
You made a ruckus in my heart

a/n: not beta-ed. just a little. so im sorry if there are mistakes. you can point it out! /hides in shame bec i cant help but to pour my feels. /kicked on the .






Joonmyun looks over Tao’s ahoulder who is busy making a collage of pictures of him and Kris and Sehun to post on Instagram. Call him kill joy, he just cant understand why Zi Tao needs to update every time of everyday.

“Hyung, you should make an account too. It’s pretty fun.” Tao said to him the other day with a smile that seems to say ‘do it’. Joonmyun doesn’t.

“Joonmyun hyung!” the said guy’s pulse abruptly stopped and he feels Tao smirked at him.

Jongdae settles down next to him, wearing that cat-like smile Joonmyun always loved – he’s such a er when it comes to the latter’s smile, much to his chagrin.

“Hey Jongdae.”

“So… should I leave you guys alone or should I go?” Tao asked with a playful smirk splayed on his mouth.

“Can you stop?” Joonmyun asks, throwing the younger daggers.

Tao laughed, as if innocent, “What? I’m not doing anything.”

“Why am I ignored?” Jongdae asks as if offended, his lower lip jutted out into a pout and Joonmyun cant help but to melt into a puddle of goo.

Their orders of venti frappe and chai tea comes and that’s their cue to leave for work. It’s just few blocks away from their building so they meet up at starbucks to go together. Joonmyun wasn’t really part of Tao and Jongdae’s daily meet ups but when he knew that Jongdae is with Tao, it really figures.


Joonmyun just finished typing the accounts report – he worked for it for days – and he’s happy to know that there aren’t any more errors so he grabs for his phone to check on nothing really. There’s nothing much to do unless another stack of reports come in and he wishes that nothing will come for today because the bags under his eyes are getting bigger as the day goes by. It’s stressing.

Tao’s words came into his mind out of the blue. Joonmyun frowns and sighed. Ok.

He goes to google store to download instagram, not a minute later, there’s finally an instagram shortcut in his menu.

Joonmyun opens the app and signed up, he finally have an instagram account, myunchael. But he wont let Tao know, the kid is a bully.

He made a puppy as his profile picture and types in the description ‘I’ll never be cool enough for you T T’ as he waits for any possible work for today and his lunch break after twenty minutes. Truth be told, Joonmyun doesn’t have any idea on what to post first.

His selca?

A picture of a random thing?

What he’s currently doing/eating/watching? (as what Tao usually posts)

Jongdae comes into his view and an idea came to him. He quickly snaps a picture of the said guy, smiling, and posted it with the caption ‘why are you so cute?’



A few days passed and instagram became his online diary, he already have fifty plus followers who always comment ‘go get him!’ and Joonmyun translates it as ‘stop being a and confess!’ They aren’t wrong really, he just cant do it.

Jongdae asked to sleep in Joonmyun’s apartment again; he almost lived with him because of the reason ‘Kris and Tao aren’t very quiet at night’.

Jongdae fell asleep on the couch, his head leaning on Joonmyun’s arms, totally forgetting the movie they’re watching – he’s totally not a fan of documentaries, Joonmyun notes. The older man sighed then he turns to look at the latter’s face. His heart flutters at the sight of a sleeping Jongdae. He cant really imagine falling deeper for him but here he is now, falling impossibly deeper.

Joonmyun reaches for his phone and quickly snaps a picture of his beloved for posting it on instagram. ‘still cute even sleeping ah what should I do? #unrequitedlovesucks #imatloss’. He logs out of instagram before placing it back down on the glass center table so Jongdae wouldn’t know about his ‘creepy’ posts (it might turn him off).

He too, fell asleep not so long after.


The smell of fried bacon and freshly cooked rice wafts around the apartment, waking Joonmyun a tad bit in surprise. He always cook breakfast but what has gotten into Jongdae? Or is it even him?

