Rainy days.

Rainy days.

You sat in the telephone booth, drenched from head to toes. It was just your luck today. It had been raining heavily and you never liked bringing umbrellas with you. You were about to call your brother to fetch you but even your phone was against you, running out of battery and blacking out the moment you 'slide to unlock'.

Having no other place to seek shelter from the heavy downpour, you ran into the nearest empty telephone booth, cussing at the rain. You wanted to make a phonecall to your home, but you opened your wallet to realise you had no spare change. 'Ah.. , , !', you shouted, kicking the booth. You facepalmed and huddled in the booth. Glancing at your watch, you saw that it was already 5PM but the rain showed no signs of stopping. 

You were 'ing cold', wearing just a pair of tanktops and shorts. Your hair was messy, your eyeliner smudged, running down your cheeks. 'I knew I should have bought the waterproof eyeliner instead.' You mumbled. Anyone who walked past probably thought you just escaped from the mental hospital. You looked likea mess. 'Tch. Stop looking.' You snarled at people in your head.

You covered your face with your two shivering hands so people couldn't look at you. An hour past, all you could hear was the pitter-patter of the rain. Then, there was a knock. You shrugged it off, thinking it was just your imagination. A few seconds later, there was another knock, much louder this time. You opened your eyes warily and looked at the man, dressed in a rain coat, who stared back at you. He was holding an umbrella in his right hand and extended his left hand out to you. You blinked at him, taking his hand. He smiled cheekily, making you think, 'Ah, he's so adorable.' Something about him made you feel happy inside. He was like a happy virus. You smiled and allowed him to pull you up. 'Do you need a ride home, pretty lady?' He asked. Your eyes widened at his deep voice. It was so weird seeing a babyfaced man with such a low voice. He frowned slightly, repeating his question. You smiled shyly and replied a 'Yes, please.' 

He held the umbrella above your head and led you to his car. Your eomma had always said not to trust strangers but your instincts told you he was a kind soul. He held the car door open for you, making you swoon at how much of a gentleman he was. You mumbled a 'Thankyou' and got in swiftly. You gave directions to your house and you two eventually reached. You smiled and thanked him for his kind deed. As you opened the door to leave, he grabbed hold of one of your hands. 

'My name is Park Chanyeol.' He said with a shy grin and handed you a paper with messy handwriting, all scribbled with what you presumed was his numbers. He blushed a bit, before stuttering a 'C-call me.' You smiled at his cuteness and nodded, 'See you, chanyeol!' You chirped, before waving at him and entering your house with a warm feeling in your heart. 

Perhaps it was because you knew you would see him again.

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Chapter 1: Interesting... C: