~ 1 / 2 ~


[ A/N ] There will be an important author note in the end.. xDD 



An empty school ground was the first thing he had seen while walking through the gate. A slight silence surrounded him while he was walking over the grey asphalt of his school. Only the sounds from the street next to it and a few birds which are tweeting, as their natural habit here and then, were breaking the silence.
Thus his gaze wandered down to his white schoes which were perfectly matching his black skinny jeans and his wrinkled up white sark while the asphalt was passing him like a grey ocean.

Nevertheless he looked back up when he was facing the big wooden door of the main entrance of his school. He let out a loud sigh when he took his hand out of his pocket followed by opening the door with this. He hated the everyday walk to his classroom and guesses what? ..

He was late again.

It was already an acquired habit that he was late to his first class. Who would ever expect that he was going to be on time?

Never mind, he opened the door without knocking against it, giving a short glance to the teacher before he walked in a lazy pace to his regular seat. A loud sound echoed through the classroom when his bag was meeting the ground and a quiet creak too when he finally was taking a seat on his chair. Quiet whispers were audible while the teacher just continued with the topic of today’s lesson.  Of course he had many entries in the class book but he doesn’t care at all about it. The teachers were also used to his mutinous behavior so they aren’t saying something to him when he was going to be late every day.

The lessons just passed by because he doesn’t care at all about them. He was just going to fulfill the compulsory attendance. Nothing more.

Ah well.. He might also going to school because of his pack.
Yep his pack..
They were always with him. Nobody really see him often in school alone.
It was of course his group and he was the leader. Kim Byungjoo or better known as B.joo.
Right with him was always Jenissi, Xero and P.goon. They were always called by their sobriquets.

Every break they strolled around in the school while everyone was actually walking with a gap of at least two meters. Nobody dare to be close to them and you would prefer to do a runner for your own sake. Of course some stories are going around in the school…
What they have already did with some people and some other rumors are saying that they also did something to some teachers.

However, they managed within a year to be the most dread group in the school even though they are just second year now.
The group around B.joo is also somehow feared in the third and last year. That is obviously something supposed to mean.




Walking through the hallway with a wrinkled up shirt which was hanging out of his pants, Bjoo walked to the cafeteria where he was awaited by his best friends, his pack, Jenissi, P-goon and Xero.
He already saw them sitting in a corner of the big square like white room n their regular table. When he walked towards his friends everyone was kind of staring at him. He saw them watching him out of the corner of their eyes and he also felt their glances onto him.
B.Joo once over his lower lip before he curled it up into a smirk. B.Joo doesn’t care at all about all their glances he somehow liked it when everyone was afraid of him. It showed him his approval and magnitude.

However, when he finally arrived there he immediately was taking a seat and every one of them greeted him with a special welcoming.

“Yah. B.joo! “

Xero was grinning like he ever did when he called for bjoos attention when this one turned around, he continued talking.

 “Have you already heard there is an exchange student in our grade?”

B.Joo tilted his head lightly to one side while he was stealing an apple from Jenissi who immediately started pouting afterwards. ( how cute xD )
“Huh? A newcomer, mh?.. No, it’s actually the first time I hear about that.. so.. what’s so special about him that you are mentioning it, mh? “

The crack of the skin from the apple was taking the attention for a second on their table when Bjoo took the first bite of it while looking curiously back to Xero.  This one was curling his lips immediately into a sly grin.
“yah.  Being curious like always, mh? But yeah you’re right.. Otherwise I wouldn’t have mentioned him.    ..Anyway, He’s a little Brat. Yesterday he really thought he could talk like a ruthless brat with me and Jenissi! Everyone was already keeping the distance and he.. He thought we’re immediately his friends.. Tch ~ “

Xero snorted for a second before he was leaning back against the white old chair of the cafeteria.
B.Joo furrowed his eyebrows while crossing his arms onto the table.

“ mh … It seems like there is a new victim for us, huh? Nobody shouldnt take us easy.  We aren’t from nice class …“

 He was looking down on his apple before the corner of his lips twitched slightly followed by leaving a smirk on his lips before he took another bite of the apple.



