I have fallen for him

He's different
The sound came closer and closer. Then it stopped. I try to calm down, but my heart is beating really fast and I put my hand on my chest to feel how fast and hard my heart beat. Then I saw a soldier that had different colored uniform than others. He turned and saw me and the dogs. He pointed his gun only at me. He looked Zero who growl and showed his knife sharp teeth's. The man chew something and blow at Zero. Zero couldn't move and the same time Liz and their puppy's couldn't either. I looked the dogs and then I moved forward. The man didn't see me moving. I punched his face and he flew really fastly towards the wall and I saw that when the soldier touched the wall it broke. I was shocked and when I go and looked his face. He was dead. I saw that there were path to go out. I looked the dogs and then I took a bag and put gently the puppy's there. Then I carried Zero and Liz in my arms. I kicked the wall hole that it could get bigger. Then I looked right and left. No one was there. Then I run as fast as I could out of the building. Couple of times I almost fall down, but I got my balance back. 30 minutes of running I stopped and breath for a while. Then I put Zero and Liz down. They started to move on their own. Liz didn't look good at all. I looked what mattered her.

'I am too weak to walk. I am sorry everyone.' Liz said to us and the puppy's in the bag barked. I try to calm them down, but they started to bark even louder. I let them out of the bag and they run to Liz. Liz didn't move. Zero get close to Liz and then we hear shouting.

"AFTER THE BOY!!" I saw soldiers flowing out of the hole like ants from their nest. They run towards us. I put the puppy's inside the bag quickly, but I couldn't leave Liz there.

'Go and take care of our puppy's. If you don't I will tear you apart later.' I looked Zero and then Liz. No I can't leave them. Then Zero barked at me really loud. My body move automatically. What is this?! I looked behind were Zero attacked the soldiers and Liz try to help as much as she could.

I have run far away from them, but still I heard the gun shots. !! Why did this happen?! I looked the puppy's that were in the bag. Where do I go and where I will live with the puppy's. Then I saw blue haired guy. The looked me. I was sitting at the ground. I hold the bag gently, but protectively. The guy came closer and closer to me. He was careful. I glared at him. He didn't stop. He just get closer and closer to me.

"Don't worry boy. I won't hurt you and what is in your bag. Can I look." I was ready to attack him, but a voice said to me: 'Don't worry. He is here to help you.' the voice was warm. Then I looked behind me, because I felt a warm hand touching my head. There were no one. I touched my head and then the guy was next to me. I took the bag gently. I was still wondering who was it. Then a face appeared to my mind. A.. Amber? I saw her face, but then it disappeared.

"Boy, you okay?" The guy asked me. Then I saw the bag where puppy's where was with him. Amber said to me that I can trust him. I guess I can then trust him. Then he gave me his jacket.

"You must freeze to death, when you have only those clothes." I looked him amazed. He gives me he's warm jacket. Why? Then he ordered the taxi. I looked the taxi. What is that? I never go to... Taxi? Oh is that the thing where the books characters go back and forward? And everywhere they want they will take you. I get inside the taxi. The guy came inside and he told the taxi where to go. The taxi driver drive us there quickly. I saw in front of me a big house. The guy shake.

"So damn cold!" He complained and he get inside from the front door. The puppy's where with him. I then stepped inside carefully. Here can be traps? Then I shut the door. I walked slowly and looked the place at the same time. There were really big stairs and everything a rich people owned. I heard foot steps. I looked where it came.

"Oh! Its you! How is your father? Zelo, do you listen to me?" I looked the guy who had blonde hair. Its G-Dragon uncle! I looked amazed once again.

"Do you really live here uncle?" I asked him. Here nodded smiling proudly.

"But hows your father Zelo?" He asked me that question again.

"I don't know." I said looking somewhere else. Then he hit himself at head.

"Oh yeah. Sorry.. I didn't remember that day anymore, but now it doesn't much matter. Be at ease and you can live in my house. And do whatever you want." He was cheerful. Then I saw third person. He get down from stairs. He had blonde hair too. Uncle looked the same way as I did and smiled.

"He is Jongup. He works for me and lives here too. Oh and the blue haired guy is T.O.P. I hope you all get along~" He said and go away. Jongup? Who gives someone that name? Then Jongup smiled to me.

"Who are you?" He said politely.

"Zelo." I said looking away.

Jongup pov:

My heart started to beat differently than ever. Why? I looked Zelo a little closer and I get back quickly because he glared at me. What's wrong with me? This is how I felt with one girl before, but why am I feeling this same feeling to Zelo. Is it love? Or is it because I have met him and I am nervous. No I am not nervous. That only mean that I have fallen for him right?

"Excuse me." I said to Zelo and run to bathroom. I saw T.O.P there. I pulled his hand.

"My head is spinning today. I have this feeling about one person that makes my heart pound hard and fast." T.O.P patted my shoulder smiling and was going to laugh.

"You are in love kid." He said to me. I was right then. But in love with a guy. That's weard and new. I looked T.O.P that bath puppy's. I looked him closely. No I don't fall for him at all. "What the hell are you staring at?"

"Only a test nothing else. By the way cute puppy's."

"Oh these. They are Zelos." I nodded to him. I hold one puppy gently. It was fluffy and soft. Ah I have fallen for this puppy too. Its too adorable and cute~

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shinshiro #1
Chapter 2: Amber died!? I loved her <3 Zelo survived he IS different :P
mm sounds interesting! can't wait to see how this goes out. c: