Dont Tell Mom

How SNSD Killed A Fangirl

This is some advice for you, from my previous story.

I'm frustrated. lol XD

I have created a monster. I spent twenty minutes explaining to my mother why idols kill me on a daily basis and why I'm always OTL-ing about 'some Koreans' and I made her watch SNSD music videos and she refuses to stop singing run devil run in a cat like manner and has become a little bit uh...


Then showed her these pictures...


Me: My lovely bias, her name is Tiffany, take note.


Mom says you are her favorite member but she called you Jessica. Then she called everyone else in SNSD Jessica, except the actual Jessica, which she called Yuri.

(D*mn Fany)


She said Fany was cute. ^^*

I was like, "Of course!"

Me: Who is Sooyoung? /She points to Seohyun./

Me: Nope, it's Seohyun.

She thought Seo was Yuri. Yuri's not even in the picture.

Me: "Not everybody is Yuri, mom."


Face Recognition Test : Fail.






But I didn't show these, they are sorta just extra stuff.





Multiple offenders.

My face to my tumblr dashboard.






Anyways, the point is... I'm pretty sure she now thinks I'm gay or Korean. Maybe both.





I'm done complaining about how pretty SNSD is and how they make me flip over tables on a regular, spazz, OTL,  and get prejudged more often than usual for having them as my wallpaper on everything I own.



The moral is, don't explain your bias to your mother.

All images are not mine. Credit to respective owners.

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parkjaeyoung801 #1
Chapter 22: that "are they gay? i'm telling you, they're gays"
i get them a lot too!!! then the followup question will be is...
"since when you turned lesbo? i swear i never thought you'll play on the other team"
and i was like? O.O whut?
"you fanboy over gu junpyo [he likes the drama], are u gay too?" LOL ^-^
SiiSOu #2
Chapter 33: Dis is so in true
Those questions just keep resurfacing
Nyeesahmoii154 #3
Chapter 1: urrghhhh i really feel you awwwweee hahaha :D
Chapter 4: Hahaha omg I totally feel you, sometimes it's kinda awkward when my non kpop fan classmates plays with my phone and then they see Taeyeon as my home screen and lock screen..These girls dominates my tumblr, Google+, IG, YT, Kkt, Line, accounts...the only gurls that can make me go gay XD
Chapter 32: AHHHHHH you added a chapter!!!
Haha nice example of being an obsessed fan. My friends always used to tell me that I was obsessed but I would always deny it. But DEEP inside, I soooooo knew that I was obsessed with SNSD. EVERYTHING in my life is about SNSD now. It comes to a point that we wake up and all we see are merchandise and fanart that we drew. It comes to a point that even your pet is named after SNSD. God we hardcore fans are craycray as .
You literally, just described every hardcore S<3NE on this damn messed up planet. ~~~Props to you~~~
TheMightyFall #8
Chapter 26: lol, why are they even making this kind of polls? The taeyeon and CL one. It's like....So pointless...