
Crash - Yongguk

Driving all day from the city to the country and back made you exhausted as well as your two kids. Your four year old son, Tanner, and your three month old daughter, Brook were in the car fast asleep in their car seats as lights flashed in your eyes and that is when bright lights swerved in front of you and hit you straight on.

Yongguk got to the house, early that night as it was late but not late enough that he got worried about you. Putting his work out clothes in the hamper, he changed into some jeans and a tank top as he washed his face to relax him. Sitting on the couch, fifteen minutes had passed as he began to get a little worried. Pulling out his phone, he messaged you.

Are you ok? I thought you would be home by now - YG

We are fine, it is just taking a little longer to get home.

Ok, babe. I love you - YG

Those three words brought tears to your eyes as you sat with beeping monitors around you. Holding Brook in your arms, with bruises on her shoulders where the car seat saved her life, you put a cooling pad on it as you sat beside the bed where Tanner laid.

"Mommy?" Tanner turned his head as he was getting checked out by the nurse.

"Yes Tan." You held his little hand in yours as your arms were burned by the air bag.

"Is Daddy going to be mad?" He asked with big eyes as the nurse cleaned up his black eye.

"I will take care of it. Don’t you worry." You held his hand gently as Brook gently fell asleep in your arms.

"Your son has the worst damage but he will be just fine. You will be fine as long as you put this lotion on your arms and your baby should be fine and the bruises will go away in a couple days." The doctor said as you bowed to him.

"Thank you doctor." You stood up as Tanner held your hand as you picked up your things and headed out the doors, the nurses waved to Tanner as he waved back with a smile on his face.

Walking out to the cool air, you wrapped your jacket around Brook as you walked with Tan in the direction of your house.

Yongguk began to pace back and forth since it had been hours since he had messaged you. He heard the punching in of the numbers as the door opened to you holding a kid on each hip as you walked in.

”_______ are you ok? Where have you been?” Yongguk bombarded you with questions as tears stung your eyes.

"Let me get these guys to bed and then we can talk." You said in a hushed voice as Tanner slept on your shoulder as Brook slept in your arms. Opening the door with your hip, you gently set Brook on the floor as you changed Tanner into some pajamas. Rubbing some ointment onto his black eye as well before you slid him into bed.

"Thank you for being strong, my little guy." You whispered as you kissed his head, pushing away his hair. Moving to your daughter, Brook, you changed her as well and point ointment onto her wounds as you changed her and slipped her into bed.

"You are going to be ok, my sweet baby." You kissed her head gently as you walked out of the room, closing the door you took a deep breath before heading out to face Yongguk.

"So… what happened?" Yongguk said as you walked to the kitchen and got a drink of water.

"Before I tell you, everyone is ok and no one was hurt, too badly." You sipped the water as you let out a relieved sigh. He nodded his head as he sat across the counter from you.

"We had a little accident, a person swerved into our lane and his us head on. They took full responsibility and they said that we should go to the hospital to get checked out. So we went to the hospital and they checked us out. Tanner has a black eye and Brook has a couple of bruises on her shoulders from the straps that saved her life and I got a couple of burns on my arms from the air bag." You tried to stay calm with the events of the day as you saw his anger get turned up as his fists clenched together.

"How come you didn’t tell me?" He said in a raised voice as anger pierced his eyes, "Where did you get my text?"

"I got your text at the hospital. I didn’t want you to overreact, like you are going now. I didn’t want the kids to get scared that you were coming to pick us up." You defended yourself as tears stung your eyes again. The air sat around you as he calmed down ad you got worked up as tears ran down your face. Quickly noticing your tears he stood up and wrapped his arms around you tightly.

"Sorry, I was just worried about you." He said quietly as he kissed your head as you clutched his shirt with your fists.

"I didn’t mean to worry you." You choked out as he ran his fingers through your hair.

"Can we just be honest about serious things like this from now on?" He asked cupping your face with his hands as you nodded holding onto his forearms.

"Let’s get you to bed, you have had a very big day." Picking you up like he would a child, you wrapped your legs around his waist as he took you to the bedroom. Turning on the lights, he saw the red marks on your arms as he put you on the bed and gently iced your arms.

Placing kisses on your arms, he pecked your lips as you smiled at him. A weak cry came from the shared kids’ room as he got up and left you to change into some of his clothes.

Gently picking up Brook he brought her into you as you took off her shirt to reveal her marks. Yongguk gently placed the ice over her skin as she calmed down and got relief from the cooling sensation.

"Let me go get her some medicine." Yongguk left the room to find some pain killers for her as he came back and she drank it with ease. She fell asleep in your arms as you sat in bed, resting your head on Yongguk’s shoulder, the door opened to Tanner as he climbed onto the bed and sat in his Daddy’s lap as we held and comforted each other. We were all glad that we were all there.

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Chapter 1: Aah I'm relieving stress by reading this. It's normal for him to exaggerate, it's his lovely family after all, poor him I'm sure he was so worried :(
All the parts that came after like picking her up like a child and having them all together in the end was really so adorable and cuuute. Imagining it brings tears to my eyes.
I also remembered how scary it was to get involved in a car accident, though it wasn't too strong but enough to make my heart freeze.

Anyways.. Thank you for writing this one and Goodnight <33
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 1: I understand both sides on this one, since she knew they were ok, she didn't want to worry Yongguk. BUT... at the same time, this is his family, all he has, so of course, he'd be worries & upset that she didn't call them. It could've been much worse & I'm glad they ended up ok! But the ending of them all being in bed, was by the far the cutest part to me! I truly can see Yongguk being that caring of a husband & father!! well written! Thank you <3
baozi_lulu #3
Chapter 1: this is what i want. oh yes, love the kids' names
Chapter 1: awww ... so cute !!!
Chapter 1: super sweet :3 :3
Chapter 1: OMG! that was so sweet and heart touching. I love all of your stories (Especially YongGuks XD)thank you for the awesome story! ^_^