Furiously scribbling on her review Soo Yun decided to take a peek at her study buddy as it was awfully quiet that it was unusual, not that Jungkook was the loud type but he was someone who would suddenly voice out something he noticed and that was usually with only a record of 10 minutes of silence between them and it was almost 43 minutes ever since the two sat down.


“Yah, Jungkook-ah, are you okay?” Soo Yun finally asked as she poked him gently with her pencil and had a questioning expression on her face that has a tinge of worry in it.


Jungkook titled his head to the side and looked at Soo Yun with an intense gaze and his gaze stayed for a while before he let out a sigh and shut his book before muttering a




Before grabbing his stuff and making his way out of the library and leaving behind a dumbfounded and confused Soo Yun.


“What’s his problem?” Soo Yun pouted before recollecting her thoughts about their conversation if she had said something that might have offended and angered Jungkook.


Thinking back and found none she muttered


“Kookie the moody monster.”


Before letting out a sigh and slumping on her seat.




Ever since that happening between the two of them there was this like silent agreement between the two of them that won’t meet and would rather stay out of each other’s way.


Being oblivious of each other’s existence in the past it was obviously much easier to just continue but now knowing the two had become attached to each other seeing and having a glimpse with passing by each other at the hallways knowing the other one is acting rather cold and the other trying to avoid the cold treatment is silent torture as the girl just wants to talk about what was wrong but then is scared to anger off the latter. Silent torture to be short.







Soo Yun always had this principle that whenever you feel down there’s no use to bring the people around you down as well, she hated crab mentality thus always wanting to make a way to at least make someone happy whenever she feels down and she believes that it would make her happy in the end.


With that Soo Yun found herself at the home economics room, with the approval of the teacher to use the room with the excuse she wants to improve, trying to empty her mind and just focus on one thing; making the perfect cream puffs.


Soo Yun was someone who would rather bury everything that bothers her in the back of her mind and hold it off as long as she can hence that is why she is distracting herself.


Currently the time would be when the school is mostly reduced to ¼ of remaining students after school. Only those who have extra-curricular activities, club activities and such would stay in the school premises so it was peaceful and tranquil for Soo Yun and it was just what she needed at the moment.

Honestly speaking the silent treatment she was receiving from Jungkook bothered her a lot  than she expected and it was silently but strongly taking a toll on her nerves as she was at her wits ends.


Sighing out with her current situation she just decided to focus all of her attention in the cream puffs she was making letting all her thoughts fly away and her attention to revolve on her work. Plus it’s undeniable that she felt calmness when everything is washed away from her head.


As she was making the cream puffs she heard the door to the Home economics room open and a presence was felt.


“Can I talk to you?” The intruder said as his voice was vividly heard as silence was enveloping the atmosphere around them.


Soo Yun stopped what she was doing as that voice can’t be mistaken.


It’s his voice.


Him who was causing whirlwinds of question dominating her mind and turmoil inside of her that’s making her unsettled with their situation.


She was used to him already.


She was comfortable around him.


She became attached to him.


She liked being around him.


She liked him as a person.


Still not turning around Soo Yun blew a raspberry as she halt making the pastry cream that she was about to bag out with a piping bag.


“I’m not used to someone entering my life and walking away and ignoring me for whatever reason I was never enlightened with.” Soo Yun said as her back was still in his view. There was a tinge of sadness and confusion in the way her voice sounded.


“I hate being attached to someone that in the end would hurt and leave me. It’s the reason why I’m always cautious around people, why I always wanted to be in the background. Why I am not easily swayed by making new friends.” Soo Yun continued as slowly her first turned closed.


“I know what I did was a jerk move but I am also like that…. I don’t easily get attached as well.” Jungkook finally spoke as he was still not moving an inch away from the door as a solemn aura was apparent in Soo Yun’s form


“Then why did you suddenly ignored me? Tell me?” Soo Yun argued as her suppression of her feelings failed as hurt was evident in her voice.


“Because I feel like I’m getting too attached to you.” Jungkook quietly said with looking Soo Yun straight in the eye.


“Don’t play with me right now Jungkook! Please tell me what is it that I’ve done wrong for you to do that to me?” Soo Yun said as she finally turned around with a angered and pained expression.


“I told you… I’m starting to like you more than I should and I’m scared you don’t feel the same.” Jungkook said as he finally made a step towards Soo Yun who looked like was frozen by time.


“Please don’t joke around with me because I might just believe it and I would hope and in the end I’ll fall yet you’re not willing to be my safety net.” With that Soo Yun said she run away from Jungkook grabbing her bag out in the process of leaving the room.


