Plan A?

Sunbae! Would you.. sleep with me?
Plan A?
Chapter 7

Jaejoong had a smile plastered on his face, he even hummed the elephant’s song along the school hall to his classroom. He smiled at everyone who walked passed by and when he saw Changmin standing infront of the class he jumped at the taller boy and made the other almost lost his balance because of the sudden attack.
Changmin grabbed Jaejoong waist immediately, try to push him off.
“Aish, Jaejoongie! You do know I don’t like men hugging me right?” He still struggling to put his friends back on the ground.
Jaejoong giggling but he tighten his hold on Changmin’s neck. “Just let me do this for once will you, I’m so happy~~~.” And Changmin let out a long sigh and stop his previous act and let himself being spun around by the happy blond friend and not forgetting the fact that they stand in front of the classroom with many eyes watched.
“Goodbye my straight guy image…” He whispered in annoyed.
Jaejoong pulled off from the hug and stared at him. “ You’re straight? I always thought that you..”
“Well, I haven’t really decide what my preference yet so..” he paused and looked at Jaejoong’s “waiting for an answer” expression. “Why am i saying this to you anyway, enough with me. Now tell me.. “ He asked. “Any good things happened? It has something to do with Yunho isn’t?”.
Jaejoong nodded. “He gave me another chance.” Changmin raised his eyebrow.
“You’re two getting back together?” Jaejoong shook his head. “ So..?”
“ I said I love him and he asked me to show it.” He crossed his arm and looked proud. “I’ll win his heart back.”
“Whoa…The confident  Kim Jaejoong is back.” He laughed. “ Seems like you already have plan to get your ex back.” He poke the shorter man.
“Er… well.. not yet. I’ll figure it out later..”  He smiled  weakly.
Changmin laughed again at his clueless classmate, made the other pouted. “ I just want to convince him back then, it’s hurt seeing him ignore me all the time.. “His bright face change suddenly.
“Ah…I should kiss him after saying that..” He mumbled and sighed and Changmin who heard him leaned closer.
“Tsk tsk tsk.. you need more than a kiss to get Yunho back..” He let out his infamous mischievous smile.
“What is it? You have an idea? Tell me.” He waved his finger, gesturing Jaejoong to move closer.
He whispered on his ear and somehow a tint red slowly crept on Jaejoong’s cheek. And when he finished, he tapped him on shoulder.
“That’s the quickest way.” He winked and walked away.
Jaejoong blinked as he felt his face getting hotter because of Changmin’s word.
“Go kidnap him and him. Mark him as yours and he will clinging on you for sure.”


Siwon called Yunho for the 3rd time but the latter seems enjoying his iPod better than other things because he keep smiling like an idiot for the last 2 hours. And when somebody took his earphone off, he glanced at the intruder with a grunt.
“I need to talk to you.” Siwon said and Yunho switch off his iPod unwillingly.
“Ok.” He grabbed one of the book from the table and flip the pages randomly. “Just talk, I’m listening.”
“Why did Jaejoong followed you back on cafeteria? What are you doing?” He asked in some kind of unfriendly tone.
“Why do you care?” He smirked. “I don’t need to inform you about our meeting right?”
“But I don’t like it. You might hurt him again.” He argued.
“You’re not his boyfriend.” He defended and he had to hold himself from throwing the book in his hand to the person next to him.
“Soon to be.”
“I don’t think so.”
Siwon glared at him. “ I’ll make him mine.” And Yunho  closed his book in a sudden.
“Keep on trying, i will personally congrats you if you succeeded.” And he stood up and leave but when he was about to reach the classroom door, he turned around.
“Good Luck!”
He walked out from the room with anger.
“He ruined my happy moment! That dimple guy!” He grunted. “You want to make my sunbae yours? Keep on dreaming!”
He’s still mine..”
Yunho keep moving his feet and when he realized that he already in front trophy room, where all the trophy won by students placed.
“ whoa.. my feet walked me here?” He looked around and he saw something in blue on the floor. Dolphin keychain.
“Is that Junsu’s… “ and when he was about to take the keychain he saw another things, pants and school uniforms laid on the marble floor.
“! Not again~~~”


“Chunnie~~~” Junsu poke the man above him who still glued at his neck.
“ Once more baby~~~” He ignore the other man’s calling and keep his lover creamy neck.
“ah… I think I heard somebody talking just n.. now..” He panted and he tried to push him off.
Yoochun stopped his and looked around frantically and he saw a glimpse of somebody hiding behind one of the glass cabinet. He knew that red nike shoes belongs to. He winked at Junsu and peck his lips.
“It’s Yunho, don’t worry.” But before he start to continue his earlier activity, Junsu slapped his arm.
“Yah, stop it, we’ll continue this latter. I already told you this place isn’t save.” He kicked Yoochun off and start to pick his clothes.
“Baby~~~ we’re half way through~~~” He whined but the chubby lover of his had already done wearing his shirt back.
Yoochun sighed and looked at his lower part.”Aish…”
“Yunho ya~~ wait for a sec will you. Don’t let anybody come in.” He shouted at the person.
And after few minutes the couple walked out from the room. And Yunho glared at them.
“When I said go get a room, it doesn’t mean that you can use random place.” He shook his head when the two man smiled goofily at him.
“And why I have to see you guys doing it again… “ He sighed.
Yoochun nudged him. “That’s why you shouldn’t do that break up thingy.” He winked at His boyfriend.
“You can do that thing with your lovely sunbae kkkkk.” He said and he quickly dragged Junsu and run away before they earn some smack from Yunho.
“I’ll kill you both!” He yelled at them.
He dug his phone on his pocket and looked closely at it’s wallpaper.
“I miss you sunbae… “ H e caressed it’s screen and pouted. It’s really hard to control my self when you’re around.”
His heart beat faster as the recent memories played on his head, when Jaejoong pushed him on the wall.
“How I miss those lips..”


Jaejoong rolled on his bed, stared on the ceiling in deep thought. “How to get Yunho back.” Is the major issues that filled his mind. He took his note book on the desk.

  • Make “love lunch box”
    • Cheer him on his basket ball practice
    • Asking him to go on a date *blush*
    • him

He read it for the last time before putting it back on the desk, his hand reach to his cellphone and he typea message and send it.


The yellow letter icon appeared on Yunho’s phone.
From : Boojaejoongie sunbae
Yunho ya~~~ sleep tight ^^ have a nice dream ^^
Let’s meet in dream >//<


The super special lunch box had already wrapped in green handkerchief with elephant pattern. Jaejoong swinging it around as he walked happily to his hoobae classroom. He took a peek at the door, searching for his target and he found it. Right in the middle of the room, the crowded desk where bunch of girls standing. Between those groupies, he could see Yunho’s tiny face in the middle.
“How can I get in there?” Jaejoong thinking about how to give his home made lunch box to Yunho because he probably getting knock down by those crazy fangirls if he came nearer and suddenly somebody called him.
“Jaejoong Sunbae!” Yoochun tapped his shoulder making him shock and the worst is that his calling made the whole students on the room turn around at them, including those girls.
“You came here to see Yunho? He’s over there.” He said, pulled Jaejoong over to Yunho’s desk and the girls hissed when they see him coming closer.
“What are you doing here?” One of the girl asked.
“How dare you come here? You want to see our Oppa? Get lost!” The other girl said.
Jaejoong looked at those angry face and then he glanced at Yunho who stare at him with his flat face.He bit his lower lips. This situation is just… how he wish Yunho will stand and protect them like he used to but that wont happen and if he run away…he lost to his own battle and this is just the first round.
“Girls… Please move a bit so can talk to your Oppa.” He emphasize the last word and put a fake smile to them and he took a step forward to Yunho's table but suddenly one of the girls grabbed his shoulder,stopped him.
“Sorry, you're not allowed to come near him.”
 "What the hell is this!' he protessed and the other girl move forward and pushed him off. "Get out of here!" they keep yelling and Jaejoong moved backward. "Yun! Aish! " He tried to walked forward but failed. These girls really pissed him off. He just want to give the lunch box but they block him off and between the chaotic situation, an excellent idea came across his mind in a second and suddenly...
Jaejoong yelled and the groupies stop pushing him though he already being dragged close to the door. "I'll go."
And he could see them smile in satisfaction and then he jumped and throw his lunch box across the room,to Yunho's place.
 "Yunho ya! Catch!"
The girls gasped and they turned their head unison to the same direction and they saw Yunho had already have Jaejoong's packaged.
"Enjoy it!" Jaejoong smiled in relief at the green box on Yunho’s hand.
The younger man hold the lunch closely and he smiled a little at his Sunbae.
“Make sure you’ll eat it. See you later Yunnie~~ .” And he blowed a goodbye kiss to him and Yunho felt the temperature in the room increase in sudden because his cheek getting hotter each second.
“Oppa~~ you’re blushing~~” One of the girls squealed and the other glared at Jaejoong.
“You !” Jaejoong sense a dangerous situation and he run away before they could throw another tantrum at him.
Yunho chuckled seeing all his fangirls bawling over Jaejoong’s act and he took a glance at his lunch.
“My precious lunch is back.”


