Abigail started to wake up slowly and she could feel pain in every body part of hers. Because of the pain, she remembered what had happened and she started to panic. She tried to sit down, but someone stopped her and pushed her back to the bed.
"You need to rest." The white jacket lady said.
"Where am I?" Abigail asked.
"In the hospital, don't worry, you are going to be fine." She said.
"What about Renee, Sunggyu and Woohyun? are they okay?" 
"Don't worry about them, rest now, okay?" The doctor said and left the room. Abigail knew something wasn't right, so she get up from the bed and started to walk away of the room, even though it hurted all over her body. She opened her room's door, checked if there was any doctors around, when she didn't see any, she started to search for the other's rooms. Abigail didn't have to walk much when she saw Sunggyu in the next room and walked to him.
"Sunggyu are you awake?!?!" She yelled next to his bed.
"Yeah...." He said and opened his eyes.
"Are you okay??!!"
"Well I have broken hand, broken leg and a pretty bad concussion, otherwise I'm doing great!"
"Oh god...."
"What about you?"
"I think I was lucky, nothing is broken."
"Good to hear! Have you heard about Woohyun and Renee?"
"No, the doctor refused to tell me, what about you?"
"I have no idea either, I woke up here just few minutes ago..." 
"YOU SHOULD BE IN YOUR BED RESTING!!" Someone yelled behind them. It was the doctor.
"I couldn't help it. Now tell us about Renee and Woohyun!!!" Abigail yelled to the doctor. 
"Well do you really want to know?" She asked and both of them nodded, so she continued: "They both suffers from major injuries. To be honest, the boy is quite lucky compared what happened to the girl. Woohyun has his sternum awfully damaged, half of his ribs are broken and few of them are pressing his lungs badly and he is in the surgery now. What comes to Renee, she doesn't have any outside injuries, just bruises here and there, but she hit her head badly, and she is in coma."
"Holy ..." Abigail said and tears started to pour down her face. 
"How about the people in the other car?" Sunggyu asked, trying to hold back the tears.
"They had better luck than you all, they are totally fine." 
"Thank god..." He said. 
"Can we see Renee?" Abigail asked, still tears pouring down her face.
"Yes, she is in the next room. We'll bring Woohyun there too after the surgery." The doctor said and left the room.
"Let me get you a wheelchair, so you don't have to walk!" Abigail said and ran out of the room too.
"Sure...." Sunggyu said and wiped a few tears away from his face.
It took only few minutes when Abigail was back with the wheelchair and Sunggyu sat down on it and Abigail guided the way to Renee's room. There she was, lying on the bed in breathing apparatus.
"I can't believe this... how did all end up like this, just when everything was about to be okay again?!?!" Abigail yelled of frustration.
"I don't know....." Sunggyu answered.
"Are you two okay?" Someone asked behind them. Abigail and Sunggyu both turned around and saw this person, they didn't recognize him.
"And you are?" Abigail asked and wiped her tears away again.
"I was in the other car, the car you guys crushed to." The person said.
"Oh.. I'm so sorry...." Sunggyu apologized.
"Did you call the ambulance for us?" Abigail asked from him.
"Yes, right away when you crushed to my car."
"Can you tell what happened? we don't remember anything." Sunggyu asked.
"Are you sure?"
"Well, after your car crushed to mine, it spinned around few times and then hit the ground very hardly. I was told to help you all out, but I couldn't get in the backseat at all, your car was in really bad condition. And I think that's why the two of them had the worst injuries. I'm really sorry..." The guy said.
"Thank you for everything." Abigail and Sunggyu said and the guy left the room.
"Its all my fault, if I hadn't passed out, Woohyun wouldn't be in surgery, Renee wouldn't be in coma and you wouldn't have all those bruises..." Sunggyu blamed himself and started to cry too.
"Its not your fault, Sunggyu."
"IT IS!!!"
"I don't blame you of anything. Everything is going to be fine, trust me." Abigail smiled at Sunggyu, even though she didn't know it herself either. They were quietly watching Renee and thinking, when the doctors came to the room, with Woohyun. Sunggyu asked right away:
"He is going to be fine, he will wake up after few hours." The doctor said. Both of them sighted of relief and said:
"Thank god..."
"I don't know about her though." The doctor continued.
"What?" Abigail asked.
"Your all parent's are here soon." 
"No what did you say about Renee?" Abigail asked again, but the doctor left the room with no explanations.
"They know something, but they won't tell us.. I wonder what it is...." Abigail started to wonder.
"Doesn't look good at all...."
"WOOHYUN! WOOHYUN! WOOHYUN! WHERE ARE YOU?!?" Sunggyu and Abigail could hear someone yelling from the hallway. It was Woohyun's mother. She was heading right straight to the room where they were.
"Oh no..." Sunggyu said.  Woohyun's mother finally were at the door and the first words was:
"Oh god.." when she saw Woohyun lying on the bed, unconcious. Tears started to fall from her eyes when she walked slowly next to her son's bed.
"I can't afford to lose you too like this...." She said.
"Don't worry, he is going to be fine..." Sunggyu said to her.
"Thank god.." She said and wiped her tears away. "Are you two okay?" she continued.
"Yes we are, but Renee..." Abigail answered, but when she looked at Renee again, she started to cry and she ran out of the room.
"Poor girl..." 
Abigail was running in the hallway, until she saw Renee's parents talking with the doctor. She went closer, but tried not to be seen, she wanted to hear what the doctor is going to say, since the doctor didn't tell her anything. Abigail heard them talking:
"How is she?" Renee's mother asked.
