
Twisted Déjà Vu

A tall, dark-skinned man ran through the town, his hair messed up, his tie undone and his shoelaces untied. He gripped onto his leather rucksack as he pushed through the crowd, his eyes frantic and wide. He was late, he was late! Was all he could think, everything else was blocked out of his head.

I’m late! Choi Minho, why did you oversleep, goddamnit!? You’re late for work!

He cut through gaps of people and murmured apologies to those who had bumped into him. He was so blinded by lateness that he roughly bumped into somebody, knocking over a pile of papers and books onto the sidewalk. He paused in his steps after feeling the hard impact and hearing a soft “Gah!” coming from the person. Ashamed of his actions, he turned around and bent down, setting aside his rucksack in the open sidewalk (as he had gotten out from the sea of people, thank God) as he helped pick up the fliers.

“My God, I am so sorry! I didn’t see where I was going!” He apologized as he picked up the papers and books into his arms, stacking them up. He looked up and froze to see the beauty in front of him, shaking his head as he picked up his things alongside him.

Small, slim figure; pale skin that looked soft as sunrays; fluffy, short black hair.

 “It’s nothing! You didn’t mean to do it.” The person said with an assuring tone as he then looked up at him, a beaming smile on his face. Minho’s eyes widened, now that he had seen the young person.

He looked rather feminine, but he still has proof that he’s a man, regardless of his appearance. But he looked beautiful even as a boy.

Minho gulped, swallowing his spit down his throat to clear up the dryness that had emerged after staring at the masterpiece in front of him, watching as the boy just then gathered up the rest. He then stood up, the papers and books in arm, and while holding them in one arm, he took out a free hand, outstretching to the male.

“I’m terribly sorry.” He apologized again, but this time, his voice was quieter, softer and a bit shaky. “It’s my fault that you dropped your books. I nearly knocked you over!”

The boy looked up and grinned, his cheekbones ascending to the heavens as he took his hand. “It’s nothing, really! You must be in a hurry, so I understand.” He then grabbed the items that were in Minho and gave him a small smile as he carried all of the books in his arms. Minho wanted to help him with them as he seems to be struggling with holding them up, but his work…!

“You should go, you’ll be late!”

Choi Minho, the workaholic, had never wanted to stop working and just admire the person as he watched him walk away into the direction Minho was going. Even though it was the first meeting, his happy, soft voice was ringing in his ears. Almost seems…unforgettable.

Then he heard his watch still ticking, and he cursed before running off again, screaming, “!”

(He almost left his rucksack behind…)

The next day was no different, you’d see a running Choi Minho all the time, hair messed up, shirt with few buttons undone and shoelaces of his boots untied. But this time, it’s different.

He bumped into the same boy in the same spot he first met him. Luckily he didn’t have any books in his arms.

But it had to be liquid.

“Argh…!” The male shrieked in pain, the hot coffee spilling onto his top as Minho had bumped into him again. Goodness grief, this is déjà vu.

Minho gritted his teeth, angry at himself for doing this again. He just made the boy spill coffee all over his top and now he’s doomed to get some anger out of the beauty. But surprisingly, when the beauty looked up at him, his eyes were wide at first before they softened and with a smile, “Ah, it’s you again! Let me guess, you’re in a hurry again? Geez, are you sleeping in or something?”

The dark haired man blinked twice before he cautiously asked him, “A-Aren’t you mad? I bumped into you again and made you spill coffee all over you! How can you not be mad at me for that?”

The latter only shrugged it off as if this happened to him all the time. “You’re in a hurry, aren’t you? Why bother?”

There it is: the same words he told him yesterday.

“Well, that’s no excuse! You need a new—”

His watch started beeping and he panicked, in fear of being late. Yesterday was no joke – he was almost five minutes late. The boy smiled and nodded his head into the direction Minho was going. “You should go, you’ll be late!”

Was he going into time? It’s like he repeated what he just said yesterday. Déjà vu… Minho hesitated for a moment before running off with one thought passing through his mind:

He never got his name.

