Back to the Absurd

I Will Pray For You
"Jaejoong. Are you listening to me?" She sounded like a little alien. He suspected it was caused by the many clear plastic tubes sticking out from her discolored neck.

"Yes, mom. I'm listening." He sat on an uncomfortable chair next to the stiff looking hospital bed and held her hand... because she told him to. She explained to him it was the normal thing to do in a situation like this.

"Where is Xinling?"

"I dropped her off at Nana's workplace."

"That's good. I wanted to speak to you alone. Jaejoong, I can't hold out much longer."

"I know, mom. You're going to die." It came out cold and indifferent. If Hyojin didn't know any better, she would've though her son wanted her dead.

"I won't be around to tell you what's right and what's wrong."

"You've already taught me many things."

"But not enough. You've always been a considerate son to me. And I know... I know being with her is one of the few things you want to do but without my guidance, you two can't stay together. It will be hard to hide what you are."

"If it makes you happy, mom. I will do what you ask."

"You're such a sweet boy. Promise me you'll still watch over Xinling from a distance."

"I will. I promise."

"My Jaejoong is a good boy. Such a sweet, sweet boy."

Jaejoong made a promise to his mother that he would watch over Xinling but he carelessly lost track of her soon after their separation.

Now was his golden opportunity to fulfill that promise.

"No." Xinling knocked his hand away. Blood and oxygen circulated again. She didn't need his help. With a scratched up hand, Xinling reached out and rescued her phone from underneath the car. It had a hideous crack on the screen. Just her luck.

"If you don't let me take a look then"

"You can't just come back into my life and expect me to acknowledge your existence."

"I never planned on showing up in front you."

"And yet here you are... You should already know. You can't come back. I buried you. You're ing dead."

"Get in." He pointed to her car. "I have something to tell you."

Xinling didn't want to deal with the man. She had a broken car, a broken phone, and now... ... a broken ghost? She stuffed the damaged phone into her pocket and got into her car. She locked the doors before he could get in through the passenger side.

Jaejoong didn't yell. He didn't pound on the window. He didn't demand she open the door. He just stood there, staring at her with those eyes. His eyes. They told her things... they always did. He was going to do something... something extreme. Her finger hovered on the lock. Should she let him in before things got out of hand? She curled up her fingers and clenched her teeth. No. She wasn't going to make it easy.

"Hey... what are you doing there?" Someone thought of interfering but it wasn't the wisest move.

Jaejoong lifted his 9mm and pointed it at the couple. "Turn around and walk away before I blow your girlfriend's brains out."

Despite everything, Xinling couldn't help laughing. She knew she was in a serious situation and fairly certain he was making a serious threat but it was so funny coming out of him. And she remembered the reason why she liked being together with him.

The couple scurried away and he returned his attention back to her. "So you still have the tendency to laugh at my serious threats." He secured the safety lock on his handgun and tapped the gently on the window as if testing the water before ramming it hard.

Her body reacted to the sudden loud crack. He rammed the gun over and over until the window gave way and he could stick his whole bloody arm in to unlock the door. Jaejoong got into her car and closed the door. Loose bits of glass tinkled on the sidewalk as he did so.

"I have something to tell you."He sounded like an answering machine.

"You made that clear."

"The girl's brother will attempt to kill you again. I would've finished him off but I didn't get a clear shot."

"Who's brother?"

"Wang Junru's."

"So that guy... he's her brother."

"And he won't stop until you're dead or he's dead."

"This is funny. Have you decided to play the hero?"

"Why can't you see it the way I do? I thought if anyone could—"

"I don't want to see things the way you do. I never will. Saving me from this guy won't change a thing."

Somewhere in that empty space in his chest, Jaejoong knew this. "He's not the only one after you. You made quite a mess of things."

"A mess or not... it's not for you to determine. Just leave. Before you endanger your life's mission." She still mocked his noble purpose. He was doing what his mother approved... getting rid of bad guys... for good.

"A killer is still a killer. And soon, they will all be punished. But don't worry, Jaejoong. I will pray for you."

"There is a way you can pay off all your debt, Junki. Are you interested?"

"What job do you have in mind?"

"It involves getting rid of someone. You've never done this kind of job, have you..."

"No, but I've decided. I'll do anything to survive in this world."

"I like the way you think. That is why I am offering you this chance. I have already made arrangements to lure your target to a suitable playing field. All you have to do is be there and be ready."

"You can count me in, Mr. So."

"Very well. My men will contact you with the details."

"Thank you... thank you very much."

"Junsu, my boy. How are you doing these days?"

"No need for meaningless pleasantries, Mr. So."

"You are seemingly enthusiastic about your work. I admire that very much. Your professionalism is to be envied."

"No need for flattery. All I want is a person."

"Is it okay if it is two people?"

"For one job? As long as they're location is the same, I don't care how many there are."

"Excellent. My men will contact you with the names, photos,  date,  time, location, and everything else you might need to get the job done. I want no witnesses this time, Junsu. I mean it."

"Of course."

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u fuking killed her!
Chapter 5: ooh now its exciting
Chapter 3: jaejoong always hve to be a schizo in ur stories right?
Chapter 2: i can connect with the troll version...