Chapter 3

You're my love
*hyerin pov*
"Hyerin wake up you hv late for school" hyerin mom scream near to her ear. 
"Umma you dont hv to scream like that i would be deaf" hyerin look at what time is now and she so shocked bcause its so early and more shocking when her mother wake her up early in the morning when school holiday.
"Umma today is holiday you dont need to wake me up" hyerin try to get her sleep back while her mom keep tryin to wake her up.
"But your friend said today is school so i wake you up " mom said in anger. 
"Idk he call our house number just a few min ago"
"did you mean a boy ? mom i dont hv any boy friend"
"yes you did he just call you"
Hyerin try to search for her phone and she just notice that her phone doesnt with her she panick and dont know what should she do and more panick.
"hyerin he told you to wait him at bubble tea shop"
hyerin quickly take a shower and heading to there . She wondering what has been waiting her.
*end of pov*
"Hey hyerin" suho wave to hyerin. Hyerin look kind a shock bcause suho holding her phone
"How can you hv my phone grrr how can you get my number house how can this all happen"
"Slow down there yesterday you drop your phone while running when i try to call you didnt hear and remember i hv your phone thats why i get your number house so i want to give your phone back"
"Ohh thanks and sorry for troubling you"
"If you dont mind what if we two go out this weekend"
Hyerin didnt answer him but she just walkaway and heading to the bus stop to go back home. Suho look disappointed and suddenly he got a call from sehun . He forgot that he got trainin this afternoon he rushin to sm building.

Hey there i dont have any idea :c stress my friends hv leave me alone here sobs T^T i wont update till idk bye and thanks


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