For nine days, it was déjà vu—the same person he was bumping into, the same ending every day. It was like fate playing with him like a puppet. But today, today was a relaxing day – for once, Minho was able to walk down town with slow footsteps. His face held a content grin, proud that he had awoken early from his sleep. He still had time, so it was good news for him. As he walked, he could see the boy sitting on the bench there, right by the area where he had bumped into him. A strong urge of déjà vu rushed over him.

He bit his lip as he stood there on the sidewalk, ignoring other people who walked past him as he stared at the boy who looked down, his wet eyelashes batting against his soft, chubby cheeks. He seemed upset. This day was not déjà vu, but Minho seems to be seeing him all the time. Two days ago, he was happy; three days ago, he was excited; and for four days, he was nothing but average and saying the same “You should go, you’ll be late” but all in different tones, ranging from those four days. All of a sudden, today, he’s sad. ‘What happened,’ was what Minho’s planning to ask. So, with reluctance, he walked over to the black haired boy.


That was the awkward response from the tall, older male. The boy stopped his sniffling and looked up, his dark brown eyes now surrounded with red, puffy skin. He then gave him a sad smile and said, “Ah, it’s you again.”

Why is it that even when he said the first line, it felt like he heard it before? He’s been here in the same spot for nine days and even if with little differences, everything stays the same. Is he perhaps going through Groundhog Day?

He glanced at his watch – still have time to spare, so he took an empty seat beside the male, resting his bag on his lap. He didn’t say anything to the male as he fiddled with his fingers while the other beside him just sniffled, wiping his tears. Minho glanced at his watch again—an hour to spare. He took a quick glance at the young boy beside him before he spoke:

“Are you okay?”

The boy looked at him with reddened eyes and dried tears. Then he shook his head in denial, “I…I don’t think so…” He averted his gaze to his hands on his lap. Minho felt sorry for him, whatever made him sad.

“What happened?” He asked him, his eyebrows rising in curiosity. He didn’t mean to pry, but he wanted to know who or what made this beautiful person cry. He could see his shoulders tremble and his lips quivering slightly before he exhaled, calming himself down.

“…My boyfriend dumped me today.”

What? The tall male had his eyes wide at this statement… answer… fact, whatever! He didn’t know he was interested into males. He didn’t know he was gay! Was Minho gay? …Yes? Okay, maybe having a double, hard-on crushes on his co-workers Nickhun and Onew does show that he could be gay but that doesn’t mean he is.

Oh, who is he kidding? He’s confused out of his mind to even know his own ual orientation.

Minho pursued his lips a bit before biting them, the flesh growing red. “Oh, I’m sorry about that. It must have been—”

“5 years.”

Minho paused through his speech and looked back at the young boy who was looking straight at him. “5 years. We had been dating for 5 years. And all this time, he was cheating on me. He stabbed me in the back, betrayed me and I… I thought we loved each other purely – I guess I was wrong…

“He says that I’m too slow and naïve. Okay, so maybe I am, but that doesn’t mean you have to go and cheat behind my back, I mean, 5 years! You couldn’t just tell me straight on before those years passed? I just—” He heaved a sigh and shook his head, clearly upset with the experience that had happened recently.

The latter just sat there awkwardly; he felt like he was the boyfriend that he’s mad at. He feels like he has to do something—he needs to do something. He has to bring back that sunshine smile that he admired. He heaved in a deep breath, already grim at the thought of what he’s going to do. He looked at his watch again – 15 minutes to spare. . Better hurry it up. He tapped onto the male’s shoulder, catching his attention. “Huh…?”

Ugh, this will be the last time I’m doing aegyo. He growled in his mental state and held up his hands.

“1 + 1 is Gwiyomi!” Yes, the Gwiyomi song. It was embarrassing as hell, but he had to do it. His big, round brown eyes probably made him look like a frog. A frog-looking idiot due to the way the boy was looking at him with a shocked expression on his face, his mouth parted open.

Not only that, but he was doing this in public.

Someone come and kill me now, he thought after finishing the song, his face buried into his palms. He didn’t want to see the reaction of the boy sitting beside him on the bench. Did he like it? Did he hate it? Or did he think that Choi Minho is the world’s biggest idiot?

But he heard laughter.

That sweet sound of laughing ringing in his ear – it was too good to be true, isn’t it?

