


~One Night Dream~


They said, the last prom night in high school was the last chance for you to confess to your crush. They said, the last prom night was the night with no regret, nothing to lose. In a dim of light, the crowd on the dance floor, the mask that covered yourself and secrecy indentity. This confidential state made you ten times braver. Ten times careless. Ten times stupid to take the risk.. to take the moment that would only happen once.

Seo Joohyun stepped on the dance floor. She was in a black angel costume. Purely white dress but with black wings and black halo headband. Her face was covered with white mask with feather as the decoration. Her eyes scanned the crowd. There, target locked.

Jung Yonghwa danced carelessly on the dance floor. He wore formal black tux with simple mask on his face. His body swayed in the music rhythm. He danced randomly with noone particular. He just enjoy walked through the crowd and greeted someone he know. He didn’t even know that certain girl was eyeing him intensely.

Seo Joohyun walked through the crowd and stopped just right in front of him, swayed her body matched with his motion.

Yonghwa noticed her and smiled, “Hey, Angel.” He said.

“Hey. Dance, shall we?” Joohyun asked.


They dance with an upbeat song for awhile. Then suddenly the music slow down into a romantic ballad song. Joohyun’s heart skip a beat. Yes, this was her chance to be this close with her ultimate crush since first grade.

She saw him in the welcoming ceremony on their very first semester. Joohyun never got in one class with Yonghwa. That was why she never get a chance to know Yonghwa. She just looked at him from afar. She was too shy to only say hi to him. Yonghwa wasn’t a popular kind of student but he surely gained fans since he was quite good looking. Joohyun was ordinary student. That made Joohyun stepped back and just loved him from her side for three years.

But tonight was her last chance. She got to do the craziest thing to left her no regret. Approached him and asked him to dance was out of her usual trait, but she must brave herself no matter what.

As the ballad music played, Joohyun slowly hooked her hand on Yonghwa’s neck. She leaned her cheek on his shoulder to hide her blushing face. Her heart race abnormally, her body hot in instance but yes.. this was what she longing to do.

She felt Yonghwa’s hand rested on her hips, bringing them closer and closer. His touched burn her some more. This close proximity made her nearly explode that she felt she would faint anytime soon. She held on Yonghwa’s neck tightly to prevent herself from falling because damn! She felt her legs turned into jelly.

“I can feel your heart beats, Angel.” Yonghwa whispered on her ear, sent a chill through her spine. “Are you nervous?”

Joohyun didn’t answer because hell! She couldn’t find her voice even she wanted to. Only a faint, “Maybe.” was heard.

Yonghwa chuckled, “Why?”

“Be-because of you.” Joohyun whispered.

“Me?” Yonghwa asked in confusion.

“Yes. You.” Said Joohyun. She success gather all of her courage.


“It’s a long story. Please listen to me and keep dancing like this. No interuption and just listen to me.” Joohyun said.

Yonghwa chuckled again. He found his alluring mysterious company really funny and interesting. “Okay.” Finally he answered.

“I love you, Jung Yonghwa-ssi.” Joohyun said, made Yonghwa froze for a second. He didn’t expect that this girl knew him and moreover she confessed to him!


“No interuption as i said before.” Joohyun cut Yonghwa’s words. “I like you since the moment we entered highschool. I knew you since then but unfortunately we never share the same class. I always watching you from afar, knowing you from my observation. Strangely this feeling keep growing eventhough it’s one sided. I start to love you.”

Joohyun released her hug and looked at Yonghwa right on his eyes. “This time was my last time to meet you. I just want you to know that i ever exist. I ever love you. I really am, i love you Jung Yonghwa.” Joohyun leaned closer and kissed Yonghwa softly right on the lips.

After five seconds of lingering kiss, Joohyun broke the kiss. She turned her back and left Yonghwa, leaving him speechless on the middle of the crowded dance floor. She was dissapear from his sight only a black feather trace that he could keep.



