
Your smile, my world.

School holiday in Seoul. Eunji, the bookworm, usually at school she will spend her time by reading books and eating junk food, playing with Hoya and cleaning her classroom. She feels bored, reading her favorite novel again, There is no tomorrow; Hoya gave it. "I have no idea where did he got this book. Aigu." She chuckles. Plus, Eunji also a fangirl of actor Jo Insung, she have a lot of poster, autograph, and present of him, last year, Hoya give a t-shirt with Insung picture on it. Suddenly, her phone ring, "Ting ting, nugu nugu? .. Nugu nugu?" Such a cute ringtone, "Aihhhhhh. Wrong time!"

It's Hoya calling her, "Eunji-ah! Would you like to go somewhere..? Or, nah." Hoya begging at her, "Stop act cute in front of me. Meet me, as usual, that place." She replied, ended the call. Meanwhile, Hoya, he can't control himself lol. He keep jumping around, meeting his crush, his own bestfriends. 



Hoya arrived first, wearing a simple black t-shirt with a jacket, long pant and boot-shoes. Waiting for her at the bridge, he also bought a junk food for her, Hoya knew that Eunji will like it. He wait, and wait wait wait. ---- Eunji come, drinking a juice. "Oh, you late." Hoya joke while messing his hair, pinching her cheek. "Its just once. Aha." Eunji replied, while rubbing her cheek, completely red now. "Actually, I wanna tell you something. Take this first." Hoya said, handing her the junk  food he bought to her. "I'm listening." Eunji eat the food. 

"Hm. I dont think this is the right time." Hoya nervously talking to her. "Gwaenchana. Of what? Whats the problem, anyway?" Eunji look at him, tilting her haid, showing her eyesmile. "The problem? Hm. The problem is, I have this feeling." He started again. "I like someone. She's cute, short, dumb. Should I?" Hoya said while staring at Eunji, making her embarassed. "Oh, tell her then." She chuckles, while crossing her hand together, busy chewing the junk food. "I.. I like her. I mean, you." He replied while looking straight into her eyes, waiting for her answer. "Will you?" He continue. 

Eunji speechless for a while, confuse and afraid at the same time. It's getting awkward now, Hoya started again, "Forget about what I said earlier." Hoya let out a deep sigh, walk away from her, he blame himself for telling his feelings at her. "I shouldn't tell her." He whispered himself. Suddenly, he heared a footstep, sounds like someone is running, and thruthfully, it's Eunji, hugging him from the back, they stopped. "Nado." Eunji replied while hugging Hoya, so warm. Hoya turn and facing her, staring each other, smiling, "Much better." He said, rubbing her chin and kissing her nose, poke it. Thruthfully, Eunji also had a same feeling at Hoya, since they've be bestfriends since 14, but she afraid to confess it at him, afraid that it will ruining their friendship for almost 3 years, or more. But now, Eunji and Hoya just confessed each other about their feelings.


{ Will update soon. x }

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wushixun12 #1
Chapter 3: Update please;;;
snabilah50 #2
Chapter 3: plse update kinda like this story..
Chapter 3: aaw~ they're so cute X3
hoya is too 'to the point' but i love the way eunji accept his confession >,<
update soon author-nim! ^^