Minho looked up from his hands and saw the glorious sight of the boy laughing: his eyes turned into crescents; his lips curved into a grin, his white teeth showing; the flushed redness appearing on his cheeks. He was laughing.

And it was all thanks to Choi Minho.

“What the…!” He exclaimed through his laughter. Minho can tell in the tone that he was embarrassed to see him do that in front of the public, but liked it nevertheless. He gave the boy a small smile, happy that he had cheered him up from his painful breakup. Even though they had met for nine days; even though they were strangers; even though they never know each other’s names, it was strange, because he felt so strangely close to him.

The black-haired boy calmed down his laughing matter, but still smiled. “Thanks. I really need that laugh.”

The latter could only smile. They both stared at each other until the boy introduced himself,

“Lee Taemin. My name is Lee Taemin.”

Minho’s smile broke into a grin, finally able to have learnt this beautiful boy’s name. In return, he did the same, “Choi Minho. My name is Choi Minho.”

Déjà vu never seems to end, does it?

Minho and Taemin continued to meet in the same spot at the same time. Even Taemin admitted that he felt like he was stuck in the same day, doing the same actions, saying the same words but in different clothing.

But nevertheless, they became friends, learning more of each other’s biography. Minho was quite shocked when he found out that Taemin is 21 years old – he wasn’t expecting it because he looked much younger than a 20-years-old adult.

He learnt that he was in a search for a full-time job to help him with financial problems, now that his boyfriend had moved out of his house.

Minho almost broke his glass at the thought of his boyfriend leaving him just like that. He almost wanted to go and find the man and rip his head out. He wanted to make him regret his choice of cheating on him and such. It was unfortunate for him and fortunate for the ex-boyfriend – he really shouldn’t mess with the Choi Minho when he’s angry.

After nine days, they became close and knew each other. After nine weeks, they were as best friends or twin siblings. But after a month, the unexpected had hit Minho like he was never expecting it before.

“I like you, Choi Minho.”

At that day, the confession happened. The dark haired male looked up at Taemin in surprise, his eyes so wide that he probably looked like a cute frog. He blinked once to show that he’s surprised, and then blinked again to repeat what he said – for he does not believe his ears. Was Lee Taemin saying that he likes him? That’s adorable.

The latter sighed and repeated his words in a more sincere way, placing his hands on the table as he stared at Minho straight into the eyes, “I like you.”

Wow, he took a sip out of his chocolate smoothie, he likes me…? It was perfect! He likes Choi Minho! So why was he so uneasy about it? Why was he feeling so uncomfortable about it? He doesn’t know what to say, he doesn’t know what to do; it was hard. He couldn’t get his feelings straightened out at all – they keep being muddled together every time the duo meets up together. …Just to be sure – he need to be sure that he wasn’t getting himself caught up into a mishap or anything out of the sorts that could really numb him down into jelly.

“D…do you mean…like as in like me, or like as in like ‘like’ me?” He had to ask – he needs to know that he wasn’t being confused with the sudden confession. He could be wrong for all he knows; he could be mistaken and was merely a friend to this person’s eyes; he could have been no more than a—

“Like ‘like’. I love you, Choi freaking Minho! Why can’t you get that?” Taemin yelled without hesitation, standing up with angry tears b at the corner of his eyes.


It was just so abrupt that it shocked the man sitting down. Not only that, but his loud voice attracted some eyes that went towards the duo. L-Love…!? That term just hit him like lightning. It was too soon for his feelings to turn into love. He looked around and saw the eyes. This wasn’t good – if he says something, he’ll be pushed away; if he’ll stay there in silence, he’ll be shunned by the public and be known as the ‘heartbreaker’ – which he knew that it’s not true. He had never broken a heart in his life. But getting back to topic, Minho stared at Taemin, face full of surprise and amaze. He glanced at his clenching fists, eying the rosary ring on his index finger before looking elsewhere onto the ground. It was for a moment as he looked back at the black haired male, his chocolate brown eyes searching for answers out of him. What can he do? Why can’t he speak? His heart was racing and was practically pushing him to speak up to him. This was his chance right? Minho clenched his hands around the chair’s arms. He was wasting time and he knew it. But this was so hard—this never had been so hard before! All he has to do is say that he likes him back, right? So why was he hesitating?

