Insecurities 1



Chanyeol's POV


“Okay Tao, so what do you like most about Kris?” Suho smiles, enjoying our group strengthening exercises to the extreme. He had called us all together, insistent on unnecessary compliments being exchanged for the sake of our 'lacking' friendship.


“Duizhang is charming and powerful. He's respectable and serious but very kind.” Tao nods to himself as if reassuring his answer when Kris cracks a smile in his direction.


“Chanyeol? What do you like about Baekhyun?” Suho smiles at Tao's answer before moving on. I stared for a bit too long, blank faced and thoughtful, before Suho narrows his eyes and I succumb to the stare, forcing out an awkward but honest answer.


“He's kind and always makes people laugh. He's my best friend.” I mumble the last part, rubbing my neck in embarrassment of my cheesy answer. Baekhyun immediately takes the opportunity to laugh hysterically, turning red from lack of breathing while the others merely nod in understanding, having already gone through the embarrassing task of naming their friend's best qualities.


“Okay Baekhyun, your turn.” Suho grumbles, taking Baekhyun's amusement offensively but Baekhyun sits up straight, fixing his hair with a big smile before turning to give me a once over. I stiffen immediately, not sure if I'm comfortable with him looking so carefully at me.


“You guys all got it easy!” Baekhyun whines and my brow furrows in confusion but before anybody can question the blond he grins up at me too pleased with himself before snarkily adding, “I mean, what's there to really like about the giant.”




And that's how it started. My constant insecurities, that is.


I never considered myself a terrible unappealing person but knowing my, rarely serious and most definitely joking, friend say there was nothing appealing about me hurt. It hurt my pride, it hurt my heart because while my fellow members sat there either blank faced or disappointed expressions at Baekhyun's sarcastic answer not a one of them corrected him with a compliment in my direction, not even Suho.


Since then I can't look any of them in the eyes. I can't be proud of my appearance and I can't make my usual cheesy jokes. I feel so absent and the others are starting to notice.


Lay hasn't passed by me once without offering that sympathetic smile. Kyungsoo is constantly offering me come form of comfort food. Chen is forever setting me up for bad jokes but I can't help but just sigh, disappointing another friend's efforts to brighten my suddenly solemn expression.


“Talk to him!” I heard Suho's muffled shouting as I waste away my day listening to music left on repeat.


More untranslatable arguing sounds and I grunt to myself, as if asking them to talk elsewhere but then my door opens and an awkward, red faced Baekhyun enters my room, rubbing his neck bashfully before leaning against my desk casually.


“Hey Yeol.” He hums and I turn away from my laptop, quirking my brow as if unconcerned at his sudden presence. We hadn't spoken more than 2 words since the 'strengthening exercise'.


“Hey Baek.” I answer but my voice cracks from lack of use and I ignore the way he cringes in response.


“How are you? Good?” He answers his own question and I click my teeth.


“Do I look good, Baek?” My tone is more sour than I intend and Baekhyun lowers his eyes, fiddling with his fingers awkwardly.


“Suho seems to think you're upset about my little...joke in the strengthening exercise.” He mumbles and I grunt in dismissible but he steps closer, as if refusing my response. “You do know it was a joke, right?” He pleas, voice going quiet and I shrug, making him sigh. “Come on Yeol. This isn't you. Park Chanyeol doesn't get offended by my stupid jokes, he pokes fun right back at me. What happened?” I finally lift my eyes but he backs up, surprised at my blank stare. “Look Chanyeol, I'm apologizing. I'm sorry I said there wasn't anything to like about you. It was a joke and a bad one at that. It wasn't even a little bit true, so please stop looking at me like I stabbed your ferret.” My lips quirk up unconsciously and a hopeful smile comes to Baekhyun's lips.


“Nobody had anything to say, Baek. Is it so hard to find something good about me?” I feel my throat strain and my voice slips again, making Baekhyun cringe once more and he steps closer letting his fingers graze over my shoulder before rethinking the touch and withdrawing.


“No Chanyeol. Please don't think that.” I lift my stare to him and out stretch my hand to tangle his fingers into mine, smiling when his grip tightens in response.


“Then tell me something you like about me. No jokes. No sarcasm...just be honest. What's something good about me?” Baekhyun hisses at my request and his free hand moves to pet my unruly hair in a comforting gesture.


“Chanyeolie.” He breaths and I stare up at him, patient as I wait for an answer. “Your voice.” He mumbles and I narrow my eyes at the quiet compliment. “Your eyes.” He goes on, making me my head curiously. “Your hair.” He breaths, tangling his pretty fingers into my short brown hair. “I like your height. I like your sense of humor. I like your laugh. I like your honesty. I like your style. I like your smell. I like your lips.” He pauses at this, making my eyes widen slightly as he stares down at me, making me lean back in my desk chair. My voice? My eyes? My smell? My lips? What's he talking about? I watch his stare, eyes glazed over as he begins to lean over me.


“Baekhyun?” I mumble and he hums absently, lips parting slightly to drag his tongue over them and staying separated so I can smell his sweet breath brushing over my face. “Do you, maybe, like me?” I question softly but Baekhyun gapes at my words, seemingly surprised and his expression is suddenly not so lost but instead terrified and pained.


“Why would I like you!” He suddenly shouts and shuffles away, forgetting that his hand is still tangled in mine.


“I don't know. Why would you? Is it because of my voice? My eyes? My smell? My lips?” I offer, watching as red starts to cover his cheeks before taking over his face and it takes me a while to finally realize...he's blushing.




Byun Baekhyun is blushing because I asked if he likes me. I swallow dryly, suddenly very concerned about my own feelings for the embarrassed boy.


