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Pusheen roleplay


pusheen has opened since may seventeenth, two thousand thirteen and is ready to serve you total roleplaying experience. we're not necessarily a big family, the timeline can get real fast or real dead at several times, but no worries; if you're searching for a roleplay to last with, why not you try us?


131117 — pusheen's sixth monthsary. happy belated monthsary, and we hope that we'll be able to celebrate more monthsaries in the future.

rules and guidelines

» subscribing is mandatory, upvotes are very much loved.
» only one account per brain, unless you have two.
» two character changes only to avoid confusion.
» respect everyone. remember, we're all a family.
»  and yuri are limited, only three couples for each.
» three days of inactivity and you're out. 
» you must be active at your first 24 hours.
» hiatus lasts after one month, while semi hiatus after two weeks.
» only once on extending hiatus or semi.
» closed roleplay, you know what's right and not.
» there should be no ooc in the timeline.
» remember to use brackets when ooc, if it gets too much, dm.
» relationships are allowed after three days joining.
» engagement : one month dating.
» marriage : one month engaging.
» pregnancy : only allowed after you're married.
» don't even talk about or anything rated in the timeline.
» an english roleplay; if talking in any other language, brackets.


Floral Background for Rules

how to join


check our masterlist and wishlist.
no using recycled accounts, please.
we only accept reservations through aff.
never, ever delete your comments.
to avoid double-accounting, you can't reserve characters for your friend, sorry.
wait for an admin's approval before creating your account.
reservation ends after twenty four hours.
follow the base, admins and members first.
 no mention, no verification.
 once verified, interact with everyone.
 feel left out? don't be afraid to talk your heart out to the admins!
 username format: (name)sheen. as much as possible, don't use caps and underscores.
 have pusheen in your bio or location.
 obeying the rules means you won't be able to have all the fun, but it won't bring disaster, so why not, eh? enjoy your stay.

Floral Background for Staff

our admins




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