Halloween Celebration

Halloween Special!

“Sigh… Halloween party is over now” Tiffany puffed her cheeks as she sat down at her dorm’s couch.

It was the 28th of October and the very night of the Halloween party celebration held by the company. There number of celebrities there were huge as in SM family and addition of Tasty Twins. It was a fantastic day for everyone because some did cosplay and it’s fun to interact with the others so easily without the feel of stress overwhelming them.

Literally, everyone was happy except the one and only girl. The youngest member of Girls’ Generation and the one the cosplayed the death angel. Well, it’s true that she enjoyed the party like all the others but she had a little jealousy in her heart. The SM photographer actually took picture of Luhan, Yoona and Xiumin together. Wait, you don’t know what I am talking about? Haha, let’s put it this way…

Seohyun and Luhan had been the secret unofficial official couple. The hidden one I suppose. The reason why they are unofficial-official is because the rumors of them being the utmost unofficial couple had spread worldwide and little did everyone knew, they are really a hidden official couple.

The picture of Yoona with two other EXO boys shouldn’t make her feel jealous because she knew her member every well. Heck, they spend most of their life together ever since a child. But somehow, the jealousy feel still lingers around her. Sigh, now the whole internet is in chaos, shipping her group member with her love. Pfft! That’s what she would react.

At the very 12am, the sign of the 29th of October, she promised that she would actually shrug the feel of but she felt really uneasy. She had tried to act all random around, taking selfies at the party and being a total random girl, finding their choreographer and took picture. But her intention never seemed to catch his attention. He just sat down there and looked around. Talking to s and take selfies with them. She just felt so invincible.

Hey, don’t get her wrong. Let me question you. Wouldn’t you feel jealous or ignored when your boyfriend just ignored you when you tried your best to catch his attention. Pfft! Mission fail! She would just catch her fist tight and planned to ignore him till he approaches her! Well, you can’t blame a girl that acts like this could you? Say, girl.

One day, two day, damn! Till the official Halloween day, he didn’t even approach her. Sigh… Why is his schedule so packed? You see, when a girl starts to feel unsecure about a certain relationship, hallucinations will definitely surfaced at her mind. Did he have an affair out there? Had he forgotten about this relationship and the list goes on and on.

The thing is, her fans always interpret her with the word perfection. Thank you, that’s her word and gratitude but at least never forget that she is a human being as well. Jealousy and sorts of negative emotions surely will approach her when she’s down. Pfft! She might just do the same to him!


“Hyung! Can you help me cover up?” he pats Xiumin’s back and a ‘not-again’ stare were stinging him.

“Are you seriously visiting her now? We’re in the middle of the preparation!” he whispered to him and he just shrugged and gave a silly smile. “Oh boy, tell me, why do I have to help you and ship you two again?” he complaint as he looked up and sneaked off the boy go.

He smiled when he finally reaching her practice room. It’s been so long since he can talk to her privately. He had been dying for it. All sorts of interview were approaching even with the question of, are you dating or will you be dating shortly. Heck, he can’t just answer, Yes! I am dating the most perfect woman in the world. That way, EXO’s population that they had been trying to build up with all the help from the seniors will go bullet train down. He just sighed and gave an unclear reply. I don’t want to talk about this now, maybe 5 years later? That is the best answer he actually thought to come out with. It’s something unclear that probably gave some delusion to them. He even found out that some fans actually dig into his privacy in China period. Scary sasaengs.

He knocked onto the door and the view of the nine girls preparing for their World Tour practice is undergoing. Right now it’s Hyoyeon’s solo dancing practice at the other end of the practice room. Wait, did I mention how huge the room is? You may get the clues of it now. Anyway, the girls eventually ignored him because it’s obvious his reason to be here. He is always here for that reason. Hmm hmm… He scanned through the girls and he saw her, talking to a guy or his so-called senior.

“Sorry for interrupting!” he bowed as he passed through the other girls that are resting on the floor and walked towards her. “Hello, Kyuhyun hyung” he bowed at him and he gave a creepy smile. Wait, you know him don’t you? Super Junior’s famous evil maknae that is really… Wait, do you get what I meant?

“Ahhh… Luhan? What are you doing here?” he smiled at him and pats his back. Oh boy, not a good sign.

