Life is Never Flat : The Late Soojung

Life is Never Flat : The Late Soojung





Birds which wanted to take some rest on the certain house's roof immediately fly away again in surprised.

Inside, a panic brunette pulled her hair like a mad woman while stared at the clock with horror written all over her face.



08.38 a.m. Twenty two minutes to go before her first class started.


The harried Soojung kicked the blanket off and wanted to jump out from her bed, but unfortunately, the garment stuck with her left leg.


The young woman was so struggled to release herself from the deadly blanket dramatically. She rolled here and there, kicked her feet frantically to random direction, but the comforter seemed love her too much to let her go.



Due to her frantic and uncontrollable moves, accidentally her right thumb hit the bedpost hard,




Soojung immediately reached for her thumb and didn't realize that she was placed on the edge of the bed. Thus, once she could touch her poor thumb, her body lost it balance and rolled down, fell on the marbled floor with a loud thud, forehead first.




08.42 a.m. Eighteen minutes remained.


After all of those unnecessary commotions, finally Soojung could make her way to the bathroom without tripped over her own feet. She quickly washed her face, brushed her teeth, then dashed out to go back to her bedroom and rummaged her drawer, search for a clean shirt. Her eyes caught a pink t-shirt on the very bottom shelf and she almost pick that up when suddenly she remembered something,


Wait, i used pink too yesterday. What if people think that i wear the same shirt?! Oh no!!


Then she found baby blue colored one in the upper shelf.


What about blue? This one is Jinri's favorite..


After debated with herself for which color she should wear that day -which wasting her precious two minutes-, finally the panic Soojung hopped into a pair of jeans, the baby blue shirt earlier, and black cardigan.

Once her outfit was ready, she dashed to grab her comb from the table and started fixing hair while preparing the materials for that day lessons with her another free hand.

"Dammit, where's my bag?!"

Soojung threw the comb carelessly to the floor and stormed out from her room, straight to the living room. There, she found her backpack scattered helplessly on the couch.

"What the are you doing here?!"


[ Bag : Why the hell you left me here, stupid brunette?! ]


Soojung grabbed the bag and quickly stuffed it with all of the material papers and books.


08.50 a.m. Ten minutes left and Soojung had finished all of the preparation.

After threw her gaze around the whole house and make sure that she didn't forget anything, she dashed out from her apartment, headed straight to the school together with the grumpy bag clung on her shoulder.


Two minutes of her journey, Soojung suddenly felt that there was something weird with her feet. She looked down and...


"OH MY GOD!!" she screamed into the top of her lungs when she saw that she was still wearing her cute pink bunny slippers. Without saying anything, the whipped brunette turned around and ran back to her apartment.


08.55 a.m, Jung Soojung could be seen running along the street while screaming loudly as if a monster has been chasing after her behind.


Hundred couples of seconds later, Soojung found herself finally arrived in the corner of green field, the only thing which separated her and her class that time. Just one minute remained.


What should i do?


There were about fifty heads of middle-aged women in the middle of the field and doing aerobic. Big speakers were placed not far from her, blasting the typical music of aerobic thingy. Usually, Soojung would follow what Uncle pythagoras had said by cross the field diagonally, but with those eager grandmas in the middle, everything became harder to her.

Running through the edge wouldn't be helping, the field was too wide.


She had only two choices.


The first, or the second of course.


Thus, Soojung made her mind and chose the second one. She would cross the field, passing the grannies.


Okay, brace yourself, Soojung..


She started running, and didn't even slowing her pace when she came nearer to the spot where the women moved their body energetically.


She kept running and running... And right before she pass the group, Soojung felt something stumbling her feet and she tripped over it.


Her face kissed the ground.


Uhh.. What with all of these s?


As she sat up and rubbed her nose, Soojung noticed something different.


Wait.. Why it's become silent so sudden?


With sweat rolled on her forehead, she encouraged herself to looked down at her feet. There, a roll of cable was hooked with her leg and it being unplugged from the speaker. In short, she tripped over the cable which connected the speakers with the electricity source. That was why it became silent so sudden.


Good god.. Please help me..


She gulped hard and lifted her head up, just to found couples of eyes staring at her suspiciously.


... Goodbye cruel world..





No one knew how Soojung could run away from those oldies wrath. And maybe no one couldn't get to know about that since Soojung herself wanted to forget it for the rest of her life.


[ insert Gloomy Sunday instrumental here ]


Anyway, that was already 09.05 when she arrived at her class and the lesson had started. She stepped inside with her head hung low and approached the teacher's table, ready to begging for his permission to join the lesson.

"I'm so sorry for being late, Sir.. I won't do this again, i promise! Please let me follow-"

"Wait, wait, Jung Soojung?"


Huh? Since when Mr. Park voice’s sounds like Ms. Kim?


She lifted her face up and...



The so called Ms. Kim raised her eyebrows, "You come to the wrong class, Soojung. Your time with me.." she checked on her schedule, "Three hours again."


Soojung didn't need to turn around, but she could feel how her friends stare burn a big hole in her back.


... Just kill me..


09.08 a.m, somehow, Soojung managed to crawl out from Ms. Kim's class, full with embarrassment. When she bounded to the hallway and walked hopelessly toward her REAL class, a familiar voice called from her back.



Huh? Isn't she supposed to be in the class now?


"Jinri!" she called back when saw her girlfriend bouncing to approach her, "What are you doing here?"

"That's what i want to ask you, Jjung! I tried to call you but you didn't answer my call."


, i forgot my phone..


"Anyway," Jinri continued. "Class is dismissed already because Mr. Park have something to do and-"


"What's wrong Jjung? You hate his class, don't you?"

Soojung really wanted to cry, really.


What about all of my effort to get here?


"Jjung? Are you okay?"

"... No.."

Jinri leaned closer and examined her lover's face carefully. Bruises were scattered everywhere, on her forehead, temple, and cheeks. Within a minute, she understand what was her lover had went through to get to the school that morning.

"My poor Soojung.." she pecked the younger girl's nose lightly and whispered, "Let's go, i'll heal your wounds.."


Jinri winked seductively, "What about our empty classroom?"



Maybe i still have a good luck after all..




- - - - - - - -



Okay, another story with poor Soojung xD


Btw, i realized that this one was not really well written and if you guys don't like it, just tell me. I'll delete this one xD


So, comment~ :3

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Chapter 1: GOddaammit I cant stop laughing hahahahahaahahahaha
vousmevoyeznini #2
hahaha. why is jjung so cute in your story? omg
sasa1998 #3
Chapter 1: Maybe you will make the next part?ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 1: Waaaa that will really heal Soojung's wound Sul :D

Or you'll make another wound in her you know .. "bottom" XD
Chapter 1: What are you talking about.. I like it..
I kinda want to know what happen next. *wink*
This is cute.
Chapter 1: This one was really funny hahahaha i liked it !!
And a little bit of JungLi ♥