“I…” Minho squeaked out, his mouth opening before they closed, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Did he truly not know his own feelings anymore? Had he forgotten what he felt for the boy ever since they grew close? …Mayhap so. He heard a soft sigh from the latter. He looked up to see him looking down, his face out of sight.

“I see…” He muttered under his breath. Can his eyes grow any wider? Did he think that he was rejected by his silence?

“No, Taemin, I—”

“Forget it Minho. I should have known better than to do this.” He told him. Then he smiled. “Have a nice day.” Though he smiled, his voice held a hint of sadness.

Feeling guilty, he stood up and called out for the boy who had already up and left, taking his jacket and leaving his untouched coffee behind. “Taemin…! Wait—” He stopped there, seeing that he was too far to hear him now. Then he knew it. He knew that it was too late to regain the closeness they once had before now that he had left. Taemin confessed to him and what did he do? Sit there like a dumb person. And since the boy had mistaken his action as rejection, Minho never wanted to beat himself up more than his ex-boyfriend.

How can he be so stupid? He should have taken the chance when it was there in the palm of his hands, but he was scared. He was so scared of taking that risk. His heart pounded harshly, as if scolding him for not listening to the muscle while his mind laughed at his stupidity. His feelings were no longer muddled as soon as Taemin left him alone and it was perfectly clear what he had felt for him. It all came back to him like the wind that blew into his face.

He stared at the untouched coffee that had already gotten cold on the table.

What had he done?

For the past four weeks, nothing seemed like déjà vu anymore. It hasn’t been déjà vu at all.

For the past four weeks, he had not seen Taemin there where he would usually bump into him in the same spot in the same place at the same time. It has been almost a month and yet he never saw him again.

He was not there.

Instead of the black haired cutie, a blond, scrawny male was there instead, his feline eyes glaring at nothing. He seemed harsh; he’d think, and a bit y. What’s his problem? But it wasn’t his problem at all. He has work to do and he must get on his way. As he walked past the blond, it seemed as he took notice of Minho because he reached out for his arm and grabbed it tightly, his nimble fingers wrapped around his wrist.

“Oi, you…! I’m talking to you, frog boy!” He yelled, catching his attention as he turned to look at the boy with raised eyebrows.


Minho held his reddened cheek and looked at the angered boy with wide eyes, full of surprise and anger. “What the hell was that for, brat?!”

“That was for Taeminnie, you bastard!”

Taeminnie…? He stared at the boy with narrowed eyes. I see now, he knows Taemin… His heart clenched at the name. It was like he was never there to begin with. That was the loss of the boy – not seeing Taemin for days had gotten him worried and full of regrets.

“You are a stupid frog to reject him like that. Anyways, as you noticed, Taeminnie hadn’t been here for the past four weeks, so I’m here to deliver this letter to you.” Key told him, shoving the light material into his chest before stomping off, leaving the confused male behind.

He shot the retreating blond a look. “Okay, what was that about…?” His attention had left from the boy to the letter that he was holding in his hand. Hesitating, he opened it slowly and took out the paper. He could see his handwriting, neat and clear. But he could see dried wet spots and some of the ink had been smudged, so in some parts it was hard to read. “Dear Minho,” he read out to himself as his eyes darted around the words. “Thank you for being such a good friend. Though it hurts that you rejected my feelings, I hope we’ll remain as friends.” He could see the small handwriting on top of it alongside a cute angry face, “Even though you’re such a big, tall, idiotic bastard. D<” He chuckled at this – he wasn’t supposed to be laughing as he knew that he was being serious about him being a bastard (which he is, technically), but he could hear Taemin’s cute angry voice in his head. It was almost as if he was there reading it to him.

“I assume you have met Key already, and you have gotten a big slap to the face.” Minho touched his still reddened cheek, feeling the soft throbbing. Man, for a small guy, he hits hard! “I will apologize on his behalf, even though I’ll have to agree with whatever he said.” The dark haired male pouted at this, but continued to read anyways. “Like I’ve said, you are a really nice guy, but it’s sad to know that you don’t like me… it was my mistake,” he paused, “Don’t bother try to wait at the spot we always bump into, to just see me. I won’t be there.” He furrowed his eyebrows at this, bringing the paper closer, seeing the smudged part, “I am n…no…no—? Ah, ‘not’! I am not there, nor will I be.” His heart thudded. It can’t be what he’s expecting next, was he?