~That Dream Which Turn To Reality~


Joohyun looked at the black feather which was laid on her book. It was about three months ago and she already started her campus life but she would never ever forget that night. He took one of the feather from her costume as a reminder of that faithful night. As a sign of how brave she could be and also a sign she was just a total coward. Yes, she confessed to him. Yes, she kissed him. But no, she didn’t dare to open her mask and revealed her true identity to Yonghwa.

Joohyun sighed. She never ever had Yonghwa as hers. Never this time. Never in million years, except heaven being generous and gave her a hand to solve her love life problem. Joohyun closed her book and was about to leave but a familiar voice stopped her.

“Hey, Angel. Finally i found you.”

Joohyun turned her body and cringe to horror. There, Jung Yonghwa stood in front of her, holding the same black feather as hers.

“Jung Yonghwa..” Joohyun whispered.

“Yes.” Yonghwa walked closer and stood right in front of her. “It’s not fair, isn’t it?”

“What do you mean?”

“You know me after all of these three years but i don’t know any of you.” Yonghwa said, “So what’s your name, Angel?”




“Seo Joohyun.” Said Yonghwa.

“Stop it! You have said my name for at least ten times.” Said Joohyun shyly.

“I just wondering, how can i didn’t notice you back then?” Asked Yonghwa.

“Well, i don’t know.” Joohyun muttered.

“Whatever. The most important thing is i know you now.” Said Yonghwa and looked at Joohyun intently.

There was something on his gaze. As if he could read her mind and Joohyun blushed instantly.

“You are cute.” Said Yonghwa and pinched Joohyun’s cheek lightly. Joohyun blushed even harder. “Hey why you so shy and silent? You were bold and brave when in the prom night back then.”

“Don’t mention that again.” Joohyun gasped and covered her face.


“Back then and now is totally different. Facing you with and without mask make a great difference.” Joohyun said faintly but Yonghwa could still hear it.

“Oh come on! You even kissed me.”

“No!” Joohyun gasped.

She was in panic mode so she even didn’t notice that she shut him by put her fore finger on his lips. Yonghwa smirked and decided to . He her finger with the tip of his tongue.

It was a dilemma for Joohyun. She had to draw her finger back but the feel of his wet tongue really amazed her, made her froze in place and speechless. Yonghwa took her hand and kissed each of her finger.

“You’ve caugh my heart since that night, Angel. Don’t you dare to think that you can escape me.” Said Yonghwa.



~Dreaming Of You~


Hey, Angel What are you doing? Sleep already?


Joohyun received Yonghwa’s message that night after their surprising meeting. Yonghwa asked her phone number and he told her his. What kind of relationship they were into? Still not clear. They declared themselves that they actually fallen for each other but noone confessed officially yet.


Nope. Still read novel.

Joohyun typed the reply.


Cool. It’s late but you still reading. Aren’t you sleepy?

I like reading. So no, i am not sleepy.

Kind of Boring. Well, you should start a new habit.

That’s rude you know! and what kind of habit should i start?

Hmm... thinking of me?

If you are in front of me, i might smack your head.

Wae? But i’d like too. I like a rough kind of girl.

What? You sound so .

It just you and your dirty mind. I never intend on that direction.

Cham! I’ll continue to read my novel.

Hey, Angel. Don’t be angry. Can i call you now? I miss your voice so bad.

No. We just meet this afternoon after all.



After full five minutes finally Joohyun typed. Yes.

In no time, her phone rang. Joohyun felt so amaze. Her long life crush now seems chased her back. She was happy. Of course. But this sudden flipped situation really made her shock. So she need time to digest all and accept this newly situation. Because, damn! This felt like a beautiful dream.

“Yeoboseyo?” Joohyun answered the phone.

“Angel.” Said Yonghwa. Damn, his low husky voice was too y. Plus, she heard it at past midnight. It made her hot in instance.

“I am Joohyun not Angel.” Said Joohyun shyly.

“You are my Angel, Joohyun.” Said Yonghwa with oh-damn-so-y voice.

“It’s too much, don’t you think?”