Joonmyun stands up and makes a beeline to the kitchen to be confirmed that it really is Jongdae. He sits on the high chair by the counter, making its feet scratch on the clean, tiled floor, catching Jongdae’s attention.

“Good morning hyung!” he greets with a bright smile.

“What spirit has gotten into you and you decided to cook?” Joonmyun asked with serious expression making Jongdae pout – he melted again.

“You’re mean, you know? I just felt like cooking! And I made French breads too! I just learnt it from the net yesterday so I decided to try it today!”

Joonmyun smiles and he failed to notice the latter’s smile get bigger at the sight, “Ok, let me taste that French bread of yours.” Jongdae nods and placed a platter of freshly made bread and a cup of freshly brewed coffee before Joonmyun.

Joonmyun inspects it and picks one, taking a bite from it. “This is good. Great work!” he says and nods with a smile, continuing to eat the bread.

Jongdae grins widely, “Really? Then I’m going to make you one every day!” he turns back to what he’s doing. Taking it as a chance, Joonmyun quickly got his phone, signed in and snaps a shot of his breakfast.

breakfast made by him <3 first time! #frenchbread never got so tasty’

He posted it with a small smile before tucking it in his shorts.


Joonmyun woke up one day with his phone notifying him that he finally have a hundred fifty plus of subscribers and a bunch of likes and comments on his posts. They might be interested in his love life.

As he brushes his teeth, he changed the description in his profile.

when will you ever notice me? And no im not a teenage girl.’

The next day, the ‘I know how you feel girl’ comments stopped and his followers increased. Joonmyun cant help but to wonder, how people found his account. Perhaps he’s being talked about? He suddenly got a frightening idea that Tao might’ve found him.


Joonmyun pushes his eyeglasses back up to the bridge of his nose. He stifles a yawn behind his fist and stretches, hoping to will away the sleep that is threatening to fall on him anytime soon. He has a deadline to meet since the month is ending; the company needs the statement of accounts soon.

The cold night isn’t helping; it makes him feel sleepier. He doesn’t really know what to do, he finished drinking the third cup of strong coffee he made and it isn’t working as much to his reluctance.

Joonmyun grabs for his phone instead and scrolls through his instagram feed, Miranda Kerr is just so sweet, he wonders when would BoA update and why does Key look so fashionable in his update. It’s pretty enough to get him worked up but his phone ringed suddenly before he could place it back down on the table.

He frowns when he saw Jongdae’s name on his screen, he wonders why he is still awake in the middle of the night.

“Why are you still awake?”

“I’m at your door!” Jongdae simply says before hanging up.

What the hell.

Joonmyun opens the door only to see Jongdae in his track suit with his hands occupied with a bag of foods.

“I know you need some company~” Jongdae sing-songs and trudges into Joonmyun’s apartment, passing right through him, straight to the kitchen, placing his items on the table just next to the latter’s laptop. “Wow you’ve done the five pages.”

Joonmyun closes the door behind him with a small smile and walks to the kitchen before sitting back down on the dreaded seat. “It killed my brain cells.”

“Don’t worry, I’m here to keep you awake hyung!” Jongdae says all too cheerfully making the older of the two laugh in amusement. He unpacks his grocery bag revealing unhealthy, high calorie foods and drinks that are a little out of Joonmyun’s healthy diet but maybe he’ll let it pass this time.


As much as Joonmyun wants to lessen his chat with Jongdae to avoid unwanted errors, the more he talks to the latter. Every time he gives a time to Jongdae to reply, the latter would smile oh so cutely and that made Joonmyun bubble with happiness. He just cant stop himself about anything when it comes to Jongdae.

Jongdae mostly ate the stuff he brought along with him, finishing two big bags of Cheetos and a bottle of coke to top that off. He even microwaved a pizza and finished almost the half of it. Not a long after, he fell asleep, his head lying on the cold surface of the table.

