The last kiss?

Sunbae! Would you.. sleep with me?

Yunho stared at his phone, frowned. Somehow part of his heart rejected the upcoming event he will up to do but in the other hand, a soft voice keep ringing in his head.

“ What am I suppose to do?” He whispered and suddenly he felt someone tapped his shoulder and he turned his head to see Choi Siwon standing in front of him with some kind of worry face?

“ What’s wrong Yunho?” He asked. “ Are you okey?”

Yunho blinked. “ Eh? I—I am okey,” He let out a weak smile. “ Just a bit nervous about the game.”

Siwon lifted up his right arm to check his watch before saying. “ 3 hours left to the final game.” He elbowed his friend. “ Don’t worry, we’ll win.” And Yunho nodded.

“ By the way, who’s that cute fellow ?” The man with dimple asked him. “ The one with blonde hair whom you talked to before?” Siwon’s wide smile really really made something inside Yunho start to boil up in a minute and the word cute made his ear gone red in heat.

“Siwon ah, are you interested in him?” Yunho raised his eyebrow seeing the other man’s dreamy eyes when he mention Jaejoong as a “cute” thing.

“ He’s cute! Too cute for a male and I can’t believe that I never seen him walking in this school before and—I “ His words cut by Yunho’s palm who already covered his mouth.

“ That cute male is our sunbae and the most important is…  “ He moved closer. “ He’s my boyfriend.” Yunho emphasized the last word with his infamous smirk and Siwon widen his eyes and he shoved Yunho’s palm away.

“ Boyfriend?” Yunho smiled and nodded. “ Yunho ya~~ you’re so lucky to have him.” Siwon made a thinking pose while rubbing his chin furiously. “ I wish I knew him before you.” Yunho glared at him.

“Yah~  He’s mine~~ “ Yunho pointed at himself and Siwon laughed. “ Wow, chill dude~~.” Yunho still glared at him before turned around and walked away.

“Yunho, wait!” The other man followed him in hurry. “ May I know his name?”


“Aigoo, tell me.”

“ No.”

“ Aish, fine. I’ll go find him and ask for his name.” And Siwon bumped on Yunho’s shoulder because his friend suddenly stop walking.

“ Don’t do that. Just leave him alone will you.” Yunho’s stern voice raised a sly smile on Siwon’s face as he watched his friend’s back moving further again.

“ Tsk, such a possessive boyfriend.”


Meanwhile Jaejoong who couldn’t concentrate in class keep tapping his table with his pencil. He’s in the middle of art class and he got nothing drawn in his sketchbook. Their teacher said today’s theme for drawing is “ Love “ and the only thing that crossed his mind was “ Jung Yunho “ but still he had no courage to draw Yunho’s face. Jaejoong’s eyes scanned the room and found the whole class  started to draw. The girl who sit in front of him drawing something like heart shape and changmin is busy with his food drawing and Jaejoong heard he saying something like “ I love pizza, kimbab, kimchi..” and all of them now already drawn in changmin’s sketchbook.

Jaejoong stared at his white paper and slowly Yunho’s smiley face popped out on it. Jaejoong blinked and he shook his head but still he can see yunho’s face on his book.

“ Aish.” He took his eraser and sweep the black rubber on the white surface, trying to remove the certain face who keep haunted him.

“ Aigoo, are u drawn in felt-tip marker? Why can’t I erase you~~ “ He whispered in frustration and he checked Changmin’s pencil case to find something.

“ Changmin ah, where’s your –white liquid which u always use to correct your pen writing- ?” He asked and Changmin frowned at him. “What? White liquid?” Jaejoong now searching that thing on the table.

“Whatever it’s name, I need it to erase yunho’s face on my sketchbook.”

“ eh?” The taller boy looked at Jaejoong’s paper and found nothing drawn in there and he tapped his friend’s shoulder to stop him for wandering around looking for –white liquid thing.

“ Jaejoongie! Look at this!” He grabbed the sketchbook and brought it in front of Jaejoong’s face. “ Nothing’s here. You haven’t draw anything yet, not a single line.”

“ But I saw yun.. “ He paused and blinked. “ Aish.. it’s empty.” He sighed and took his book from changmin’s hand. “ That’s my imagination..”

“I tell you a secret.” He move closer to Jaejoong’s ear and whispered. “ You love him.” A tint pink slowly crept on Jaejoong’s cheek. “ No way” he still deny it.

“If you don’t love him, why you accept him as your boyfriend?”

Dang! And this super sensitive question felt like a bullet through Jaejoong’s head and made his brain stop working for a while. He opened his mouth to say something but not a single word came out from it.

“ I.. “ He looked a t him with hopeless expression. “ I just want to take a revenge to other person by using him.” He finally said it.

“what the? “ He throw a disappointment look at Jaejoong. “ that’s bad..”

“ He already knew.” Jaejoong smiled weakly. “ But still, he acted like nothing happen and treated me like I’m the precious thing in his life.”

Changmin pats Jaejoong’s back. “ Such a great man.. Jung Yunho.” But suddenly he let out a long sigh. “ Too bad you choose the wrong person to be your boyfriend.” He took a glance at Jaejoong.

“ Your boyfriend hate you… “ He teased the other and waiting for his reaction.

Jaejoong turned to see Changmin’s hurtful face and started spill out his argument. “ But he’s so annoying if you want to know. Calling me everyday, sending all those silly text, pick me up every morning. I’m tired seeing him every single minute.”

“ That’s what lovers do.” He explained.

 “ But I don’t like it.”

Changmin shook his head because of his friend’s stubbornness. “ At least Yunho ever did something that made you feel happy, didn’t he?”

