Final Pact

Blood Pact

~~~One month later~~~

Sunshine Academy.

Guigui's head fell off her shoulder and she hit the desk.

Guigui blinked her eyes and looked around.

Guigui: Was it a dream?! Hmmm... How nice...*stretched her hands*

Guigui saw the bracelet on her hand.

Guigui looked down.


A hand smacked her head.

Guigui: Hey!*looked at the person*

Jiro: Good morning! Stupid...

Guigui: You are so mean!

'I'm late!'

A girl's voice echoed through the whole classroom.

Jiro looked at the girl.

The girl knocked into him and both of them fell to the ground.

Jiro: My God! Do you walk with your eyes closed?!

Jiro stand up.

Selina: What did you just say?!

Jiro: You're not only blind, you're deaf too!

Selina: I'm going to kill you!

Jiro ran away and Selina chased behind him.

Jiro: Whatever!

Guigui laughed.

Guigui:*Thinking* How could it be a dream? It's just that...


Lilly: Let's start our lesson!

Guigui: There's no transfer student today?

Selina: Guigui are you okay? You have been asking this question since...

Jiro: Last month.

Selina: Hey why you steal my line?

Jiro: I'm doing you a favour, be thankful.

Selina: Why you this...

Guigui shook her head.


School field. Guigui sat at a corner.

Guigui:*Thinking* Remember the Blood Pact?

Guigui smiled.


Hebe: All vampires and werewolves are to give up their powers.

Arron: They are to experience the life cycle of a mortal.


Guigui:*Thinking* It means that even you die, you still must return back to life to experience the life cycle of a mortal. But if you give up your powers, it means that you would forget everything... Just like Jiro and Selina... They don't remember anything about their vampires' life... But then, why do I still remember everything? Maybe because... I'm the only normal person around them, isn't it? So the Blood Pact can't affect me.



Selina: Do you want to fight?

Jiro: Bring it on!

Selina: One, two, three!

Both: Scissors, paper, stone!

Crows flew by and say 'hi'.

A person walked towards them.

Person: Sorry I'm kind of new here, could you guys show me around the school?

Selina: Hi! I'm Selina.

Jiro: Humph! Drooling over cool guys?

Selina: Why you...

Jiro: Let's have a showdown!

Selina: Come on!

The person sighed and walked away.



Guigui:*Thinking* As for Arron and Hebe... I know that no matter where they are, they would be inseparable.


Vampire Island. Vampire Tower.

A yellow light and a orange light were trapped within the powers of the tower.

But then, both beams of light were still binded together.



Guigui looked at her bracelet.

Guigui:*Thinking* As long as he's alive, I'm contented... He sacrificed himself just to save me...

At this point of time, a person walked towards Guigui.

Guigui looked up.

Person: Erm, I'm new here, could you show me around the school?

She smiled.

Guigui: Of course.



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