
Be The Light

Chapter Three





APPEARANCE: Loves to dress up in Halloween costumes. Wears fairy costumes almost everyday. Otherwise, appears normal

GENERAL BEHAVIOR: Friendly, child-like, innocent, easily excited, talkative, affectionate

ATTITUDE TOWARD EXAMINER: Cooperative, obedient


ATTENTION: Displays high level of concentration when doing arts and musical activities. Otherwise, normal.

ORIENTATION: Fully aware.

PSYCHOMOTOR ACTIVITY: Extremely active, displays exceptional finger movements when playing an electric guitar, movements become calm and controlled when painting

MOOD: Overall emotional state; happy, cheerful

SPEECH: increased, loud, happy tone, child-like

FORM OF THOUGHT: childish, naive, innocence, low IQ, delayed developmental,

CONTENT OF THOUGHT: fascinations with fairytales (prince, princess, etc.), music (Rock, Pop etc.),

PERCEPTIONS: extremely naïve and innocent, low level of fight or flight response,


MEMORY: phenomenal rote memory, disregards events or information that are unnecessary (not relevant according to her personal judgment)

INSIGHT: patient is aware of her mental state

INTELLECTUAL FUNCTION: musical abilities, paintings


·         Mild Asperger’s Syndrome – POSSIBILITY DENIED

·         Autistic - POSSIBLE

·         Savant Syndrome – below normal intelligence but displays exceptional talents (HIGHLY POSSIBLE)


Minwoo flipped the folder closed and passed it towards Andy who was beside him. Thanks to his ability to woo the nurse intern at the lobby, he managed to get his hands on the confidential diagnosis reports of the Choi heiress. Said nurse just started working a month ago, cute as a button and naïve just like a little kitten. He likes to tease these types of girls. He should get her contact number later.

As Andy was reading through the report, Minwoo decided to declare his thought.

“In other words,” He blew a puff from his cigarette. “She’s…unique.”

Hyesung remained silence as he continued to smoke, leaning his arms on the windows ledge and staring outside.

Junjin scratched his head, cigarette between his lips. He exhaled a frustrated puff at the no response from his hyung.

Meanwhile, Andy was mumbling some facts that got his attention from the diagnosis. “Low level of intelligence but displays prodigious talents in musical and artistry field,” he said. “She’s certainly one of a kind.”

G-Dragon’s One of A Kind ran through his head and Minwoo’s head unconsciously bobbed to the imagery beats. He wondered if the leader of Big Bang is suffering from Savant Syndrome just like her but he dismissed the possibility.

Andy finally finished reading through the report and was about to open his mouth to speak when Minwoo unintentionally cut him off.

“Okay, okay, okay. First of all Hyesungie,” he pointed his cigarette to the subject of the soon-to-be-taken-in-place discussion. “How the hell did you turn out like this?”

By this, he was referring his attitude around the heiress, the woman that they have to protect and soon risked their lives for. Of course they needed to know her profiles and what-nots (considering her mental state) but the man used to be as merciless as their leader. He interrogated and murdered countless of men without even batting an eyelash. What made him changed a complete 360 when it comes to her?

Once again, Hyesung remained silence but he inhaled the -end of his cigarette deeply.

Andy, being the only one who read the report thoroughly, managed to figure out the reason behind his silence. He handed the folder back towards Minwoo and urged him to read the profile section of the report once more.

Curious, Junjin peered over the shorter man who snatched the folder and flipped to the page Andy indicated for them to read. At first glance, the profile information appeared to be normal, with Hanneul’s photo stuck at the left side of the page.  She looked normal; just like any other ordinary woman in the norm society. If she used the photo for applying job interviews, no one would have suspected she suffered from any mental disorders.

As the two read over the basic identification line by line, they discovered crucial information that they overlooked at first glance.


NAME: Choi Hanneul

AGE: 27

BIRTHDATE: 19/11/--



OCCUPATION: Guitarist of Septic V, children’s book illustrator

EDUCATION: Korea National University of Arts


  • Birth and Early Development - CONFIDENTIAL
  • Childhood – friendly and hyperactive, displays prodigious abilities since young.
  • Adolescence – has trouble fitting in with schools, fails at classes, a victim of bullying,
  • Marriage – has an illegitimate child.
  • Education – obtained Dean’s List upon graduation, unable to form friendships with other colleagues
  •  Occupational History – scouted by FNC Company to become the female guitarist for Septic V, barely communicates with other colleagues but obedient with employer’s instructions
  • ual History – unaware victim, perpetrator now served life time sentence in jail
  • Social History – difficulty in associating with her colleagues, does not have any friends
  • Current social situation – undergoing treatment and therapy in the facility


Oppa-yam,” Hanneul called, her big eyes casted downward and she bit her bottom lip.

Dongwan thought it would be amusing to introduce himself with that nickname. He thought of it when he dated his ex-girlfriend who was five years younger than him (not disclosing the fact that he was a mafia) and figured it sounded adorable since it had a certain charm and cuteness to it.

And it does!

Even though his preferences in women have changed over the years but Hanneul made his silly muse a reality and hell yeah, it was super cute!

“What is it, Hanni?” It was a nickname he had just made up for her.

If Eric was around, he would have knocked him upside in the head and spewed curses at him for being cheesy and greasy. But he enjoyed being greasy. Although, considering her state, maybe he shouldn’t took advantage over her like this. Wait, that sounded wrong.

She started crying suddenly and hugged her knees to her chest. Dongwan panicked and immediately regretting his decision to stay and accompany her. He should have let Andy stayed here when he volunteered earlier.

“Wh-wh-wh-why are you crying?” He babbled, clueless on what he should do.

She rocked back and forth on her , sniffling and wiping her wet nose on her skirt.

“Why did Eric leave?” She wailed loudly. “Does he hate me? Why doesn’t he want to be my friend? Did he hate my ppoo ppoo? I even brushed my teeth properly like wangja told me after I ate the chicken!”

He was pretty sure that Eric didn’t walked off because her breath smelled like chicken. “No, no he doesn’t hate you,” Actually he does. “But he had something to do so he had to leave.”

Oh no, she’s crying a lot right now. What took them so long to interrogate Hyesung? Where the hell are they?

“It’s okay, Oppa-yam,” She said, sobbing. “You don’t have to lie to me. I know he doesn’t like me because he didn’t want to play charades at first. I know. I know. I’m too retarded for most people to be friends with. I talk to my plushies  and stuff and they don’t talk back mostly and I feel so lonely. But then Wangja came and talked to me and we become friends and I don’t feel lonely anymore.”

His mind numbed, unable to understand the knot he suddenly felt in his chest. It was almost heart-wrenching.

“There’s a toilet here if he wants to pee,” Her eyes were wet and red now. “I don’t mind sharing! Wangja always pee and poop at my toilet before and he said it doesn’t smell bad. But the toilet smelled really bad after he used it but I don’t mind because it’s Wangja.”

Well, that tore down his perception of the prim man. He can never looked at him the same way ever again. But hey, this would make a great gossip to dish out during their drinking activities. Wait till they hear this!


He felt her fingers tugged at his sleeve and he looked at her. Her cheeks were wet, her eyes were puffy and her nose was red but she finally stopped crying. He gave in the urge and wiped the remaining tears with his thumb. Her skin felt soft.

“Wh-what is it?” He asked, fumbling slightly.

“Do you want to go pee in the toilet?”

“Err, not right now. I’m still empty.” Wait, he did not just say that.

She wiped her snot with the back of her sleeves. “You need to drink more water,” She said and stood up on her feet. “I’ll go get some.”

Before Dongwan could inform her that he wasn’t thirsty, she already made her way into the small kitchen that was provided in the same room. He had to admit her room was even fancier than his own apartment and felt a little envious.

The kitchen was complete with the latest model of electric stove, microwave, oven and dishwasher built into the counter. Ladles and whisks of various sizes and length were neatly arranged on the hangers. He was surprised that they even let her have her own kitchen. No doubt that JongYup might have played a part in it. Or perhaps she is more normal than he thought?

She took out a liter of bottled water from the fridge and poured some into a pink cup. She smiled sweetly when he came up next to her and he replied with his own megawatt smile. He accepted the cup from her (It had a picture of the Disney Princess Cinderella) and gulped a little bit of the cool liquid down his throat.

“Hey, Oppa-yam,”

He turned to her, one eyebrow raised.

“Are you strong? Like how strong are you?”

What a strange question to ask. He filled some water in his mouth, holding it in there as he pondered. He wasn’t sure how he should answer it.

“Can you fight and shoot like Wangja?” She continued.”Wangja is really good at those. He said he needs to be strong to protect me because I’m a princess and bad guys likes to kidnap a princess. That’s not very nice right? That’s why Wangja said he needs to be by my side at all times because he doesn’t know when will the bad guys come and get me. Like the other day,” She paused, scrunching her face as she tried to recollect her memories.

Wangja took me out on a walk in the park because he said it’s not good to stay in the room all the time. Dr. Jang never let me out because the outside isn’t safe but Wangja took me to the park anyway because I told him I wanted to play Frisbee. The park was beautiful.” She made a rectangle shape with her thumbs and forefingers.

“It was green and blue everywhere,” She peep one eye at him through the gap. “I told him that I wanted to paint the sky in my room and he said I shouldn’t because the nurses would get mad at me. I don’t like the room I was staying before. It was ugly and dark and I can’t draw anything on the wall. I like this room better. It’s so much prettier and I can play music really loud without getting yelled at.”

“What happened when the two of you were at the park?” He assumed Hanneul was taking his picture through the gap and posed with a wide grin and a peace sign near his cheek.

“A guy came up on me when I was picking up some flowers by the bushes. He said he was gonna buy me ice cream so I followed him.” She closed the gap for a split second and opened it back. Dongwan decided to try an ullzang pose with pouty lips. “But then Wangja got really mad and shot him dead. I asked him why he did that because killing people is not very nice. He told me the guys he killed was lying about the ice cream and was actually trying to kidnap me. Then, another guy came up behind Wangja and they got into a fight. It was really cool,” She discarded her finger frame and attempted to recreate the fight scene.

“He went DAK!” She tried to elbow Dongwan in the gut but he managed to back away on time. “DAK! DAK! DAK!” She back punched him, turned, back kick, followed by a side kick.

Hannuel's stance was slow, so Dongwan managed to evade all of her attacks–although with some difficulty. He was still holding a half-filled cup with water, so he had to make sure he kept his balance, or else there will be spilled liquid everywhere.

“I wanted to help him fight but this guy grabbed my arm really hard all of a sudden and forced me to follow him. I didn’t want to because I wanted to help Wangja but he wouldn’t let me so I kicked him really hard, like this” She tried to kick his crotch. He managed to back step and pretended he really got hit there and was making funny faces.

Hanneul laughed. “Oppa-yam, you’re really funny.”

He responded with a grin. “What happened after you kicked him?”

Wangja hit the guy he was fighting really hard on his neck and then shot the guy who was trying to kidnap me. Finally, he shot the guy he was fighting before and all three of them died. Wangja brought me back to the hospital after that but the next day, Dr. Jang discovered a bruise on my arm and Wangja didn’t visit me again for three days and I got really upset. The nurses told me I’ll be moving to a better place and they said Wangja can visit me there. I was happy because I will get to see him again so I waited for him like a good girl.” 

She pointed upwards and Dongwan followed her gaze towards the clouds painted on the ceiling.

“I painted the sky like I wanted to and played music all the time. It’s really fun.” She grinned irrepressibly, her eyes crinkling as she did so.

Once again, Dongwan gave into the urge and pinched her cheek lightly.

“You know what Hanni?” He asked, imitating her crinkled eyes. “I’m much, much, much stronger than Wangja.”

Her eyes widened. “Really?”

He nodded. “Yep. I can fight with lots of weapons and I’m really good at protecting people.”

gaped in amazed.

He traced his thumb on her skin, loving the smoothness and the softness of her skin. Reminds him of a baby’s .

“I promise you I won’t let the bad guys come near you ever again,” One last pinch. She scrunched her face again. “Arasseo?”

She nodded her head over and over so Dongwan had to put one finger on her forehead to stop her. She froze, and then stared directly into his eyes.

“One nod is enough,” He said, smiling.

With his finger still on her forehead, Dongwan noted how deep the color of her eyes. They were dark brown, almost black. Her gaze was always so intense yet full of naiveté. It really intrigued him to fall deeper and deeper--


“What is it?”

“You have lots of wrinkles in your eyes. You must be really old.”

That took him by surprised. “Yah, I’m only 34 years old!” His voice feigned offended, one hand jammed into his pants pocket.

She giggled and covered with both hands as if she has just said a dirty word. “Oppa-yam, you’re really, really funny! I like you!”

Not knowing what else to react, he downed the remaining water in one shot.

When he finished, she poured in another full cup of the water again and urged him to drink.

“Ah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it’s okay. I’m not thirsty anymore!”

“But,” Her eyes went doe and her lips pouted. Oh no, this is Hyesung’s weakness, not him! “You’re gonna get constipated if you don’t drink enough water.”

She is full of aegyo. Is that why he fell for her? This was just his assumptions.

He stared at the Cinderalla cup he was holding intently, hesitating whether he should drink or not.

However, he is not Shin Hyesung. He is Kim Dongwan, the prodigy killer of Shinhwa. He could wield many weapons with ease. He is the best fighter the Choi clan could ever have. The enemies crumbled in fear at the sound of his name but the ladies fell for his looks and charms—

Naui wangja!” She squealed, snapping him out of his trance.

She skipped around the counter and tackled Hyesung by the living room the moment he sauntered in along with Junjin, Andy and Minwoo trailing behind.


Dongwan had never felt so grateful towards Hyesung. He decided he is going to keep his little secret about his excretions until next week.

Hanneul bombarded him with questions (Where have you guys been? Have you peed yet? Are you hungry? Do you want me to make kimbap for you?). Hyesung answered each question calmly (We were just talking outside. No, I haven’t peed yet. No, I’m not hungry. You don’t have to.)

“So, what have you and Dongwan have been doing it?” He asked, eyeing at the said man. He placed a protective arm around her waist. “Has he been good to you? Did he try to do anything strange?”

Dongwan was offended. “Yah, Shin Hyesung!”

Hanneul explained. “Oppa-yam was really funny. He made me laugh and he listened to me talking. But he hasn’t gone to the bathroom so I was helping him with his constipation.”

They stared at her, then at him. He shook his head vigorously. Hey, it’s not what you think!

Then, her nose scrunched as she took a whiff of Hyesung. “Ne, Wangja,”


“I like your new cologne.” She kissed the underside of his jaw. “It smells like fried leaves.”


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Sorry if I'm spamming your notifications. I'm trying to fix the layouts on my foreword and edit some chapters instead of studying for my exams lol.


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Chapter 6: Curious to this story n I like it..
*brb subscribe*
Can I choke Eric a lil bit?? He's so heartless here,, ;p
hyuu_hikari #2
Chapter 6: ohoooo... i thought if the music is turned off, it'll do something bad to hanneul... why don't hyesung turn off the music to make her sleep? rather than make her consume pills?

eric, heartless much?
feelgyo #3
Chapter 5: Hahaha~~
Why she did it? She gets obsessed with her dolls I think..
Oil n water, please keep save... -.-v kkkk
Nice story author-nim ^^ (ok not nice for eric part --")
hyuu_hikari #4
Chapter 5: O? Hanneul went stiff when the music was stopped?
Chapter 4: hahahahaahha this is really funny ! really like it !
feelgyo #6
Chapter 4: Hahahaha~~
Ohh..innocent hanneul :D
Eiii hyesung and eric's relationship is not going further from oil-water relationship hahahaha xD

Poor hanneul...everyone takes advantage of her. Hufftt..

Thanks for update author-nim ^^ <3
hyuu_hikari #7
Chapter 4: hahaha~ cute haneul =3 don't worry, they're not going to die unnie =DD
Chapter 3: WTH! cant stop laughing bout that fried leaves!^^
hyuu_hikari #9
Chapter 3: Fried leaves?? Don't encourage your prince to intensify his smoking please =DDD
I really have fun reading this chapter, many kinds of emotion rushing in me =DD warm, fun, pity, hilarious, etc =DDD

Thanks for the update ♥♥