Hansol was sitting in his new classroom, already being a hot topic for everyone.. especially girls. Leaned back against his chair in front of his small school table, he was surrounded by almost 10 girls. Actually, he wasn’t that interested in any of them..
 He hates it when people are such attention seeker in this way. Even though when girls are following him at every turn.
A quiet sigh leaved his fully-heart-shaped-lips when he just heard questions here and there. Every question was just going into his one and then leaving through his other ear. Hansol wasn’t paying attention for one of these questions until he remembered something. He placed his arms immediately onto the table so everyone was gasping slightly about his sudden action.

“ uhm girls? .. I guess you know more than me about those guys from earlier right? You saw them too .. This one with this silver hair.. and the other with the brown one .. also followed by this one with two cuts in his eyebrow..” Hansol started talking in a calm and somehow sweet voice which with he perfectly caught the attention from the girls.

Every one of the girls are looking at each other for a moment before back to Hansol. It needed a moment before one girl with black long hair answered.

“ You mean the pack of B.joo… don’t you? .. You shouldn’t care about them.. they are such ruthless and bad-mannered boys… “ She nibbled onto her lower lip before looking around. 

Actually, this made Hansol even more curious.
“ huh? .. I see .. so..  ..could you tell me more about them? .. I mean .. a pack ? .. Who is this so called .. Bjoo?“ Hansol tilted his head ever so lightly to one side and added a charming smile which immediately let the girls hearts beating faster.

Got it ..

He thought before leaning back with still the smile on his lips.

 “so .. His real name is Kim Byungjoo..”  The black haired girl once a strand of hair behind her ear while obviously being a bit nervous. ,,..but nobody call him here like that .. he’s just called B.joo .. like a sobriquet. Every one of them is having a name like that.. So they were all called B.joo, P.goon, Xero and Jenissi..”

“Nobody dares to come close to them ..It’s better for your own sake! “ Another girl started speaking.

Hansols gaze wandered around in anticipation “ And? .. “

“ Well ..” A girl with short dark brown hair started speaking this time.
“They are also feared by the teachers of this school.. of course they’re discussing about them but they just acquiesce everything from them. So ..they’re the daredevils of our school.. especially Bjoo..”

Hansol was getting even more curious within every second.

“ Ah thank you ladies .. but .. I guess I have to go.. excuse me ~ “ Hansol winked shortly before he left the room.

The last thing he have heard was the fangirling of them...

 “ aish .. “



A few days later Bjoo was making his way once again down the hallway.  Once again being alone. It wasn’t that special that he was alone sometime because every one of them was in a different class.

Today it was an exception.
Today Bjoo was really on his own.

The three of them had training for the upcoming soccergame. Bjoo never said something about it but actually he hated being alone during the long break.

While he was walking down the hallway until he was already outside on the school ground, he started walking towards the backyard. He wasn’t sure if he just imagined this all the time but somehow he had the feeling someone’s watching him. Nevertheless he decided to look back over his shoulder but saw no one. When he shook his head and looking back around to walk around the school building but then he got shocked by a blue haired male student of his school. Calmed immediately down after a second, Bjoo furrowed his eyebrows and quickly having his annoyed facial expression. Wanted to ask the one in front of him what he was doing here, because nobody dared to be here expect Bjoo and his pack, the blue haired one got ahead.

“You’re Kim Byungjoo right ?”

 Bjoo gritted his teeth when the one called him by his real name.

“ Yah you! Don’t call me like that. Nobody dares to call me that!” Bjoo got immediately pissed off by that one in front of him. Only a chuckle followed after that.

wait? He just chuckled? The boy dare to chuckle when bjoo snub him?

Bjoo feel the anger building up inside him. He never had knew someone who’ve been like that to him. Nobody dares it. Even from the beginning when they first met him.

“I haven’t thought you’re being like that Kim Byungjoo ~“ The blue haired one had a grin from one side to the other of his face.

“ YAH! You really don’t want to stop huh? ..“  Bjoo couldn’t control himself anymore and take quick steps towards the one and grabbed him by his collar.

 And .. he was still grinning.

“ kkkk.. you’re being funny Kim Byungjoo .. Interesting and funny..~”  He sticked his tongue out in a cheeky way before he grabbed Byungjoos hands. Within a second he was out of Bjoos grip.

