Chapter 1


The arrival of spring season, where love blossoms like lustrous flowers. The pink petals of cherry blossom were scattered all around the concrete pathways. A child's laughter was heard as they jumped onto a pile of discarded petals. Lovers strolled hand in hand, they were oblivious to the stains they created as they walk over the delicate petals. Luhan was deeply engrossed in his text messaging, as he coincidentally bumped into you, who was dress neatly with your uniform tucked in appropriately and had your hair combed back, the hanging name tag of yours was showing to the surrounding strangers that you were working as a stewardess. Luhan was about to apologise, however  he recognised the familiarity of your appearance. The reflection of your name tag caught his eyesight, as he scanned his eyes across the letters, the name read out to be ______. The promise he made, immediately flushed back into his mind.


The perfectly suited little Luhan was standing outside the doorway of a shabby apartment; he took out his pocket watch to check the time, your light footstep was heard upon your arrival to the rusted steel door. The loose threads and the repatches on your uniform were visible. You and Luhan were driven to school by Luhan's chauffeur, as both of you stepped out of the limousine to enter the school ground you slowly hid yourself behind Luhan, you were too embarrassed by your own appearance as you were different to everyone else. You did not get into the school because you lived in a wealthy family, but through scholarship. Luhan offered a hand to you, subtly telling you that you will not be alone because you will always have him no matter how different both of you are. Luhan guided you into the classroom, as other students were gossiping badly about you, their transfix sharp gaze have insightfully pierced through your heart. Their parents have always taught them not to associate with people who were poor like you. Although gossiping was only a mere comment made by many, but to you the slightest criticism they make, have hurt you greatly, deeply and profoundly.

Time flew by slowly and painfully as you waited desprately for the arrival of your lunch break.
“_____come over here, I found some dandelion.” Luhan shouted. You and Luhan picked the dandelion off its stem, 
"Let’s blow it together, people said that your dreams will come true if you blew the dandelion.”
without hesitation you closed your eyes and said your wishes out loud, “I wish Luhan and I will forever be together” while Luhan exclaimed, “I wish ______and I will always go to the same school.”  As both of you opened your eyes you could see each other’s warm light radiating and happiness in the world had just been taken and poured over the stars that lit the night sky. Except those weren't stars, they were both of your glimmering teeth however those teeth didn't light the night sky, but illuminated each other’s soul. All that light and warmth had been poured not onto the stars but deeply into each other’s memories. It was an honestly genuine smile, full of hopes and dreams. Both you and Luhan lightly blew the dandelion as the seedling floated in the air, travelling to an unknown place, where they would set root and mature, a permanent imprint at the back of their minds.

When Luhan arrived back home after the exhausted hours at school studying, he overheard his parent conversation, he yelled out without hesitation, “I don’t want to move to America, I want to stay with ______.” His parents were not pleased by his response, but they attempted to comfort him, since they know he was only a naïve child who knows little about this world. Luhan's mother kneeled down to his height and softly said, “Luhan, when you are older you will realise what I am doing right now is the best for you.” Glistening tears were forming in Luhan's eyes and hovered for a moment before they fell wetly upon his cheeks. He knows that no matter how much he refuses, his parents will not change their decision, he just unwillingly agreed to his parents.

The light grey clouds were concealing the beautiful blue sky and blocking out the warm rays of the sun. This was one of those days that was too wet to have fun or too dark to be outside. The delightful moments that he shared with you were running through his mind. Luhan wasn't in a particular mood. Not something people could see at an instant. His face was a blank slate. As he stepped outside, his brown eyes darkened as he became accustomed to the overcast day. Without an umbrella, nor a coat, Luhan stepped out of the limousine. The hair that was once neatly combed into perfection was now lying in strands, over his eyes. As usual he was waiting for you. He dozed off while waiting for you as he was unsure how to confront to you about moving away. He was astounded by your voice as you screamed out his name, “Luhan.” His guiltiness of leaving you was making it hard for him to confront to you, his nervousness was overtaking his body. He did not dare to look at you straight in the eyes, he sympathetically uttered, “Sorry _____… I am…I am leaving you to go to America.”  You were completely astonished by his remark; you did not know how to react to this situation. All you did was smile. Through his eyes he could see that your smile was not filled with pleasure but rather sadness, emptiness and coldness. Luhan just went back into the limousine, he was too afraid to look at your reaction; the more he looked at you, and the more miserable he would feel.


Never did you and Luhan expected that you will meet again in such way. Your shadow was overcasting his feet as you walked away from him. His sudden gust of courage urged him to speak up. “_______” he bellowed. You immediately turned around as you recognised his voice, and his clear pronunciation of your name. Without faltering you sprinted towards Luhan, you were welcomed by his warm embrace you sank  your face into his chest, he whispered kindly into your ears, “I am Luhan.” You nodded your head as you released yourself from his hug. You wiped your  tears off  your eyes and smiled back at him. You apologised for darkening his expensive white shirt with your tears. As you were about to leave, Luhan grabbed your arm, he questioned, “Will we meet again?” You slided his hand off your arm and replied back, “There is no need to meet again because we belong to two different worlds.” You walked back to your original direction while continually wheeling your luggage, you clutch tightly onto the pain that was swelling up in your chest, as much as you hated to say such harsh words to Luhan, but you are certained that he will understand your intention as this was the best option for you and Luhan from being in more pain. Even though Luhan was dishearten and disappointed with your response, but somehow he shared a mutual feeling with you. This left him with just casually ambling off to the opposite exit to the park entrance. As he was strolling by bitterly, he came across to a dandelion, a faint smiled was formed as it reminded him of his childhood with you.

A/N: This isn't exactly the best story you guys have read, but I hope you guys enjoyed reading this story! :D
This is my first time writing one shots 
ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ, I sincerely apologise if this is not a great story to you.

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Please Check out  our other fanfics:
Flight Of Love
To You

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Currently writing the story, I will update it very soon. Please wait patiently ;)


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abbe_28 #1
Chapter 1: Hmm... It sad but why can't they be together now?The girl is a flight attendant now, i think?.. So it means she is not a poor girl anymore?... Sad... :( hwaiting! :)