
Love doesn't have an End

Their sweet laughter echoing through the forest, leaves cracking under their feets as they ran away from the short-haired girl. The four girls teasefully dodged while the short-haired girl tried to catch at least one of them. The eldest with brwon hair ran quickly, but this had caused her to slip and fall in the lake. The other girls stopped to see their eldest sister sprung out, drenched with the water and a bewilderment expression on her face. The other girls burst into laughter, much to the dismay of the elder girl. The youngest pushed the doll-like girl into the lake, and the short-haired girl pushed the black haired girl too. The two curplits girls looked at each other, and the youngest failed to protect herself and also fell into the lake. But the most unfortunated one was the short-haired girl, because of her clumsiness, she fell into the lake too. The girls were too shocked, so they just started laughing and enjoying their time together for now.

Do you know who they are? They are the five princesses of the Enclave, each having a special role in their kingdom. The eldest of them is the next Queen, named Victoria for victory. The second one is in charged of medicine and was in charged of the people who took care of the sick, named Luna. The third one is Amber, the strongest and the leader of the army. The fourth one is Sulli, who took care of food and the education of everyone. And the last one is Krsytal, who took care of treasury. Their father is the King of the Enclave, and legend says the he had extraordinary powers that could be a curse or a gift to anyone. He had said the Enclave from a dark force, that could have killed everyone, and this had made the king. The Queen is the most beautiful woman in the Enclave, and you can guess from where did the girls got their beauty from.  The people love their kindness and generosity, and the Royal Family ruled the kingdom happily. Their happiness could shine the kingdom, and everything was just perfect. 

But there was danger, and it was in the form of twelve men. They lived at the other side of the Enclave, in a old abandoned castle that had been a habitat for them. They were dangerous because they turn into werewolves at the night. You see, their ancestors were the evil that the King of Enclave had killed, and that caused the population to be extinct. But these twelve boys grew up to be strong and with vengeance. They decided that they were going to end the person's life and his important ones who had killed their entire families. These twelve brothers were powerful enough to take down the Enclave, but fate had seemed to have something else in mind.

It all started when Sulli noticed some chickhen missing from the farm, then she noticed how some children were missing. Luna noticed the visible scars on the missing children, who were found dead. It had haunted the princesses, but they had no idea what it is. Some people believed that the evil was back, but no one knew what it was. The generation that had seen the creatures had gone to heaven, and the King was too old and too weak. Each day passed as the King slowly grew weaker and more children and now adults were missing. The King fell, and the entire kingdom mourned. Victoria became the Queen and their mother had became depressed.  The person who felt the most shaken is Amber since she was closer to her father than her sisters. Her father had personally taught her how to fight, and taught her the skills needed to use weapons. He had taught her everything she knew now near the lake in he forest. So she would go there alone, without telling her sisters where she really was going. It was a secret between her father and her, and no one else should had known about. But there she met the most handsome man she has ever seen. 

His face was perfect, with his blonde hair and coal-like eyes. He was taller than anyone she had seen, and that fascinated her. Even with simple clothes, he looked beautiful, too perfect. His face was shocked to see a person in his secret place, and he never expected someone to know about this place. But he was surprised to find a beautiful lady with a short hair and almond eyes. Time stopped for them when their eyes met, and it was a moment they would remember forever, till the moment they die. Friendship happened and then love blossomed. "Who are you?" Amber asked. 

"Kris." A pause. "You?" 


You ask me why do I have a sad face, and I smile at you. You see, Amber was the princess while Kris was the leader of the werewolves. They are in reality enemies by birth, and they can't do anything to change that. Amber's father killed almost everyone in Kris's family, only leaving him with his brothers. Remember, only Amber's father knew who the evil was that he had defeated. The power he had didn't get passed on to his daughter because it was only possible for a male. Amber and Kris's perspective would have changed the moment they see each other, because they were taught to hate each other. 

So, they fell in love? You ask me. I nod, and I see you smile. 

Their friendship blossomed into love, and it went on for a year. The killings in the Enclave had decreased a bit, but there was still a caution. No one knew about Amber and Kris's relationship, and no one knew where they went. After one year, they sealed their love with a kiss under the bright sun and the sounds of the birds singing. It was the best day of her life, Amber had claimed. But when she went to her mansion, it became her worst nightmare. The mansion was eerily silent when she entered, and Amber immediately put her  guard on. She slowly moved to the living room when she saw the bodies of her sisters lying on a pool of blood. Someone screamed, and it took her a moment to realize that the voice belonged to her. "Amber?" A whisper was heard, and she quickly saw her mother lying on the sofa. She quickly went to her side, tears streaming down her face. "Werewolves........ Revenge," her mother said, before her chest took one last rise and fell. "Mother?" Amber waited for an answer, but she knew there wasn't going to be one. As her heart wretched out for the loss of her family, she knew that she had to avenge the murders, and she knew who they were: Werewolves. 

