
it's just a bad dream

jongdae awoke with a start, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead and panting. he stared at the book in front of him. he fell asleep again--he's been trying to stay up all night because he doesn't want to keep dreaming of losing his boyfriend. his homework was due tomorrow, and he still hasn't finished it yet. 

tao noticed his boyfriend and pulled at his waist, bringing him closer. "another one?" he whispered, and jongdae felt like crying.

he buried his face in tao's shoulder, shaking from how much effort it was taking not to cry, but soon hot tears started streaming down his cheeks and tao's sleeve was starting to wet. jongdae nodded into his shoulder. 

"it's just a dream," tao reassured, caressing his back. each shuddering gasp jongdae took tao could feel his heart break. 

"don't leave me..." jongdae clutched hard on his shirt. "i don't wanna be alone..."

tao his hair. "i won't," he planted a kiss on jongdae's temple. "it's just a bad dream, jongdae, you know i won't leave you."

jongdae continued to cry, whereas tao just comforts him until he cries himself to sleep.

reallllylyyyyyy short wtf

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Chapter 1: So sad, but Tao's there to prevent Chennie's nightmares.
Chapter 1: Awww, it's so sad, how Chen gets shaken' up over a little dream... But I'm sure Tao isn't gonna leave little Chenchen. :)
viani24 #3
Chapter 1: short but sweet...awch jongdae don't cry it was just a bad dream...so sweet when tao was comforting jongdae ^^
oh-tea-twelve #4
Chapter 1: t'awwwh it's quite short but it's still heartbreakingly sweet
jongdae just love zitao too much but so does zitao
thank you~ C: