Only the Two of Us


A collection of Changjoe/2jo drabbles, that range from happy to sad, from romantic to downright fluffy. 


I shipped 2jo before it got cool

Nah I'm just kidding. <3 

Here is a 65 part drabble series that I'm writing for the pairing 2jo/Changjoe, since there isn't much material and I thought, well why not. This will be also updated on my livejournal (7deadlycrosses) if you prefer reading there or whatnot. Anyway, enjoy! 




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exoooo12 #1
authornim, is this abandoned already? :(
Chapter 3: oh my god- ...
*drowns in feels*
Morningdew89 #3
Chapter 3: *chokes on orange juice and emits garbled words* you, my friend, are brilliant!
Morningdew89 #4
Chapter 2: Oh my glab! You weren't joking about the 2jo feels ><! Trying to hold in the tears so my bf doesn't think I'm a freak and realise that I'm reading affs. Not a conversation I'm ready to have lol
Chapter 3: Omg this chapter was awesome!I can't wait for a chapter when Changjo will really him. :3
Chapter 3: Awnn this chapter is so hottt :> I really really love your story ♡
Chapter 3: OMG! you killed me with this chapter.
Chapter 3: Yay!! I want to look at nudes of Changjo XD omg I'm a . This was hot! I like to imagine they do that for real :P Yay ! ^^
Chapter 2: God so sad!!! I wonder how byungie is dead!!! Oh my!! Im crying
Chapter 2: Awww! So sad and so touching!!! T~T