When he makes you cry

✦ ✧ Kpop Scenarios ✦ ✧

Tae Yang / Young Bae


"Who was that?"he ask as you hang up your phone from your conversation.You turned to him seeing his uneasy exression.

"It's my childhood friend." you said as you walk to the kitchen.

"So,that's how you talk to a childhood friend?" you stop walking and turned to him."What are you trying to say?"

With loud sigh "You've been talking about how you love him,how you missed his smiles,how he treat you and all.Is he your ex?"  

"Did you hear all the conversation?Yet you talked like you know him.Don't make such stupid speculation,Young Bae.You acting weird."you tried to calm down

"Yeah right,Maybe you are dating him behind me,meeting him and such.Maybe you LIE to me" you know,he's being jelous and you hate the word LIE.And the worst,Yound Bae said that to you.

"What are you thinking?Why are acting like this?WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! you can't control your anger.

"Maybe you're forget that you have a BOYFRIEND? " you walked towards him and slap his face."How can you say that?!" your eyes b with tears.You run to your room and slam yourself on your bed.You've told yourself not to cry but his voice echoing in your mind,repeating those words.

After a while,you could hear the door slowly opens and you hear footsteps going near to you."______,i'm sorry.Would punching me make those tears stop?Please.."

You pretend not to hear his saying.You feel he climbing the bed,coming closer to you."i know i was wrong.I know i'm jelous.Can you forgive me?

You slowly nod your head.He hugs your back, " I'm sorry for what I've said ." He tighten his hug and rest his head on your shoulder.

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