“Nothing… Just looking for Jo- Seohyun sunbae” he smiled at him and looked at her. She gave a grunted face and ignored him. Wow, what just happened?

“Ahhh, if that is so, what’s the matter of looking for her?” he smiled as he pats her shoulder. Okay, right now his possessive side is surfacing. He glared at the hand that touches his girl and of course, there’s hint of her ignoring him.

“Haha, nothing just wanted to ask her for some guidance in some matter” he faked a smile and said “I think I’ll just ask Yoona sunbaenim.” He walked towards the girl crowd with those anger, funny faces. But little did he know, there are mirrors all over. Coughs…


“Yah, Joohyun ah, why are you treating him like this?” the short dorky and just so Taeyeon leader asked her and she just blinked her eyes. “Haha, still because of the Halloween?” she smiled and patted her head.  Shoot, hit that bull eyes.

“Nope! That’s not only about it” she puffed and the leader smile. Sometimes, this mature maknae can be all time mature but when it comes to love, the mature side of her seemed to be eaten by her childishness. That’s how the youngest should act, she reckons.

Beep Beep! Her phone signaled a new incoming message. She had a feeling it was him and she was quite mad that he actually just messaged her instead of giving her a phone call. And in her heart, she actually regretted a little for ignoring him. She missed him to every bit. It’s like what we call infatuation. A type feeling that can make you lose yourselves in.

She unlocked her phone and clicked on the message. A very very plain message.

‘Meet me at the practice room B at 6.’

That’s all of it. No emoticons or smiley face. No love-shape or any other cute symbols. Right now, she knew he is really angry. But hey, he even talked to Yoona just now to get his sweet revenge didn’t he?!


Every single minute of waiting was literally killing her as it passed really slowly.  She spent her time with practicing the new dance, singing, training vocal and even just sit aside and eat sweet potato. Time still pass really slow… You see, as a trainee or an idol that are preparing for comeback or concert, their minimum time of practicing is 8 hours. Well, that’s excluding lunch and dinner I suppose. Enter the studio at 7am in the morning and left around 7pm? Well, they don’t just practice in that building, they have their hidden training place too which really ensure their training will not be interrupted.

The clock in the studio turned 360 degree 3 times after lunch break and it’s finally 5! One more hour! Gulped, she goes. What should she do? He is really mad and please, everyone can notice the smoke coming out of his head when he left her studio room. Okay, right now, she really hoped 6 o’clock don’t come so soon.

5.58 PM, that’s what her phone shows when she clicked on her phone’s button. With her heart feeling nervous, she slowly approaches that room. Why is she so afraid? Because, that Luhan is a mad man when he is angry. Once when she joked with him saying he looks really feminine in that fantaken picture, he went all the way ignoring her and edited all her photos into masculine look. Another time, he went to the extent of flirting with another trainee just to get her mad. That’s not a normal trainee though, it’s his cousin.  Manly, that’s what he called himself.

When she twisted the door knob, a pitch black view welcomed her. Not to say it’s with a little light ray. It’s completely black. Those windows were covered with thick, black cloth and sadly, the room is at the opposite side of the sun. Oh wow, what exactly was he planning about…

Her hands start to wonder at the wall to find the light switch. Well, every practice room had different position of switch because the wiring connection is kind of out of place. Some is at the right top, some right bottom, some at the end of the room and so on. One of her hands starts to reach the pocket and a sign of chill went through her body. It’s 31st October. Halloween…

Bamm! The door went shut and appeared a man with a really lazy and bosy glare looked at her. Oh yes, she should’ve remember this event. Last year, she shocked him with surprises and he promised he would do the same this year. Well, at least her version is cutie version and his version, gulp. He got one her weaknesses, which is fear of darkness in a room and tadaa, there comes his Halloween party.

“Luhan… Are y-you th-there?!” her words stammered. Not that she can’t escape but she really wanted to meet him. Tad! Her back hit the wall and two strong hands were conquering her weak ones, with her eyes being blind-folded beforehand.

“Happy Halloween!” he whispered and gulped, it’s so seductive. “I never planned to let you be in fear but your earlier action had caught my nerve. I need explanation and I want replacement for it” he slowly brushes her chubby cheeks and she pouted.