“I’m sorry to say this but…” His breath hitched as he read the last line, “By the time you read this, I’m no longer in Korea.”

He knew he had become the world’s biggest idiot to reject such a sweet boy like him as the word: ‘reality’ started pouring down ice water onto him.

“Sincerely, Lee Taemin,” he finished, his eyes wide in shock. His grip on the paper tightened, crumpling up the letter. Then he took off, running. He ran, and ran and ran; he was desperately trying to get faster. He paused in his running and looked around, frantic eyes searching for the tallest building – a skyscraper. That’s it! A skyscraper! There’s such thing in Seoul! He ran to the location he remembered by mind as he last went there before.

He had never felt like flying as he ran, his hand clutched onto the crushed up letter. When the building was in his sight, he practically dove inside and headed for the elevator. He stood amongst the adults in the elevator, his feet tapping impatiently as he was headed for the roof. He looked outside the glass window of the elevator, he could see the ground growing higher and higher; and the air denser and denser. Less people emerged from the elevator, and continued to be like that until it was only him. God, he thought, biting his lip, I hope I’m not too late…!

‘You have reached the roof,’ the robotic voice said after the beep. He didn’t waste a second and stepped out quickly. The wind suddenly greeted his face, and he had to lower his head a little before stepping closer, his hands on the railing as he leaned over. He could see the airplane from the distance in the sky, growing further and further away.

“I love you!” He screamed, his grip on the black, metal railing tightened, veins popping. “Goddamnit, Lee Taemin, I love you! I ing love you so bad that it hurts!” He could feel his eyes b with tears but he doesn’t know whether it’s because of the wind or because he was feeling regretful. He didn’t care if nobody can hear him as he’s so far up from the ground, but he had hoped that his loud voice would carry away into the wind. I love you! I really do!” He screamed like it was the end of the world. He screamed more and more until the airplane was finally out of his sight. But even so, he continued to scream until his voice can no longer be heard.

After hours of standing there, he soullessly walked back to the elevator without a sound. He pressed the down button and waited, and waited, and waited until the ding was heard. He stepped inside and pressed the ‘G’ button to get back down onto the ground floor. His unlit brown eyes stared at the closing elevator doors, letting out a dry sigh. Then he couldn’t take it. He slid down to his knees and shriveled, covering his face and sobbing loudly as the elevator slowly, slowly went down. He was crying of how stupid he was for not accepting him quickly enough when he sat there like a dumb idiot. He had not said anything and now he regretted it. He missed Lee Taemin and he knew that he probably would never come back, ever.

There is no more déjà vu.

Two years. It had been precisely 2 years and a ½ ever since Taemin’s departure. Minho was currently working in his office diligently, his face no longer showing any trace of tears or puffed redness around his eyes neither his flushed cheeks. Had he moved on? Seems like it.

He held his forehead with a sigh. He had fired his assistant a week ago because the guy keeps messing up all the damn time and kept getting the things wrong. Minho had enough stress as it is as he’s loaded with paperwork. Yes, he had been promoted as the editor-in-charge in the magazine business. He looked over the articles that his workers had done before placing them down on the desk. He sighed deeply – everything need to done by the deadline and he’s currently stuck. It’s like he had a complete writer’s block. He then stared at his Samsung phone for a moment before picking it up, feeling the cool object in his warm hand. His thumb pressed the passcode before it slid across the screen. He browsed through the pictures silently, his eyes following the quick movement of the pictures flying past him. Then he stopped at a particular one. He blinked, his eyelashes brushing against each other as he stared at it. It was him and Taemin together, back when they started developing their friendship.

He remembered this. This was taken 2 years ago. He remembered how Taemin begged him to take a selca with each one’s phones. Minho found it embarrassing but he couldn’t refuse. He looked at the picture again; Taemin was grinning brightly, his eyes sparkling in his brown irises whilst Minho looked quite the awkward frog, making a peace sign with a dorky grin. He smiled unconsciously as he stared at his phone.