“No. You looked exactly like an Angle when i saw you in Prom Night.” Yonghwa said, “Such a tease Black Angel. We can do other things after we kissed if you were not leave me.”

Joohyun tense as she heard that. What did he mean? What other things that they could do? It was a big lie if Joohyun’s mind didn’t fly to a naughty things.

“Like what?” Joohyun asked in a hushed tone. Finally tempted to join Yonghwa’s teasing game.

“Like... i’ll kiss you back. Deep. I’ll bring you to a dark corner and we can do all the way.”

“What kind of ‘Do all the way’ you mean?” Joohyun smirked.

“Should i tell you boldly? Maybe we can make love that night.”

“Jung Yonghwa-ssi!” Joohyun felt so hot and a familiar tingling feeling crept in her stomach. This late night phone call surely dangerous.

“Wae? We both mutual. You like me and i like you...”

“I think i am going to sleep now.” Said Joohyun.

“Okaaayy..” Yonghwa chuckled. He could sense that Joohyun actually shy. It made him fond of her more. “Good night, then.”

“Good night.” Joohyun whispered.



“Dream of me..”

Yes. Of course. Joohyun surely would dream of Yonghwa.



~Visual Dream~


Last night Joohyun dreamed about Yonghwa. The hot one kind of dream. Joohyun woke up with sweat all over her body. How couldn’t she? In her dream, Yonghwa kissed her and touched her. She straightly got her cold shower.

She didn’t know how she would do if she met Yonghwa in campus. She prayed hard that she wouldn’t meet him but seemed her wish wasn’t granted. Because as she stepped into campus gate, a familiar voice called her.

“Joohyun-ah~” Yes. That was Yonghwa.

Joohyun was in panic mode. She quicken her step but Yonghwa successfully caught her wrist.

“Hey, wait.” Said Yonghwa.

“I am late.” Said Joohyun without looking at Yonghwa.

“You are lying. We have the same class this morning and we are definitely not late.”

“Erm.. stomachache? Toilet.” Joohyun mumbled.

“Angel, you are so funny. What happen?” Yonghwa turned her body to face him and found that Joohyun blushed hard. He smiled. It must something about him who bothered her. He was sure of that. “Why you won’t look at me?”

“It’s nothing.” Said Joohyun, still avoided Yonghwa’s eyes.

“Hey.” Yonghwa tilted his head and successfully made an eye contact with Joohyun. But seemed he regret that because her eyes caught him. Her round shy eyes looked so innocent yet tempting. Yonghwa released her and cleared .

It made Joohyun confused, “Wae?”

“You.” Said Yonghwa, “Don’t seduce me early in the morning.”

“What? I’m not!”

“Yes you are, Angel.” Yonghwa gave her a quick kiss on her cheek and walked passed her.

“Yah! Jung Yonghwa-ssi!!” Joohyun blushed and ran after him. She smacked his shoulder. Yonghwa caught her hand, held it and slipped it in his jacket’s pocket.

What a pleasant morning.




In the classroom, Yonghwa sat beside Joohyun. Joohyun was a kind of dilligent student. She would take a note and paid attention seriously. But having Jung Yonghwa beside her was a total distraction.

Yonghwa felt a little bit bored. He wrote something on his book and passed it to Joohyun. It said,


Angel, i’m so sleepy~ :(


Joohyun just smiled and shook her head. She wrote,


Go wash your face, then.

And it means leave your side for a full five minutes? Hell no.

You are crazy.

Yes, crazy for you i think?


Joohyun frowned and looked at Yonghwa. Yonghwa just grinned at her. Joohyun shook her head then continued to take lecture’s note.

Yonghwa wrote again on his notebook and passed it again to Joohyun.


Angel, what happen this morning? I’m curious.


Joohyun nearly choked on her own saliva. He still remember that. Why Yonghwa must brought this topic up? Damn it! It brought back the memory of her dream. Even she could reminisce the feeling of Yonghwa’s lips on her neck very vivid. She shook her head and wrote.


It’s nothing.


Why you so persistent?

I have a feeling that i am related to this.

So full of yourself!

Just admit it.