Joonmyun stops typing and stares at the man beside him. He decided to not instagram this – for there are still crumbs of cheese and a little oil from the pizza around his mouth – just for now though.

He’s undeniably in love with Jongdae, but the little loser he is, he cant tell his feelings to him but instead typing it down as a caption on his instagram posts.

Joonmyun shook his head; he should be finishing his job first. It’s already three AM.


  Jongdae woke up, he stretches like a lazy cat on where he is lying. His eyelids flew open. He knew he wasn’t here last night – well, morning.

A smile stretches on his lips. Joonmyun. He surely carried him here.

Jongdae stands up, he walks straight to the kitchen and surely, Joonmyun is there, his head on the table surface. He suppresses a laugh because the latter looks so ridiculous with his mouth a little open, but still cute.

He checks on Joonmyun’s work if it’s done, Jongdae grins because the older did finish it before falling asleep. Oh, Joonmyun.

Joonmyun’s phone beeped. Jongdae picks it up and reads the notification on the screen.

15 new likes

Jongdae raised an eyebrow, he knows Joonmyun isn’t a fan of instagram nor he even have it. He opens the notifications and his face turned red as tomato in no time. Those likes are for the pictures… of his face.

He doesn’t know if he’s embarrassed or fluttered. In every picture he opens, there are sweet captions about him. Jongdae walks back to the couch and sits down, so he can avoid waking Joonmyun up if ever he squeals suddenly.

Oh dammit Joonmyun.

Unknowingly though, there’s an idiotic smile sprawled on his face. All this damn time, he knows Joonmyun likes him, he wasn’t very discreet about it and now he’s totally exposed. Jongdae laughs softly because his hyung is just so cute.

“Jongdae?” Joonmyun sleepily calls his name. He hears the chair scratch against the floor and soft footsteps coming his way, “Jongdae— hell!” in one quick movement Joonmyun has his phone in his hands, his face flushed with embarrassment making Jongdae laugh.

“Why did you…” Joonmyun is torn between crying and screaming in embarrassment. His deep, dark secret is openly exposed, and of all people, Jongdae has to be the one to discover it first.

“So hyung—“

“Stop, I’m not in the mood for your teasing Jongdae.”

Jongdae laughed and pulls his hyung down on the couch with him, “Don’t be ridiculous hyung,” he says, his laughter finally dying down, “I like you too.” He admits finally, a little shy and a little confident. Joonmyun’s eyes almost popped out from their socket.


“We should go on a date, don’t you think? Boyfriend?”

Joonmyun is again, flustered at the address.

The younger of the two chuckles softly and snuggles his head in the crook of Joonmyun’s neck. He can still smell the sweet vanilla and the soft fragrant of his shampoo. So Joonmyun.

Joonmyun remained frozen in his spot as he let Jongdae hug and cuddle next to him with a catty smile on his face. He gives in not so long after, relaxing his muscles as he too, leans against Jongdae. Everything felt comfortable, maybe, he can get used to this. He can finally hug and cuddle and kiss Jongdae as he pleases.

“You still smell like cheetos and pizza.” Joonmyun mumbles, his scrunched up nose buried in Jongdae’s hair.

“Let’s take a shower together,” Jongdae suggests with a nonchalant shrug, “You know, to save the time.” Then there’s that teasing, suggestive smile on his face. He definitely knows how to pull Joonmyun’s leg down.

Joonmyun covered his face; he can never get used with this kind of Jongdae. Ever.


---- add :))

i actually forgot to add that part T T thank you for making me remember!

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Chapter 1: Sooo cute ♡♡♡
Chapter 1: hahaha, this is so so cute ; u ;
Choi_Aya05 #3
Chapter 1: Hahaha XDD It's so cute! :D

Chapter 1: Fluff fluff fluff fluffy~~
jackie_06 #7
Chapter 1: So cute!! Well done!! I love Suchen!! I miss their interactions! Not a lot of moments lately.... :(