` ✴ ) Happy Faggots Rp. - : open : bAng!tan!so!NYeodan! join c: lay will you a... a... /snEeezes


if you're gay & you know it, clap your hands! o u o
THIS RP IS CURRENTLY: open - close - busy - on crack, dont call the police pls.

01. This is a roleplay so only male idols are allowed. 02. in dm, ohmygod pls. 03. Mpreg is allowed. o/ Run around young ones. 04. Respect every roleplayer or get your head cut off.  05. I will allow you to have two accounts if you're active enough. 06. Be friendly, do not be biased. 07. Dating allowed anytime lol why do I even bother. 08. Uhm have fun. 09. Be active. 10. Password : where would you hide during a zombie apocalypse?

01. Comment with password. (Check mlist/wlist)
02. Wait for the almight Yixing to accept you.
03. Make your acc within 48hrs.
04. Username : @HFag_Idolname
Bio : add in @happyfaggotsrp
05. Follow admin Yixing & dirty bass(e). Mention when you have arrived.


Hello there.
Zhang Yixing of Exo/ExoM is glad to bring to you his new roleplay. /drumrolls, Happy Faggots! Hip hip hurray. And I know there are many, hidden lovers out there o u o; No? Dont lie. So let your ship sail in this roleplay. Crackship, ship, boats are all welcomed o/ Just have a fun time here. Follow all the rules and you will be safe. Idk what else to say. Ok bye. But wait. isnt this rp name sounds cute? sayyes.


1. count : 15.
2. yixing waaANNTTS park jimin from bts. 
3. yixing is hungry, bring food when you enter.






*Layout is not mine. Credits to uhm which shop I took this from. Thank you. /showers you with sarangs.


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rikkuson #1
Chapter 1: hi still open?
jjang_dinohyung #2
May I be infinite's Dongwoo?

I would hide in my bed, my covers will protect me *^*
Chapter 1: are you still open?
thousands #4
Chapter 1: ` reserved )
- Suho 1211
Chapter 1: Can I be EXO's Suho

I would hide in a room full of every thing that is kpop so I won't be bored
thousands #6
` reserved )
- Xiumin 0811
May I be xiumin from exo?
I'll just hide in da food factory... wait tht would be the first place zombies would go right? Ermm so I'll just go ...to the bathroom
uhm uhm may i be jongie, wha i mean infinite's sungjong?><
thousands #9
' reserved )
Kyungshoe 0711
Baekon 0711