Joohyun looked at Yonghwa. Her nose was flaring as she sighed. Yonghwa raised his brows, asking silently her confirmation. Joohyun finally wrote,


Yes. Happy?


Lucky Yonghwa could hold himself to not jumped on his seat. He happily nudged her side with his elbow. Then he wrote.


Definitely. So tell me what is all about? Don’t say that you thinking of me all night long and make you sleep deprive.

No. I sleep soundly last night.

Hmm.. well, the possible thing is you dream of me in your sleep.


Joohyun felt glad because the bell rang, indicated the class was over. She heaved a long sighed then packed her things. She need to go as soon as possible.

“Hey, you haven’t answer me.” Yonghwa held her wrist, kept her in place.


“You really dream of me last night.” Said Yonghwa mischievously.

“I have a class after this. Excuse me!” Said Joohyun as she wriggled her hand on his grasp. Other students gradually left and the class room completely empty now.

“You’re not going anywhere.”

“Yes. I dream of you, satisfied?”

“Really? What kind of dream?”

“Oh! Do i have to tell the detail? You are surely annoying sometimes.”

“You make me more curious.” Yonghwa smiled mischievously, “Did i do certain things to you in your dream?” Yonghwa leaned on Joohyun, trapped her between him and the wall.

Joohyun didn’t answer. This close proximity made her crazy. She really had an urgency to lean on him and kiss him. Should she did that? She ever kissed him once after all.

On the midst of her confusion, Yonghwa took the action first and kissed her. No more soft kiss. Yonghwa kissed her passionately. He grabbed her hips and made her sat on his lap. Joohyun couldn’t help to not kissing him back. Her tongue danced on his mouth, made him groaned in satisfaction. He moved his lips, bit and her lower lip. Joohyun moaned and pulled him closer. Her hands grabbed his hair while his hands busy explored her back and her thigh. They finally broke the kiss and panted hard. Yonghwa brushed her swolen lips.

“Not need to dream anymore. I can kiss you for real if you want me to..”

And then they spent another ten minutes to visualize her dream into reality.



~Make Me Dream~


Yonghwa sat beside Joohyun on the floor  in Friday afternoon in the library. Reading in Library was her ritual. She loved the peaceful nuance there. Yonghwa actually didn’t like to read or library but he like Joohyun. So he followed her wherever she go.

“Joohyun-ah, let’s just go out. Have some coffee or strolling in mall.” Said Yonghwa.

“I’m still reading, Jung Yonghwa-ssi.” Said Joohun solemnly.

“Till when you keep calling me Jung Yonghwa-ssi?”

“So what should i call you?” Asked Joohyun. Her eyes didn’t leave the book.

“Jagiya? Yeobo? Oppa will do.” Said Yonghwa while playing with her ponytail.

“Eyy.. What’s that?” Joohyun looked at Yonghwa.

“Finally i get your attention.” Said Yonghwa, “Let’s go out. I am so sleepy.”

“Just go to sleep then.” Joohyun turned her attention to her book again.

Yonghwa pouted then lied himself on Joohyun’s lap. It really startled her and made Joohyun gasped.

“Yong! What are you doing?”

“Sleeping, as you ask me to. And i like my new nick name, ‘Yong’ sounds so sweet.” Yonghwa closed his eyes as he snuggled on her lap, held her knee to make himself comfortable.

Joohyun was shocked at his action but she surely liked it. And about her called him ‘Yong’ actually that was his nickname she gave him a long time ago since she had a crush on him on highschool.

Joohyun looked at Yonghwa on her lap. He was actually sleeping. Joohyun found it so cute yet so intimate. She could felt his breath and his hair on her thigh. Slowly, she put her book away and started to his hair. His hair surprisingly so soft. She kept his head and she could heard him escaped a satisfaction sigh and he snuggled even closer. Joohyun chuckled.

“Hyun~ Joohyun-ah~” Yonghwa mumbled in his sleep.

Joohyun smiled giddily as she continue to Yonghwa’s hair lovingly. Yonghwa might be dreaming of Joohyun right now.

“Uhm...” Yonghwa still mumbled in his dream, “Oh.. yes there Hyun-ah.. harder.. harder.”

Joohyun eyes widen then he smacked Yonghwa’s head hard.



~R = VD~


Joohyun and Yonghwa were in one empty class room. They had their lunch which Joohyun made. Joohyun fed Yonghwa a spoonful of rice and a piece of meat then she wiped his oily lips with her thumb.

“Your cooking is delicious as usual.” Said Yonghwa.

“Are you insulting me? We both know that i’m not good at cooking.” Said Joohyun as she caressing his full cheek.

“But you are getting better, and i’m not lying. This lunch today is delicious.” Said Yonghwa as he pecked her lips lightly.

“I try so hard in cooking because of you.” Joohyun said.

“Yes, thank you.” Said Yonghwa. “Come here.” Yonghwa patted his lap, motioned her to sit on him.

Joohyun sat on his lap and put her hands around his shoulder. Yonghwa held her in place by circling his hand on her waist, one of his hand was on her neck, pulling her closer and kissed her lips. Yonghwa kissed her sweetly as Joohyun kissed him back as eager. Joohyun puling him closer as she tilted right and left to gain more of him.

They broke the kiss and Yonghwa changed his target to her smooth neck. His hand slowly ed her shirt to kiss more of her. He her neck hard, gaining a squeal from her. He was getting excited then and kissed her there lower and lower then he stopped. He buttoned up her shirt again, peck her lips once and hugged her tight.

“I ever dream of you.” He Said.

“I know.” Joohyun chuckled.

“Not that dream when i sleep in your lap, Hyun-ah...” Said Yonghwa. He pinched her nose.


“I dream of us. Live together. You and me in big white two story house.” Yonghwa talked as he played with a strands of her brown hair, “We live happily there as a newly wed. After that you’ll pregnant. You’ll carry our child here.” Yonghwa carressed her stomach. “We’ll have our little buddy, one, two or three.”

Joohyun looked at Yonghwa. Her eyes teary and her heart was so touched because of Yonghwa’s confession. “That’s a beautiful dream. I can portray it clearly on my mind.”

“Would you make that dream come true? With me?” Asked Yonghwa.

“Yes, Yong. Of course yes.” Joohyun hugged him and kissed him over and over again.

Their dream was so clear and vivid. To be together. Made a little family and live happily ever after. Someday, they surely would make it come true.

R= VD, Realization = Vivid Dream.      



Author's Note :

Hi this is meluvyuya.. we meet again hehe.

just a simple fic from me. hope you enjoy this. see you around~

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Chapter 1: sweet sweet dreams .... gogumas dream this and hopefully will come true
ShinHye24 1340 streak #2
Chapter 1: nice and sweet story <3
Chapter 1: nice one author...
owliph #4
Chapter 1: Sweet story... Love it!! Keep writing authornim :D
AunPungman #5
Chapter 1: Awwwwww soooo sweet. So loving it!!! Thanks authornim.
dandelion_bella #6
Chapter 1: This is so cute! Re-reading it again! Hehe
mela_elyza #7
Chapter 1: Ini ff lucu,sweet,bikin senyum senyum sendiri...
Suka? I always love ur story as u know. Klo ga ad rated dikit kynya ga asik ya ceu? Yongseo emg hrus ada bginiannya biar seru ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Btw thanks for this. Ilophyou mela2! ㅋㅋ
dubuieeee #8
Chapter 1: This is such a beautiful piece! Daebak authornim! :)) so cuteeee
blue48 #9
Chapter 1: Unnie jjang :** kkk love it when yong2 dream of joohyun while he sleep in joohyun lap :p y yongyongggg XD
And the ending part just beautiful. :3 unnie jjang hho
Write more unnniiiiieee
Chapter 1: joohyun actually is beha..
black emotional happy angel kkkkk....
nan joha.. joha.. joha..
naughty seohyun.... ert yonghwa XDDD
sequel jusseyo ceu mel *wink*