Food Tasting? More like—Wrath Tasting

The Maid Of Honor



I'm back!


Just in time with BIGBANG's comeback track today, BLUE!


So while keeping an eye on it's release, here's a boring update. I didn't have the chance to proofread it.






(Sorry for the typos!)





Chapter 10:

Food Tasting? More like—Wrath Tasting


“Food tasting? Me and Jiyong together? No way!” Dara protested after Seungri told her the favour he wanted her to do.


Earlier, he knocked on her bedroom door and told her he wanted to talk. She excitedly waited for him to speak out, thinking that—after a week of stealing his attention, ruining the wedding preparations DISCREETLY (which is so not discreet to Jiyong anymore), and putting up with Jiyong for the past three days—every now and then, all her efforts were all fruitful and turned out right.


But—no. It was a big, fat, juicy ‘NO’ that was etched on her face right now. He just asked if it’s okay that, they—Jiyong and her, will be the ones to go to the scheduled food tasting where the couples were supposed to go.


Isn’t it a great bonding time for them? 


“Please?” he pleaded for the third time while clasping his hands together.


“Why can’t you just reschedule it, Ri?”


“It can’t be rescheduled though they the manager is a family friend. The Expert’s services are so in demand and everyone is dying to have our schedule just so you know.”


“Just… where are you going that you can’t attend to this matter?” She irritably asked.


“We’re going to Chaerin’s family farm down south. Her parents have been bugging us to go there together.”


Chaerin had already told her about their parents living three hours away from their location in Jeju in an orchard. While Jiyong is occupying the upper floor in his auto-repair shop most of the time, Chaerin is left alone at the big mansion with the house helpers.


In  the days that she had accompanied the couple to their wedding preparations and at the same time touring her around, she had formed a friendly bond with Chaerin. She needed it so that they won’t suspect her of her real motives.


“Postpone that one then,” she suggested.


“This time, we just can’t. We’ve had postponed it couple of times and I can’t let her parents down anymore if we postpone it again today.”


“Why does it have to be Jiyong and me? Why can’t you just choose anyone?” she agitatedly asked.


“Choose anyone? You’re my best friend, and Jiyong is Rin’s brother. Is there any other person who knows what we want and not aside from the two of you? No one, right?”


Still, like a child, she stubbornly protested. “Why me?” she asked while pulling her hair and stomping her feet.


“I’m just waiting for your answer. Jiyong already agreed to be your partner for the day.”


‘Of course! He’s excited to watch over me without worrying about humiliating myself with Chaerin and Seungri around! The concern, so sincere..!’


“Please, Dara, it’s only now that I asked you for a favour…” His eyes were begging at her.


She can’t make herself look away. Even though she’s really annoyed and at her wits end, she was moved with his pleading. She was also hit with that last sentence. For the longest time they had been friends, it was his first time asking her a favour. Dara was always the one asking favour for Seungri and never, did he say “no” to her.


She rolled her eyes and covered her face with her palm and sighed, indicating her answer.


“Yes!” Seungri exclaimed happily. “And another thing, no more petty quarrels,” he added sternly. Over the past week, he had witnessed how Dara and Jiyong fought like a cat and dog. And now that there will be a chance for them to be alone together, it just spells D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R. Maybe tomorrow, he might just see on the news how they had slashed each others throat with their claws.


“I can’t promise you that. You should’ve thought of it sooner, before you talked to me about it.”


He raked his hair in frustration. “But you can try, right? Chaerin and I are not there to stop any impending World War III to occur. If that happens, we’ll lose our maid of honor and best man. And we won’t know where to find the best replacements there would be.”


Dara just pouted, not trusting herself to speak.


“And also, be cautious. Hate is standing just next to love. You might wake up one day, feeling something for Jiyong. And it might not be the usual hatred you used to feeling.” He smiled maniacally at her.


She scrunched up her nose, not liking what he’s saying.


“In his dreams!”





The van felt like more of a cemetery with Dara and Jiyong’s silence. Neither of them wants to start a talk.


“So, how’s your mission?”


Dara’s eyebrow rose automatically to the roof of the van hearing his query. And here she thought they would end that day without even talking, seems like he can’t help himself at all.