I knew I liked him a while back but I gave up on that hack dream. Baekhyun was always too good for me and everyone knew it. All of my old friends told me this as soon as they heard about my more than friendly feelings for the smaller boy, so I disregarded my stuttering heart and eventually it was little more than a subtle ache deep in my chest every time he giggled or smiled right at me. But when he'd brush my hair from my face or when I'd get one of those rare hugs I couldn't fight the way my heart sped up as I simultaneously tried to calm it down.


That's why when Suho told Baekhyun to say what he liked about head was spinning. My palms began to sweat and my breathing went shallow but when those words came out of Baekhyun's lips I couldn't deny my feelings anymore. Friends don't hurt the way I hurt when Baekhyun said there was nothing to like about me. So apparently my crush was still there and strong as ever and it really hurt to know all of my old friends were right. He was too good for me yes, but to think nothing about me was good enough. Not a single thing about me appealed to him and no matter how many times I said, 'It was just a joke.' to myself I was never convinced.


“You're my best friend, Yeol. I notice these things.” He mumbles and I can't fight a coy smile coming to my lips when he stumbles over his words.


“I didn't know friends noticed each others lips.” I tease and Baekhyun looses his breath, coking on air and I smile. “Want to know a secret?” I hum and Baekhyun nods dumbly, making me grin again before pulling the boy closer and sitting up to breath into his ear. “I've always wanted to kiss yours.” I hum, listening to Baekhyun's breath pick up.


“Really?” He squeaks and I hum, letting my free hand land on his waist to pull him between my legs. He stares down at me, looking too wide eyed, too innocent, and all too tempting making me tilt his chin to the right, fitting his pink lips to mine as they drawl near. “Wait.” He chokes, gripping the collar of my shirt too tightly and making me pause. I watch him chew his bottom lip and my own in answer, growling as if the blond had been taunting me. He flushes again and I groan in want making him lean in the tiniest bit closer. “Chanyeol?” He whispers and I hum, eyes already half closed as I feel his warm puffs of breath caress my face. “Do you, maybe, like me?” He whispers, making my eyes snap open noticing the fallen eyes of the boy I admired.


“Maybe-” I start, getting a small smile before I finish my answer. “Maybe I love you.” I keep my voice hushed, matching his quiet question and his eyes widen as I watch his jaw rise and fall as if begging to respond to my confession but I except his silent awe as enough and press my lips to his.


He yelps at the sudden kiss but it's too soft and pleasant to fight, at least from my side. He melt quickly however, wrapping an arm around my neck and tilting his head just right before poking his tongue out to skim my lips and I grunt at the warm, wet touch.


I scoot back a bit but he moves closer, mewling almost in discontent before strattling my lap and I let my fingers dig into his thighs, practically at the perfectly soft, pale skin that's put on display in his shorts. He whimpers when my nails dig in next, forcing him down onto my lap.


“Chanyeol.” He whispers my name like a prayer and I shutter at the sound that is half pressed against my lips.


“Did you apologize, Baekhy-” Suho stepped into the room. I presume he knocked, seeing as he's Suho and we were probably too preoccupied to really notice but the shock on his face is near worth the embarrassment of being caught with my dream boy strattling my half hard on. “Well, .” Suho mumbles out as Baekhyun buries his face in my shoulder, completely beyond embarrassed.


“Could you maybe-” I leave the question open and obvious but Suho doesn't fight a proud smile before leaning into the door frame as if about to make himself comfortable.


“So Baekhyun...maybe you like Chanyeol?” He repeats my earlier unanswered question, I suppose without intent and Baekhyun pulls away from the crook of my neck to rest a hand in the same spot, a smile tugging at his lips despite our awkward situation.


“Maybe I love him.”


Soooo, I'm headed to Dallas to see VIXX! 


So I had a few hours so here's a drabble I thought up last night! ^-^

I hope you guys enjoyed this little nugget, I just wanted to write something and “Maybe A Little” wasn't coming to me at the moment.

In other news, I think Suho reacted perfectly to Baekyeol.

That's exactly what I would do. Good job leader-nim!

Lol so I guess that's it for now, hopefully I can update “Maybe A Little” soon, so look forward to it and in the mean time subscribe, comment and upvote my Loves. BuhBye!!!

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Chapter 1: Ahhhhhh so cute and sweet~~
panikorea #2
Chapter 1: Awwwww XD
Chapter 1: Ciuuuuuteeee
audbear #4
Chapter 1: I need a sequel for this one, I NEED YOU GIRL WAE
Friends do not notice each others lips. Oh gosh! XD. Huehehehehe..!! Baekyeol don't deny your love for each other! *thumbs up* :DD
Chapter 1: Seriously felt my heart melt while reading this ;w; this story was so cute and i'm so glad chanyeol and baekhyun confessed to each other! Hope you had fun at the VIXX showcase~
Chapter 1: Park Chanyeol should never feel insecure because everything about Park Chanyeol is the epitome of perfection. xD Byun Baekhyun agrees with me~ Heh.

This was soo cute! I enjoyed it so much~ Gave me so many intense feels I had to take a moment to calm myself. Lol. Gotta take a BaekYeol breather~~ But once again, great job, author-nim! I love your drabbles/one shots very much! ^^
Chapter 1: wheeeeee u must like vixx lucky u :3 a lot ehehheehhehenthought this was so freaking cute despite chanyeols downer mood otl hahha the way he recovered and why was nice ~ whee
Chapter 1: sequeeeel LOL
CillaBear #10
Chapter 1: Aw~ I like it! It's sooo cute! (Even the part where Chanyeol felt hurt)