Ah, he had not moved on at all. In his heart, he’s still wishing for him to come back so he can be able to get things back to the way it was before.

A knock on his door startled him , the male facing his phone screen down onto the desk as he straightened himself up and fixed up his black hair a bit before he called out, “Come in!” A platinum blond came into the room with a dorky grin. Minho rolled his eyes and let out a chuckle. “Oh, it’s you Jonghyun. What is it this time? Do you need my wallet for something?”

Jonghyun scrunched up his nose in annoyance before holding up the black, thin folder. “Hell no~ I’m here about to tell you that the new applicants for the assistant position came in. Do you want to take a look at them or—”

“You go ahead and choose the one with the best potential to work here for me. And once you do, call them.” he paused then said, “It better be a person who will not drop my coffee or fail at getting anything right like that last Namsun guy.”

“His name is Nam Jae.”

“Whatever,” he shrugged it off and turned around in his chair, no longer facing the dino man.

“Geez, Minho, you’re becoming bossier and ier than when I last saw you. Something grew up in your or what?” Jonghyun placed his hands on his hips, his puppy-looking eyes narrowing at the back of his head that poked out from behind the chair.


“Aish! Forget I even said that.” He muttered under his breath as he stepped out of the room. Minho heard the door slam shut, and it caused a bit of a vibration in the area as his lamp shook slightly on his desk. His fingers drummed against the arms of the chair as he leaned back, staring out of the glass, transparent wall where he was able to see the view of the cars and buses going back and forth. He could see people walking but they were at the size of a miniscule as he’s pretty much at the top of the building, so they looked like ants that he could stomp on.

He turned around and looked at his paper-filled desk. His head pounded in pain by just looking at them. He turned his phone over and checked the time. 12:45 PM – nearly 1 o’clock. He re-entered the passcode and took one last, deep stare at the picture before putting his phone and getting up from his chair. He stretched out his arms, bending back as he let out a deep groan. Perhaps some fresh air would do him some good.

He stood there alone in the elevator, arms crossed and eyes closed as he was going up to the rooftop. Just being in the elevator was enough to bring déjà vu for him – it was familiar, how he was going to the roof, just like he did 2 years ago. He held a paper in his hand; he had written something simple and devoted.

‘You have reached the roof,’ that same robotic voice announced after the ding! The doors opened, revealing the clear blue sky outside. He stepped out with heavy footsteps, feeling the breeze brush against his bare neck. He stepped forward until he was at the edge, his hands on the railings. He held the paper and re-read what he had written before he crouched down and used the ground as a table as he began to fold the paper into a paper airplane. He made sure that his name was showing on the left wing. He smiled softly and stood up, holding it gently between his fingers as he went back to the railings. He waited for the wind to blow, so it may soar even to the furthest places. And maybe, if it could, it may soar to him.

“Hana,” he said, counting as he readied himself, taking a step back. “Dul,” he pulled his arm back, way back as he gathered his power. “Set!” And off it goes as the paper airplane slid between his fingers, soaring across the sky. He watched as the wind helped it fly with its guidance, going without even faltering. He leaned his arms against the silver railings. He’s on a skyscraper, but a different one. He stayed outside for a bit longer, his dark brown eyes staring at the shrinking airplane that then curved and dove down after enduring the longest to keep itself straight into the air.

“Taemin,” he whispered, his voice soft and gentle as he stared at the sky, the sun shining down on him. “Even after 2 years,” he paused then smiled, his cheeks growing red, “I’m still in love with you.” He didn’t want to leave. He knew he has work and he needs to get back to work, but he didn’t want to leave. Just a few more minutes… he thought to himself as he relaxed against the cool breeze, all of his stress going away as he let nature fill his mind. When he had enough, he felt calmness surging through his body as he pushed himself away from the edge and walked back to the elevator. He pressed the down button and waited. He tapped his foot as he waited, crossing his arms across his chest, slowly growing impatient. He waited until the ding was heard.

“Finally,” he huffed with a roll of his eyes, stepping inside and pressed the button to get back onto his floor. He stood there, leaning against the wall as the elevator doors closed and moved down.

It’s weird if we look at the contrast between the Choi Minho from 2 years ago and the Choi Minho now. The Minho back then was always oversleeping and woke up late, and his outfit was always incomplete, with either his shoelaces untied, his shirt not tucked in or his hair in a complete mess. The Minho today, was different. He’s neat and organized and woke up in time. Rather than worried, bright eyes like he always had 2 years ago, he has calm, gentle yet serious ones. It’s a complete different persona and that much had emerged from 2 years.

Minho woke up with a jolt when he heard the loud ding ringing in his ears. Ugh, must have dozed off. He stepped out onto his floor once the doors opened. He rubbed his eyes and stifled his yawn as he began to walk towards his office. Then he heard Jonghyun’s voice.

“Oh, Minho, there you are!”

He turned to see him in front of him. If he wanted to laugh, he could, because he saw how short he was and how he’s taller than him mostly. “Uh, yes…I was only out for some fresh air. You need me?” He arched an eyebrow. He was given a cup of coffee and the folder. Oh, must be the info on the applicant he had chosen.

“Oh, yes, yes, I was looking for you and I have to tell you that I’ve found this really good person who’s fit to be your assistant! He’s such a cutie!”

Minho raised an eyebrow at him. “…And you chose him because he’s cute?”

Jonghyun shook his head, “No way! Oh, and don’t tell Onew that I said he’s cute, he’d get jealous easily.” Minho rolled his eyes at him. As if he doesn’t know that. However, it annoyed him a bit that his small crush is dating Jonghyun and his other crush, Nickhun is now engaged to Victoria, like what the hell. “I chose him because he had received numerous degrees and he had worked in Los Angeles for some time. Plus, he’s specially scouted and is the most hardworking person I have ever met in my life. If you look into his resume, it says that he was the editor-in-charge and gained a couple of awards.”

The dark haired male had his both of his eyebrows raised now, clearly in surprise. This means that he had more experience that he does! Then his eyebrows furrowed, “But if he was the editor-in-charge in the US, why would he want to be an assistant?”

The bleached blond shrugged. “Beat me. He arrived earlier after I made a call with him and I took him into your office, so he’s waiting for you there.”

Minho nodded and thanked him before leaving Jonghyun to his own works. He held the folder in his arm as he took a sip of his coffee, walking towards his work area. As he reached the room, he could see his door, with a gold metal plate nailed onto it. His name was engraved in it: Choi Minho / Editor-in-Charge. Holding the cup in his other hand, he twisted the knob and pushed the door open. He stepped inside, his eyes down on the floor as he held the cup in his now free hand, closing the door.

“Sorry to have kept you waiting, but we’ll get onto business.” He said, and as he turned around, he saw the person sitting on the chair in front of his desk.

Small, slim figure; pale, milky skin; fluffy short black hair…

His eyes widened when he recognized those features clear as a diamond. He watched as the person stood up and turned around, having something in his hands. He glanced at it and silently gasped. Wasn’t that the same airplane he had made on the rooftop? He could see his name on its left wing. I-It can’t be… His eyes slowly looked up to see the face of the person.

Splash! The coffee cup fell out of his hand and crashed onto the polished, smooth wooden floor, the lid had broken open and its hot substance trickled onto the floor, making a puddle.


Was he dreaming? He could see him smiling at him – that same smile that made his heart jump 2 years ago. And it still does now. He bowed once and stood up straight.

“Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Lee Taemin and I’ll be your assistant starting today.” He told him, his brown bright eyes sparkling. His voice is still the same…! There’s no way it’s not him! He thought mentally to himself, his eyes still widen in shock. He took one step, then another, then another, until he was walking towards the male.

“What a nice office – this is much nicer than the one I had back in the US, such a suitable size too! I suppose you have been—!” Taemin’s eyes widened when he felt his body pressed against the desk. The folder was dropped onto the chair and Minho couldn’t help himself. He crashed his lips onto the younger male, closing his eyes as he had claimed those lips, the lips that he had longed for. He felt the boy wrap his arms around his neck and hold him close to his body. Minho’s hands rested on the boy’s small waist and hoisted him onto the desk, getting himself between his legs whilst Taemin wrapped them around his torso as tongues then entered each other’s mouth.