The Enclave was at loss, Amber became the Queen and led the army to avenge the murders. The villagers mourned for their loss, but they presented Amber with a a sacred cloth, which could protect anything. She covered her face with it, just revealing her eyes. That night, as she waited in the palace knowing that the wolves were going to come for her. And the eight of the wolves did come: Kai, Kyungsoo, Luhan, Chen, Sehun, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Suho. She killed them all with cold eyes, except Kyungsoo, who had fled to his home. She followed him and realized that there were more, but decided to recover herself and went back her home. Kris had found Kyungsoo come back limping and bleeding to death. He didn't know where they went, and neither did the other three. So when he found Kyungsoo almost killed by someone, he was furious. Kyungsoo spent his last breath by revealing that the Queen had killed his brothers. The three mourned for their lost while Kris burned with revenge. The next night, the four werewolves marched on the palace to see a warrior covered with shield and sword, and her face revealing nothing but cold eyes. The battle went on till dawn, and only Amber and Kris survived. The sunlight could come at any minute, and Kris knew he had little time before he would return to his human form. With a last effort, Kris lunged forward, but the sacred cloth protected Amber, leaving her face exposed since the cloth was shredded to pieces. Amber stood still when she saw the wolves turn into the man she loves, Kris. He turned back to face the woman he only loves, Amber. 

They didn't know who they were while fighting, you asked me. I shook my head, saying that they didn't know what the other person really were. They fell in love with who they were, not what they were.

What happened next? You asked me. 

They die, I would say. 
You gasp and have a shocked expression. 
I lied, I would say and see you have a relief expression. Amber kills Kris and then kills herself. 
You gasp louder, and say that's even more worse! How could she do that to the person she loves? 
Responsibilities, I say, is what that makes them go against each other even though they love each other. Kris's brothers were responsible for Amber's loss, and Amber was responsible for Kris's loss. There were misunderstandings, but they couldn't back away from their responsibilities. Amber charged forward, and killed Kris with her sword. Too shock from doing anything, Kris fell down. Amber started crying as she placed his head on her laps, whispering apologizes. Kris looked at Amber for one last time, taking in her red-tearful eyes and shivering lips. "Why did it have to be like this?" That was his last words. Amber cried and cried with Kris's dead body on her lap, and decided that she couldn't live without Kris. She took the sword that had ended his life and ended hers too. 
I look down to see your tears streaming down your face. I smile and wipe them for you. That's so sad, you had said. I denied, and said that it was the best thing that could happen to them. Curiously you ask why, and I tell you that they were free to love each other in heaven, and could stay together for eternity. No misunderstandings, an no complications. They are right now in heaven, happily together and forever.
But aren't they dead? So what's the use? You had asked me.
But their love doesn't die. Look at Romeo and Juliet: you remember that they died while trying to be together. Shah Jahan builled The Taj Mahal for his beloved wife, and we don't remember anything else about them. Pepole die, and people move on, but love has always been eternal. We remember people's love first. Now, we remember Kris and Amber's love right now, even if their lives weren't that long, their love is. Love doesn't have an end.
Author's Note: Sorry for any grammar mistakes. I don't know what I wrote and I am currently sleep deprived. Sorry, but I hope you enjoyed this story!
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jihoSUNBAE #1
Chapter 1: Is was quick, but beautiful. Thank you for sharing
baekyeonkeyberlove #2
Chapter 1: Just, .wow! Beautiful, amazing!! What else? Very very good~ :3 love it <3
amkristao #3
Chapter 1: Omg.. A sad story:'( but i like it! :)
wow, this is well written fic. i love your style ;)
ararearaya #5
Chapter 1: woaaaa this is good fic. :) I like tye way you write it. it feels like read a fairy tale. But not like any other fairy tale. The happy ever after here isn't with them happily married and run the kingdom at peace. it's the way rheir love is still be remembered that make this story happy ever after.
what am I saying. --;
anyway, there's typo 'Pepole die, and people move on'. do you mean people?
once again, I like how you write this fic, story-teller-nim. :)
krisber_1806 #6
Chapter 1: Wow sad story.
shuu_rin #7
odg the blog sounds so awesomee!
waiting for your story. :)
krisber_1806 #8
One shot collection??