“You are the one that need to give me explanation!” she answered as she shrugged of his hands and took out her phone for lightening as her another hand tried to unfold the cloth. Oops, fail attempt for both. By the way, did I mention she was checking out the time so frequent before that now, her phone is out of battery?

“Why so..?” he chuckled at her action. Just, why is she so perfect?

“ You didn’t even- I!!” she stomped her feet. She was practically embarrassed to say that, ‘I am jealous!’ those three words. She wanted to give the best impression of her to him but somehow, jealousy overtook her mind.

“Ah…?” he opened his mouth and trying to hold his urge to hug this girl. She cringed and pouts and just silently hoped he would get her message. He actually got it but haha, he wanted to so badly because she’s way too cute!!!

“I- I am.. I am jealous of that day event! You even went and took selca with Yoona but you didn’t intend to take with me! You didn’t even take a good look on me and..!” she leaned herself against his chest as he smiled broadly. He put both of his hands at her back and hugged her tightly.

This is heaven, he reckons.

“So that is why you were giving me those looks and attitude? You knew that I would be jealous too if Kyuhyun approached you?” he patted her back. Damn, can he stay like this forever?!

“Not really… He came and looked for me because he wanted to discuss with me about singing the studio version of those songs that we performed in SM Town. It was a hit and requested by many people so he actually came around and ask. Just that you came at that time so I decide for a revenge but you revenge on me again!” she hit her head on his lean chest but he stopped her by putting a hand at the back of her head, letting her listen to his breathing. Ahh, fantasy of every single girl or maybe just me…

“Xiumin hyung likes Yoona” he breaks the hug. “That’s why I was hanging around with the boys and took selca with Yoona sunbae. Hyung want to be closer with her” he said as her face starts to light up with smile. “Oh, by the way!” he tighten his grip on her hand and bring her nearer towards the end of the studio and she can feel her hand were touched by a switch and the cloth started to fall down.

“Happy 2nd Halloween Anniversary!”

It was decorated with lots of pumpkins, oops, Jack O’ Frost, and some cute Halloween version of lightening that was stick on the board and pasted on the wall. The lightening is with LED and it just brightens up the entire room. Wahhhhh....

“Do you like it? I prepare this quite long…” he whispered and she nods her head vigorously.

“Happy 2nd Halloween Anniversary! I like it!” she smiled at him. They had been together when he was trainee for the first half year. That time was when her heart aches so much and being so blurred with everything. Probably, just maybe he was the one that healed it. That’s why she called him, her angel. It’s this year it’s the third year they celebrated this day, together.

With those ambience, how can a kiss been lacked off? Both of their eyes were shooting love and affection and just so close towards kiss!

“BAMM” the whole EXO and SNSD members just accidentally bang the door opened and oops… The lights of the whole practice room went on and that ambience were just puffed off.

Each and other members just went and mess around with that just-so-close-going-to-kiss couple and little did everyone know at the other corner...

“Annyeong Yoona-sunbaenim!” Xiumin bowed as his chubby face showed the sign of redness.

“A-Annyeong!! Don’t call me sunbaenim, just call me Yoona” she smiled.

“Nae, Yoona-shhi!” he replied.

“Ani, just Yoona, Minseok Oppa!” she blushed and tadaaa…



Sorry for the very late delay^^ Hehehe~ I am quite busy and I just found out among 7 days in a week, I am only off on Tuesday T_T 
Manager noona, one more off day juseyo...!

P/s : Shall I do a Pepero Day's version too? >_<



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SeoNamHanHae #1
Chapter 1: oh they're so cute :)
SeoHan jjang!! ^^
Eycha_sk11 #2
Chapter 1: Hhahaha cute seohan jealousy ! XD eyyyy they shouldn't interrupt their moment -.-
ambai90 #3
Chapter 1: kyaaaaaa cute seohan ..love the jealous seohyun haha
guess the snsd unnies n exo boys ruining their moment
u should do the pepero version too!!
can't wait
Popopo #4
Chapter 1: Yes you should authornim haha
I love this story:)
Chapter 1: sweetness overload!!
daebak, author-nim!
Udpate soon !! Im IMPATIENT !! LOL Looking forward to it ;) make it romantic and sweet :))
Update3 .. Hehe
That pic so cuteeeeee
It's better late than never.
look forward to the story :)
update soon..