“Good,” she said. “You?”




“Oh?” she said mockingly. “How come? It’s impossible for us to have the same answer when we know that what we both want has a BIIIIIIIGG difference. I know for a fact that I’ll get what I want sooner than I expect. What about you? You said you’re gonna make me fall for you. Where’s that fall? I can’t feel anything but irritation towards you, ‘coz you keep on contradicting everything I do and say.”


“And you?” He looked at her for a moment before turning his eyes back on the road. “Where’s the proof of you saying that you’ll let Seungri realize that he loves you, on his own? How would he be able to realize if for the past few days, all I see was a selfish and childish brat opposing to his brother’s marriage because she’s scared that no ones there to take care of her?”


“How dare you!” Her face flushed in anger. She’s pissed, annoyed, ticked off, and her blood’s boiling with whatever he said.


Jiyong swerved the van on the curb side, cut the engine, and faced her.


“Why? Is it not? You want me to enumerate them all?” he challenged, and started counting off with his fingers. “First, when we were on the souvenir shop. Second was when we were fitting clothes on the couturier. Every wedding gown that my sister picks, you have a say. When she asked for your suggestion, the obvious ugly gown was what you chose.”


She remembered that incident. Her plan backfired at her when they looked at her like she had a poop oozing from her head. She chose a nauseating, gross-looking, barf-inducing, ugly gown that looked like it hadn’t been on a laundry for a century. That was the time when she thought that a piece of brick would come in handy, and pound her head with it till her brain’s scattered.


“Third was during our meeting with the photographer. You were insisting on getting the most expensive package even though you know they can’t afford it. You were also suggesting things that you almost dominated the meeting. Fourth, you did the same thing when the both of them were choosing their wedding rings. Fifth, all these time, you acted like a child driving her father’s attention away from her own sibling and took Chaerin as a competitor. Tell me, have you really given all a thought? Did you really plan to be the antagonist on the wedding of the man you love?”


“Are you done talking now? Can I have my turn?”


She also mimicked him, held a hand up, and started enumerating. “First, congratulations ‘coz it’s my first time hearing you talk that long. Bravo! Yippee!” She clapped her hands to piss him off. “Second, you were wrong on accusing I was acting like a selfish and childish brat that’s scared of losing a brother because, third, I love Seungri not as a sibling or older brother. Fourth, Seungri will never see me as an antagonist because deep inside him, I know the feeling is mutual. Fifth, all that I’ve done these past days were not half of my true plan just yet. And sixth, whatever my plan is about, it doesn’t concern you. So, just off my case!” She yelled. As she was on the process of opening the door, he locked it up automatically at the same time.


She narrowed her eyes at him. “Let me out, you monkey!”


“See? You’re acting like a child again.”


“Let me out now or I’ll break this window.”


“We still have somewhere else to go. Seungri and Chaerin are counting on us,” he casually reminded her like they didn’t share a heated conversation just now. He revved up the engine.


“To hell with that food tasting!”


He shook his head with a smile on his lips while driving again.


“I told you, let me out!” she exclaimed again. She heard the door clicked, indicating it was unlocked.


“There, you can go now,” he said while focusing on the road.


What for? The car’s already moving, she’s not that moronic to jump out of a car moving in 110km/h.


She crossed her arms over her chest and looked out of the window. She’ll get her sweet revenge soon, he’ll see!





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nylanna_twisted #1
Please.. Please.. Please update soon.. Kamsahamnida..
nylanna_twisted #2
Chapter 15: Unnie. . . i really enjoy reading your story.... Perhaps you can update soon.. Good luck more amazing stories to come.. Hwaiting!
Chrngu #3
Please update! This story is so cute and funny
kits21 #4
Chapter 15: pls date authornim....tnx
Pls update authornim
hanbinxxi #6
Chapter 15: waaahhh!!!! update...i can't wait to see her wearing the gown..omg!!! wacha say kwon??!
darajiyongbae #7
is this not gonna be updated???? ;(
Blackbang #8
AWWW.. Jiyong and Dara are cute together :) I love your story! please update ^^