fan service??

MBLAQ: Love Pentagon

Okay I'm having a bad writers block on this story so can we just end it on this
A fan got mad at the gay fanservice and called it satanic and said THIS ISNT A LOVE PENTAGON ITS A PENTAGRAM and she throws a cricifix but they're all still gay anyway?
It's hard to be inspired to write this when MBLAQ isn'ttotally together anymore.. :(

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rehcord #1
Chapter 11: awww. It's okay if you end it there author since it's really hard to do something if you're not inspired. but if you have the time pls do write chaps ehehehe :3
satrina7 #2
Chapter 8: owww I was hoping for some JoonHo moments u.u
rehcord #3
Chapter 8: Omo you're back author!!
kakashilover #4
87 line all the way .......^_^ I'm cheering for them ,,,,please let them be together author nim (after byunghee shave ) ke ke ke
Chapter 6: yeay you updated^^ i really love this love pentagon
mir -> joon -> seungho -> byunghee -> cheondung...
good so far^^
i hope my otps will be together keke^^
JaeYong_TY #6
Chapter 5: I hope its will be joomi or mirder or mirho or mirGO
hehehe lol mir with every one
I'm rooting for joonmir or 87line or seungdoong or G.Oxcheondung. It's up to you haha.... but i hope one of my otp will bang!
Chapter 4: ahhh I see what your doing now... I have a question is it going to stay like this for the whole story or are you actually going to make pairings?

and my bunny is not a gorilla D: XD

waiting for the next update XD
Dahliycia #9
Chapter 3: I can't wait for more! I really love your stories. Seems everyone likes someone here ^^ I hope they are gonna read fanfics, that would be so much fun!