Crushed won’t even describe what Jungkook was feeling as he was left alone in the room with those words lingering on his mind.


Finally snapping out of his thoughts he saw half dozen cream puffs in a plate and was next to a white box that has a pretty deep purple bow with a card attached that says


For whatever I did I’m sorry Kookie

-Bae Soo Yun


A slight smile hitched up on Jungkook’s face as he saw that she was also bothered by what was happening between them.





“Aish what is seriously wrong with me? I can’t believe I’m slipping out of English.” Soo Yun muttered as her shoulders slumped with her slouching a little bit in her seat.


“Damn him and his word that keeps replaying on my mind.” Soo Yun muttered under her breathe as she still can’t register what Jungkook was true or he was just having a good time. To be honest a part of Soo Yun knows he’s not the kind that would joke around that would hurt somebody in a grate magnitude and a half of her was scared and slightly though unwillingly hoping that he was just joking as she can’t comprehend what is there to like about her as for her she was just a plain Jane who luckily has brains that would suffice for her simple look. She had about two people who confessed to her that has a crush on her but for Pete’s sake that was way back in grade school and now the feeling was different.


She was so unsure of herself right now.


Everything’s slowly slipping away and it’s alarming her that Jungkook is on her mind 24/7 that it’s making her lose focus.


She was sure that yes, she does like him a lot.


It was one of the realizations she got as she thought deeply of in what state is her emotions right now.


Bae Soo Yun has undeniably taken a great liking towards Jeon Jungkook.


And it’s driving her in the edge.


Ruffling her hair a little bit out of frustration Soo Yun decided to unwind a little which means since it’s free period why not hang around the library since she always found comfort in silence.


As she had arrived at the library she nodded and smiled at the librarian who done the same before heading to her favorite aisle.


The fiction section of the library.



Grabbing a book that was to her liking by skimming through the plot she decided to seat at her favorite table, where she and Jungkook always sat at.


As she was nearing she can see a figure seated at the table and as she was getting closer the figure belonged to none other than Jeon Jungkook.


Turning around and opting to look for another table Soo Yun became a coward as she was not ready to face him.


Not now that she have finally figured out what her feeling is.


“Wait Soo Yun-ah.” The voice resonated that made Soo Yun stop at her tracks and a lump form on .


“About last time… I didn’t get to ask… If you’re uncomfortable with what I said then please forget about it because I’d rather have us as friends rather than turning into strangers.” Jungkook finally said as he got out of his seat and made a step towards Soo Yun.


“I can try to at least make my feelings dormant but please just know that I can’t easily change what I feel but I’d  really rather bury them deep than lose you as a friend.” Jungkook continued as he was exactly right behind Soo Yun who still kept silent.


“Do you know that when I look at you I see this perfect person and then there’s me this weird girl who has all this problems wrapped around her being and I don’t even see what’s good in me that you chose me. But if you’re saying that you do like me then please do me a favor. Just please…. Please stay.” Soo Yun finally said as she turned around to look at Jungkook with tears b on her eyes as she was worried and scared of the situation right now but keeping in mind that she wasn’t going to take the risk she might as well regret it her whole life.


A relieved smile finally plastered on Jungkook’s face as he impulsively grab Soo Yun’s hand and embraced her as he was beyond relieved and happy with what the latter said.


“I will stay. So please give us a chance because it’s unfair how you cloud up my mind and make me smile for no reason and to compensate for that you must give me a chance to prove that I am truly not playing with you.” Jungkook whispered as he tightened his hold at Soo Yun.






Soo Yun gazed at Jungkook’s eyes as a gentle smile caressed her face as she love to just stare at those eyes that came with stories in them and the emotions that hid behind them that has got her so reeled into him.


She loved how cute he was whenever he pull hair up showing his forehead and how he was so shy about showing it to her as he said he felt weird showing it since he was so used to his bangs covering it. Soo Yun clearly remembers how she laughed softly at him looking so embarrassed with him avoiding her gaze but she said it was cute and she would have loved him whether he wear his hair up or down. It was their 2nd date that he decided to pull that stunt saying he wanted to look nice for Soo Yun but Soo Yun begged to differ saying he looked nice in everything he does and that she was thankful for making an effort for her. How she loved that part of him.


She loved how he was so into dancing that his passion translates to every move of limbs as Soo Yun watched him practicing for the first time. How every beat seemed to be made for him to dance to. Also how after ending a dance how Jungkook ignore to fix his messy hair but Soo Yun found it loveable quoting how he looks fluffy like a shaggy dog.


She loved how he would give her this look that would clearly mean he’s amused as it would make her laugh all of a sudden as it just seemed so funny that it sometimes confuses him if he has something on his face but Soo Yun would shook her head and gave him a smile saying that there’s nothing wrong and that she just love the way his expression came off.


She loved his smile, the smile that would make her feel warm and fuzzy but it also makes her a little bit confused as she would catch him smiling at her and it would result to her asking if she does look weird or did she do something funny but he would just laugh it off then place a tender kiss on her forehead.


She loved how after school when he had time to accompany her to the library and on the way down the stairs he would take her hand and help her down saying he wanted her safe and not tripping all the way down. He would sometimes joke that it felt like walking a grandma down the street that would have Jungkook receive a soft slap on his arm but then he would say something that would make Soo Yun stop at her track and blush madly before looking away.


She also love how there were times when frustrations get the best out of Soo Yun and how he would talk to her in the phone and how he seem to understand everything.


But best of all how she loved that he makes her happy.


How Jeon Jungkook makes Bae Soo Yun happy.


With every little thing he does, how it always make her have butterflies and her heart sing to the sweetest melody every time he looked at her.


Although young Soo Uun had gone through with some of curve balls life could throw on someone may it be happy of on all alone situations.


But with Jungkook she feels all this emotions she had never felt before and most of all he makes her comfortable and feels at home.


Like she truly belonged by his side.


Even if with their ups and downs every time Soo Yun was with Jungkook it felt like a story coming to an happy ending though cliché as it might sound but she really does feel that way. Even if it’s young and innocent love that some other predicts that may end tragically Soo Yun doesn’t even give a thought with what others say.


How Soo Yun wants to say what he means to her but words just can’t gratify the magnitude of her feelings for him.


With the both of them now sitting on a bus on the way back to Seoul as they toured around the English village for their date.


Jungkook was looking out in the window with tired eyes but has a content look on his face Soo Yun continued to look at his eyes as a smile instantly appeared on her face.


“Thank you for taking time to be with me again.” Soo Yun whispered as she faced forward with a tired smile and closed her eyes.


Jungkook heard what she said and turned to look at her and saw her silently drifting off to dream land. He gently titled her head so Soo Yun would lean her head on his shoulders to make her a little bit comfortable. Grabbing hold of her hand Jungkook interlaced their fingers before looking at Soo Yun’s tired form and saying


“Thank you for giving me chance, I’m trying to be a great boyfriend towards you and I hope I’m doing a good job at that. I’m sorry for the times I would neglect you for practice and how you always seem to understand me with a smile on your face and saying that I’m just chasing my dreams and that you’re there for me.  I can’t even comprehend how happy and thankful I am for having you….. I love you.”


Placing a gentle kiss on Soo Yun’s forehead Jungkook turned again to look at the window looking at the view they were passing by.


Even though they had been going out for 5 months now they haven’t truly said I love you to each other and now Jungkook was finally sure he was deeply and undeniably in love with Bae Soo Yun.


A Polaroid picture fell down and Jungkook noticed it was the picture they had taken on the fountain with Soo Yun having blowing bubbles.  Soo Yun brought her Polaroid camera that she had adored so much and probably over used today she had took a lot of pictures.


Flipping through the back a note was written on it.


One of the best days of my life with the one I surely love Jeon Jungkook 'Kookie the moody monster ♥'

- Bae Soo Yun


Jungkook felt his heart swell up with joy as a smile never left his face.

Thank you for the subscribers!!!!! Thank you!! Hope I didn't disappoint you guys! Also I hope you enjoy reading~! COmments would be nice :D

Note: I'll probabbly edit this when I have time~!

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14 streak #1
Chapter 2: Your stories are very well written authornim ^^ I love toe use of vocabulary words. I hope you would write more jungkook stories in the future :)
Chapter 1: This is so sweet and well written too I must say! It's so great! c:
Chapter 1: A very thought out story. Good job, author-nim!
Chapter 2: Gosh. so great. It's as if I'm Soo Yun. ♥
samyeol #5
Chapter 2: Oh my goodness! A 4th part!!!
Oh my goodness this is really well written. You've done a great job here
samyeol #7
Chapter 1: EEEEEPPPP if i were to ever be in a relationship, i wouldn't want it to be like this i would probably cringe at everything but heol when it comes to fanfics i just can't it's too cuteeeeee i just eeeeeppppp i feel like i'm watching a k-drama i like it so much!!!! Thank you! :))
hey hey hey! lilay dear update mo na tohhh
Hope their first meeting is sweet~
Update soon!~ :D