Jaejoong dropped his next to Changmin in the library.
“ Plan A done.” He informed him. “ I hope my super delicious lunch box will make him realize that he…” Jaejoong stopped talking when he felt that changmin ignore him. His friend keep staring at the same direction.
“Yah!” He poked Changmin’s shoulder and the later gasped and turned his head at him.
“Eh?” Jaejoong laughed at his face. “You’re drooling~~” And he took a glance at Changmin’s eyes direction before and smirked.
“So.. Mr. Carrot is Choi Minho? “ He pointed at the tall guy who’s reading a book at the corner of the room.
Changmin blushed and wiped his mouth. “H- he’s not. Minho is Mr. Radish.”
Jaejoong giggled and continue to tease his friend. “Radish? Why Radish?”
“His long and white feet .. looks like radish and I want to bite…“ He said in dreamy voice.
“ And you like him?” Jaejoong more.
Of course!”
“AH!” Jaejoong almost yelled and Changmin widen his eyes in shock after realizing what he just said.
“Of course not!” Changmin said nervously and took his book, pretending to read.
“ Changminie~~~” He elbowed him and giggled.
“Can we change the topic?” He asked in annoyed.
“ If he’s Mr. Radish, so.. who is Mr. Carrot?” Jaejoong having fun teasing him after knowing Changmin’s little secret.


Mr. Kang sat on his chair in front of class, reading the text book. He explain about Korean war in super boring tone, making almost half of the class doze off.  Some of them yawning and they put their book in standing position to cover their sleepy head but Jaejoong still full awake and he stared at his phone closely.
“ It’s been 4 hour since I gave him that lunch box… He should text me.. saying how delicious is my cooking.. “ He pouted and tapped his phone’s screen, opening his message folder.
“Why don’t you text him first?” Changmin suggested and Jaejoong let out a long sigh before typing new message to a certain person.


Somewhere in the corner of the school rooftop, a form of a guy sat on an old bench could be seen from afar. It’s Jung Yunho who’s having his lunch. His precious lunch to be exact because he keep staring at the cute decorated lunch for a moment with a grin on his face. He took a picture from the green box with his cellphone before finally decide to eat it.
“I’m in heaven~~” He shouted in a joy after tasted a spoonful of the food. “Delicious as always.”
A vibration on his pocket distracted him from the happy eating moment but as soon as he saw the incoming message, his smile grew wider and he replied the text immediately.


A piece of paper landed on top off Changmin’s opened notebook.
“I need to skip class! NOW! Help me? *.* ß your mangdoongie’s eyes.”
He read this letter in a frown and suddenly he heard something fell on the floor. Something big and solid? Because the bumped’s sounds heavy. And when he turn to face his one-desk partner he found Jaejoong laying on the floor next to his chair. He blinked before raising his hands up.
“Mr.Kang! Jaejoong fainted!”
He said out loud and the whole students turns around to see the blond man who lays on the ground.
“Take him the school clinic will you?” The teacher said and Changmin took him in arm hurriedly and walked out from the room.


“For a short man, you’re quite heavy  Jaejoongie.” Changmin commented as he walks casually to the school clinic, carrying the ‘fainted person’ in his arms, earning a giggle from the said male and soon after, the supposed to be fainted person jump off from Changmin’s hold, stood up and he fixed his hair and straighten his uniform a bit.
“Thanks a lot Minnie. See you later!” He winked and run to the stair which lead to the school roof.


