Bullied - Chapter 3

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Changmin thought how to make Woohyun talked. He had to perform more examination if he wanted to make sure what had been happened to Woohyun. He snapped back when he felt someone tugging his shirt.

"Oh, Woohyun-ah. What's wrong?"

"Is it okay?"


"My body. Nothing's wrong, right?"

Changmin frowned, "How come he said his body is alright when he knew it doesn't? With those bruises and marks. Come on, Changmin. Think! You should make him agree to go to the hospital."

"Umm, Woohyun. Since you don't go to school today, why don't we go outside?"

Woohyun tilted his head. His question left unanswered.

"The weather is nice. Let's take a walk."

"I... I don't feel like to go..."

"C'mon... I'm sure you will like it."


Changmin sighed. "I don't think it's gonna work. I need a better plan."

"Okay then. I'll just go back to the hospital. If there's something happened, call me. Okay?!"

Woohyun nodded.

Changmin bid farewell and went out of the house.

Woohyun smiled. "I'm okay. Changmin hyung didn't say anything, so I'm okay."

He walked back to the couch and continued watching tv.

About 30 minutes later, his phone rang. He looked at the screen to see who's calling.

"Changmin hyung..."

He hesitated a bit but answered the phone nevertheless.


"Hello, Woohyun. Are you at home?"


"Umm, Woohyun. Would you like to check your bedroom, please. I think I left my stethoscope there."

"Wait a minute."

Woohyun looked for the stethoscope in his room and spotted it on the floor, near the coffee table.


"Yes, Woohyunie? You find it?"


"Oh, thanks God... I think I really lost it. Woohyun, could you bring it here?"


"Woohyun-ah, I really need it right now. My shift will start soon and I don't think I can make it on time if I have to pick it up on yours. So...." Changmin tried his best to persuade him.

"Okay. I'll bring it."

"Thank you, Woohyun. I owe you."

Changmin smiled. "I'm a genius. Woohyun-ah, I'm sorry. I did this for your sake..."

15 minutes later, Woohyun arrived at the hospital. He dialed Changmin's number.

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naznew #1
Chapter 3: Finally..after almost 2 years...
i'm glad you still don't forget this story..
Woah..changmin so brilliant..
And dongwoo become a doctor...not bad..
Please update again..
naznew #2
Chapter 2: Oh my...there a twist in this story.. at first i though it was sungjong who is the victim,the weak..yeah,i think that maybe because his look like a girl..but turn out its woohyun....
I almost cry..i feel pity to woohyun.. i hope what sungjong curious is not true..
Please update again..