When he wanted to shout at him .. the ringing bell of the school was interrupting him. Bjoo just saw the he was  walking away. 

what the … this little brat ..



…Almost two weeks passed by after that small coincidence from Bjoo and the blue haired male student. By and by Bjoo got told that this annoying and cheeky boy was actually the new transfer student Hansol. And well .. as i fit couldn’t be any better, Jenissi appreciated to being friend with Hansol.

Ugh …

Bjoo walked once again along those hallways until he arrived in the big white room which is loud and filled with many pupils. The cafeteria.

He walked like always toward their regular table and took a seat. Unfortunally a sigh was leaving his lips which was immediately interrupted by an annoying chuckle.

Oh,  he knew this chuckle far too well..

Immediately opening his eyes, he turned his head to the right and was greeted by the blue haired boy which he already knew too good. Hansol was taking a seat next to Bjoo, so he was sitting between him and Jenissi. B.joo narrowed his eyebrows immediately as Hansol started grinning at him. Totally annoyed, he turned his head away and start taking an apple from the middle of the table to eat it right afterwards.
 A loud annoying laugh was taking the upper hand on the table as Hansol started talking with the others while Bjoo was still annoyed by him.

Seriously .. why. Go away little brat.

While Hansol and Jenissi were talking  with each other, P-Goon and Xero weren’t that glad about it too (However, they haven’t said anything either to it because of Jenissi)
The blood was boiling once again inside him.
Having enough from all this, Bjoo stand abruptly up and left the table while having all eight eyes on him. 

“ you.”  Were his last incoherent words when he left the cafeteria.




It wasn’t the only or especially last meeting of Bjoo and Hansol. Oh, who would have though that ? Haha.
Bjoo could’ve said to everyone that Hansol somehow started to follow him. And if that wasn’t enough, no, Hansol started annoying him day by day. Unchancy, Hansol started being very close to his pack.


How dare he?

They were Bjoos friends.

His pack.

Not Hansols.


Finally the school bell rang and Bjoo made his way out to the backyard. He had enough.

Bjoo always had this tingle inside his stomach when Hansol didn’t stop nagging on him. He was pissed off by the face of the blue haired one and that he was bringing  his nerves and feels to the edge and infuriate him.

Whatever, Bjoo took a halt at the corner of the building as he saw Hansol lying in the grass a few meters away from him.

Got ya.. ~



[ A / N ] 

oh my oh my.. at first I am sorry for every spelling and grammar mistakes.. not my first language so .. >-<

It's already past midnight and I'm finally finished with correcting the first part xD ( tomorrow ..school :'D)
Actually I wanted to make this story as an 'One-Shot' but maybe you're also okay with a 'Two-Shot'?? qwq

The next paaaart .. (*drums*) will be including ! >//////< And guess who will top? YEP. BJOO. (thank you for voting ♥)

I Hope I can finish the second part soon .. afterwards I guess I will continue with the second chapter of "It has to be a secret..♥"


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OppaIsWaitingForMe #1
Chapter 1: Lets be honest here! Hansolle cant even top! XD like get that out the way xD
Blinger_kim #2
Chapter 3: DAMN IT, ITS SO GOOD PLEASE MORE! I need fluffy everyday life hanjoo so badly
which one B-Joo the standing one or the sit one??
someone care to explain?? ^^
Chapter 3: This. Seriously. Needs. A. Sequel.
luthytha #5
Chapter 3: Woowo! Sublime! If this is your first smunt I loved it <3
I really like the story *-* evil Hansol hahaha! They already knew each other.
I hope you'll write more stories about them, they are so cute together and I like the way you write :D

Thank you for the ff! <3
XD I can go to bed! Hahaha
Chapter 3: so they knew each other before....They meet again so cute~
b2utiful_melody #7
Chapter 2: Hanjoo OTL .. That was good !! can't wait for the next chapter XD
I can't wait for the update *____*
I think those two are such an awesome couple, so cute and playful and hot and .... lots of other things xD
The point is, this couple is really interesting :D
Please update soon it seems really interesting!!