Yunho glanced at his watch once in a minute. Waiting. And when he heard someone climbing the stair on the side of the roof, he changed his facial expression immediately, from happy Yunho to disappointed face.
“How is it?”
Jaejoong now sat next to him on the bench and he saw that his home made lunch is half eaten.
The taller man shook his head and sighed and Jaejoong could sense something bad.
“ Your last cooking was better than this.” He said in a low voices and Jaejoong took the box and examined it.
“It can’t be! I cook it based on how they said on the menu.” He said desperately. “ I even asked my mother, to make sure that the taste is good.” He looked back at Yunho and then he look down “You don’t like it… ”he continued. “ Well, I don’t even know what’s your favorite food..”
“ You need to treasure me more.” Jaejoong glanced at him. “I’m sorry.”He just realized that he know nothing about Yunho and it made his spirit down.
Suddenly Yunho’s hand runs to the other’s hair, ruffled them slowly.
“I hope you have backup plan because your first plan is failed.” He teased.
“I have 3 more plan left.” Jaejoong said weakly.
“What’s wong with you? You’re gone weak after failed in the first round?” He mocked him and Jaejoong puffed his cheek in disagreement.
“Of course not! I’ll do anything to get you back.” He looked at the other man with an optimistic face. “I will kicked those fangirls one by one if I have to.” He pointed at Yunho’s chest. “ Because this heart belong to…” He tried to shows his best puppy eyes look at Yunho. 
“Me.” He also battled his eye lashed and keep praying that Yunho will think he’s in some sort cute way but the taller man raised his eyebrow.
“Where did you learn this cheesy things?” He asked.
“From my ex-boyfriend.” And Yunho cough a little because of this answer.
“Yunho ya?”
“Can I kiss you?”
Jaejoong sighed. “ Aish~~ why you’re playing hard to get now.”
Yunho moved closer at Jaejoong’s face and smirked. “ Because I’m special so you need to try a bit harder to get me.” Jaejoong pouted and he looked at the sky behind Yunho’s head.
“Look! Is that UFO?” He pointed at the sky and Yunho turn his head to check and suddenly Jaejoong pecked his cheek.
“Gotcha!” The other blinked at the sudden kiss and he touch his cheek and stared at Jaejoong who grins back at him.
“ See you tomorrow Yunho ya~~” He bid goodbye and run to the stair.


Hi guys~~~  I’m back with another chapter ^^  I hope you enjoy this chapter… sorry for the grammar mistake =_= I think my chapter getting worse ….. sorry for the late update *bow*
Anyway I put more illustration in here, actually I have a plan to color it but it’s 3 am here.. *sleepy* is there any reader who want to see the illustrations in color? Raise ur hand~~~
Comments are love~~~ please write ur comment… I wont bite ^^


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yeayyyyyy i'm back ^^ n i hope i still have my reader here kkkk


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Chapter 4: (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
kissBJ #2
Chapter 18: I really like this story.. So sweet..haha
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 18: Huwaah I know it! There was no way Lord Voldemin lend his room willingly without some sneaky intention LOL.. Aigoo i want to smack n hug Minnie in the same time.. His 'Cupid help' for Yunjae just so crude sometime but its all strangely working lol.. Well thanks to him YunJae happy couple now hihi.. Thanks for the story, Author-nim :D :D
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 16: ASTDFGHJK so hawwwwwwt.... Poor Jae though, his kinkiness must be put on hold keke.. Well there will be forever next time for them *<*
Elrhumy #5
Chapter 7: Awww that the right spirit Joongie *<* honestly between all the revenge n dumped in public, both of them wronged each other.. they need a fresh start €<€
Elrhumy #6
Chapter 4: Aigooo Yunho you poor boy.. stupid Joongie *facepalm*
Elrhumy #7
Chapter 3: There In Your Face mr lee lol .. what will Yunho do if he know who is mjjeje keke..
Chapter 18: Funny jung yunho and jae are back together after that HOT scene
But seriously when yunho dump jae in public is not a joke yunho you dare to say thats a test????? Its not funny
Chapter 6: What the was that?????? WHAT????????? what the yunho???? So you just play on jae the whole time??????
Chapter 5: Aw i have a bad feeling about the last part