"Not good, she has fallen into coma." The doctor said. Her mother started to cry.
"Will she wake up?" Renee's dad asked.
"We don't know that, but even if she does, she will never be the same she was before." Abigail's heart skipped a few beats.
"What do you mean?"
"Her head injuries are so bad, we don't really know it all yet, but at least if she wakes up, she will never be able to walk again." 
"No way..." Renee's mother said and sat down to the closest chair.
"And there is possibility that she will end up braindead and you know what that means...I'm so sorry..." The doctor apologized and left.
"This is not real... we have to call Sandra...." Her mother said. Abigail couldn't listen it anymore and she decided to go back to Renee's room. There was more people in the room this time, Sunggyu's parents had arrived too.
"Are you okay?" Sunggyu asked from Abigail.
"We...we...we need to talk..." She said and told Sunggyu to come out of the room. 
"Did you find out something?" He asked right away.
"Even if she wakes up, she wont be able to walk never ever again and there is possibility she will end up braindead...." 
"Holy.... and there is nothing we can do about it, I hate this so much...but Abigail, I think we have to be the most strongest ones here, to be there for Woohyun.. even though it hurts us too..."
"You are right.. but what are we going to do with Woohyun? first thing he sees when he wakes up is Renee in breathing apparator!"
"We need to do something!"
"Sunggyu and Abigail! Woohyun is awake!" Woohyun's mother yelled from the room.
"Too late...." Abigail said and they went back to the room.
"How are you feeling?" Woohyun's mother asked from Woohyun.
"A bit dizzy and its hard to breathe, otherwise okay.. Where are the others?" 
"Here we are~" Sunggyu said when they arrived the room.
"Don't tell me you have to be in that wheelchair forever?!?" Woohyun asked, he was scared to hear the truth though.
"No I don't, don't worry about me, I'm fine, so is Abigail.." Woohyun sighted of relief.
"Great... where is Renee then?" Woohyun asked. When no one seemed to answer back to him, he asked again:
"WHERE IS SHE?!" and people started to walk away from his bed, so he could see next to him. He saw Renee lying there.
"No way, no way, no way.. how is she?!?" 
"She is in coma..." Abigail answered and she held the tears back for now. Woohyun couldn't say anything, he just stared at her and finally tears came down on his face too.
"Woohyun...." Her mother started and she was about to wipe the tears away from Woohyun's face.
"Leave me alone!" He yelled.
"Woohyun we are here for you..." Sunggyu said.
"GO AWAY ALL OF YOU!!! I need time ALONE." He yelled and everyone did as he told. The last person leaving the room was his mother and she closed the door behind her.
When all of them left the room, two people rushed to the hospital at the very same minute. They ran through the hallways to find where their friends are. After few minutes of running around they saw Abigail and Sunggyu.
"ARE YOU GUYS OKAY?" Both of them asked right away.
"Myungsoo and Sungyeol!! glad to see you here and yes, we are fine." Sunggyu said.
"But you are in a wheelchair...." Sungyeol started.
"I just have broken leg, okay?!" 
"Woohyun? Renee?" Myungsoo finally asked when he didn't see them around.
"Woohyun is fine, he just came from surgery, but Renee..." Abigail started and started crying aswell.
"She is in coma..." Sunggyu answered. Sungyeol couldn't say anything, so he turned to Myungsoo and hugged him.
"This is just horrible... When we heard what happened, we rushed here..." Myungsoo told them.
"Can we go to see her?" Sungyeol asked.
"Not a good timing now, Woohyun just told us to get the hell out of there..." Sunggyu answered.
"Ohh I understand-----" Sungyeol didn't end his sentence, when they started to hear the doctors yelling and running towards Renee's and Woohyun's room. They immediately knew that something was wrong, so they rushed there behind the doctors. Even Woohyun was standing in the hallway, holding his hands agains the room's window.
"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Abigail yelled to Woohyun.
"Her heart stopped beating....." Woohyun sobbed. Sunggyu, Abigail, Myungsoo and Sungyeol could feel their heart stopping for a few seconds and they looked inside the room from the window. The doctors were trying to save her life, but nothing seemed to work.
"RENEE!!! DARE TO DIE ON ME NOW!!" Woohyun started to yell tears in his eyes. But suddenly the doctors stopped, and one of them looked to her clock saying:
"Time of death 3.03PM"

NOTE: this was the second last chapter that i'm writing of this story. I'll be adding the last one as soon as possible! :) 
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Minhyorin #1
@HatrednAshes THANK YOUU! ♥
HatrednAshes #2
nice story :)
Minhyorin #3
@Some_turtle really? wow I thought this wouldn't be so good because its my first after all haha. But i'm glad you liked it~ and yes I have started already new story, so if you are interested in it, go and check it~
Some_Turtle #4
This was a really good fanfic, cause a. she didnt "wake up from her coma" like all the good happy ending stories, and it was a really nice touch to the end of my day. I enjoyed your story and it brought tears to me. thank you, and im looking foward to your other stories !!
Minhyorin #5
@jokerlydeejay exactly! you'll figure out soon what is going to happen~ i'm in the middle of writing the last chapter! its going to added soon~
gyuness #6
omg that means sunggyu is responsible for her death! and he doesnt even have a license :O
gyuness #7
she just died o.o
gyuness #8
Minhyorin #9
hahah just call me little sis from now on? XDDdd
kekekeke, but you are little!.....sis! xDDDD