Minho would have never asked for any better. Just this was enough. They let out a pleasurable moan as their groins brushed against each other in clothed pants. Minho could feel Taemin’s fingers playing with his hair as they had their heated make-out session. Their tongue battled and battled until they grew tired and the duo was in need for air. They pulled away, panting as their bottom lips were connected by a string of saliva. Their cheeks were flushed red and their eyes were hazy. Minho smacked his lips, breaking the connection and kissed him again before he pulled away, his hands rubbing Taemin’s thighs.

“…I love you, Lee Taemin,” he finally said after a moment of silence. “I’ve been such a fool to have not accepted you. I didn’t realize how you have influenced my life until you left.” He felt Taemin’s hand on his cheek and saw his warm smile as he gave him another kiss on the lips. Minho smiled and continued from where he had left off, “2 years and I still haven’t forgotten you. I couldn’t stop looking at the pictures we have taken together when we were friends and I’ve always wished that you’d come back so I can make things be back to where it was before… And now… you’re here…” He held him close, his arms wrapped around his thin body. “I love you so much, Lee Taemin and you have no idea how much it hurts…”

Taemin smiled and stared into his eyes. “And you have no idea how happy I am. I love you too, you big, stupid frog,” he paused then said with a bright grin, “I’ve missed you too.” The duo grinned and kissed once again, fingers intertwining as they enjoyed their moment together. The paper airplane stood immobile on the desk by the couple.

Minho’s letter was written to Taemin and it was written simply:

‘Dear Lee Taemin,

I miss you so much…

                              Sincerely love, Choi Minho.’

Choi Minho was walking down the sidewalk now, yawning as he covered his mouth. Now he clearly looked like the old Minho now as his hair was in a mess, his shirt was tucked out and his sneakers’ shoelaces were untied. He rubbed his eyes, clearly tired. He was so excited with the fact that Taemin had come back to Korea and is now working as his assistant that he could barely get any sleep at all. Without looking at where he was going, he had accidentally bump into someone.

               “Ack…! Watch it~!” The playful voice snapped him out of it and looked at the person he had bumped into. His face brightened up when he saw that it’s Taemin, pouting at him.

               “Oh, sorry~” He cooed, pinching the male’s cheeks, in which he whined, pulling his face away from them and began slapping his hands.

               “Oh, shush up, frog. We should go; we’re going to be late!” Taemin told him with a smile as he held his hand, intertwining fingers. Minho smiled and held it back, tighter than before. Then this surge rushed over him and he chuckled at the familiarity as they stood in that same spot they’d always bumped into ever since they first met. Déjà vu is continuously happening – not that they minded or anything.

               “Seems like déjà vu, eh?” He said. Taemin nodded with a giggle.

               “I suppose so. Now let’s hurry or else you—”

               “—I’ll be late, I know, I know.” He rolled his eyes, already knowing what he’d say. They have been working together for 5 months now – there’s no way that he wouldn’t know what he’d say next. He heard Taemin giggle at this as the duo walked to their workplace.

               “And while you’re there—”

               “I’ll fix myself up, yes, Umma, I know.” Then he smirked at the younger male. “And I know that after work, you’ll always give me something ‘special’ to make happy.

Taemin gave him a seductive smirk, his fingers trailing down his muscular arms. “That, I do.

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Chapter 1: oh my god i love this ;;; it's super cute and sweet and adorable and just <33333 i just wanna slap minho for 'rejecting' taemin at first heh~
Chapter 1: so cute and adorable... Really love it... Love the plot and all... Love it so much
Chapter 1: wooohooo... How adorable ! So refreshing,i love the story line, i love 2min, and i love u to write this fluffy...
Chapter 1: KAWAAAI!! THIS WAS SO CUTE! :D Gave me so many freaking butterflies :D
prettaebaby #5
Chapter 1: Waah!! Awesome! I love it!! So sweet and I love how you used de javu as your theme :D
carrotcake #6
Chapter 1: aww, that was really cute and well-written. 2min shippers should really read this one! <3
Chapter 1: this is just way too cute :)