“No.” He answered. “ But lately his presence started to change little bit.”

“ Change?” Changmin tried to dig more about Jaejoong’s true feeling. “ I dunno, it’s confusing sometimes. It’s like Yunho manipulating my mind and made me think about him in other way.”

“ Weird isn’t? Sometimes I felt comfortable when he’s around.” Changmin rolled his eyes in frustration.

“ Aish, this conversation is going no where and you keep walking in a circle.” He took a deep breath before facing Jaejoong.

“Let end this in here .” He massaged his temple. “ I’ll ask you some questions, just nod your head if the answer is yes and you better be honest this time, OK?” he asked.

“All right.”

“ He keep popping on your mind isn’t? Lately?” Jaejoong nodded. “ have you ever smiled like crazy when he texted you or when he said something, even if you thought that his words were cheesy? “ He nodded again. “ Your heart beats uncontrollably every time he touched you?” Jaejoong’s face gone red as he nodded.

“ OK, you’re officially in love with him.” Jaejoong dropped his head on the table. “’re wrong, I hate him..”

Changmin took his pencil and continued his drawing. “ That’s your biggest mistake. There’s a thin line between hate and love. By hating him, you’ll spend more time to think about him and without your knowing that hate feeling will change into new term named love.”

“ When you hate somebody, unconsciously you’ll try to find more info about him/her in order to find his/his weakness or so but the truth is  you let this person to take a step closer to your heart.”

Jaejoong listened to Changmin’s theory and recalled all the things he said earlier and suddenly he felt like someone the lamp inside his head. “ May I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“ Since when was Shim Changmin being so smart ?” Changmin dropped his pencil and raised his eyebrow because of this silly question.

“ Since I was born?” He winked at Jaejoong and glanced at the empty paper. “ Draw something, you got twenty minutes left. If you describe the word love as Jung Yunho, go get your pencil and draw his face.” Jaejoong showed a protest face but Changmin cut it. “ Look at this? “ He pointed at his own sketch. “ I love food, that’s why I drew them.”

Changmin’s genius image suddenly shattered into pieces when he declared his love over those food. “Which one is your girlfriend? Miss Kimchi or Miss Pizza?” Jaejoong said in flat tone.

“ I used to date them before, my current boyfriend is Mr. Carrot.” And both of them laughed together and get a hard smack from Mr. Kang.


“ Yes sir~~ “ they said in unison and continued their project in silence while the other students laughed at them.

While Jaejoong tried hard not to think about Yunho, his pencil seems doesn’t in a good mood to cooperate with his owner because the tip start to moves on it’s own will… drawing a small face with almond shape eyes and heart shape lips..

Time flies and when Jaejoong still in his full concentration in drawing, a piece of paper came closer to his book, he read the words written on it.

“ How about today’s basketball game? You’re going to watch it? It would be better if you confess to him today about your true feeling.”

Jaejoong took the paper.

“ Kim Jaejoong is busy drawing right now, he’ll answer your question later ^^. And he’ll think about your idea.” He gave the paper back to the other table.

Another paper came near Jaejoong’s hand in the next minutes.

 “ Wow, busy drawing your lover’s face? I see Yunho’s nose is off center in your drawing, fix it :p “

After read it, Jaejoong pouted and stop reply it and he drowned himself in his drawing activity.


The bell rang and all the students run out from the class since it’s recess time. Jaejoong finished his last on his drawing, admired it for a while and before closing the book. Changmin had already gone to the cafeteria, he said Mr. Carrot ask him for a short date. The blonde man reached for his bag and pulled out a purple box and he opened it. It’s another lunch box. Truthfully, he made two for Yunho today and inside this purple box he could see something written in red on top of the rice. Jaejoong smiled in relieve and he put the box back to his bag, hid it under his books.

“ I’ll give it to him after the game is over.” And he drag his feet out of the room, heading to the basketball stadium.

“ Jaejoong Sunbae!” a high pitch voice called him from behind, Jaejoong turned his head and found two familiar person who he recognize as Yunho’s friends, approached him.

“ Did you had a fight with Yunho?” The chubby boy asked him and the slim one next to him also nodded.

“ What’s wrong with him? His basketball team friends said that he looked upset and mad. Now he’s gone.”

 But Jaejoong who got questions attack from these couple decided to leave them without answering and fasten his feet to the stadium. Those little information about Yunho’s missing was enough to make him worried.

“Wait!” Junsu yelled. “He didn’t say anything.” He turned to left. “Chunnie, did we scare him?”

“ Dunno.” The asked boy shrugged.


Jaejoong running as fast as he can to the stadium. As soon as he reached the door, he looked around frantically, hoping to find the tall person he wanted to see. Siwon who landed his eyes on him from the first time he step his feet on the stadium’s entrance approached him immediately.

“ Are you Yunho’s boyfriend?” He said in a cheerful tone, not forgetting to display his brightest smile.

“Eh?” Startled Jaejoong answered. “Yes. I’m his boyfriend and do you know where is he? Somebody told me that he’s missing.” He said without looking at Siwon’s face, he’s busy examined each corner of the stadium, searching for Yunho’s figure.

“ He left an hour ago and he haven’t shown up since then, he didn’t pick up my call either.” Siwon tapped Jaejoong’s shoulder in order to get his attention but the other man ignored him and decided to leave the room without even looked at him. After a few step a head, he turned around and called him.

“ Hey, you!” Siwon blinked before pointed at himself. “ Me?” Jaejoong nodded.

“ If Yunho comeback, tell him to meet me before the game.” He smiled to him before leaving.

“Ok~~” He waved at Jaejoong’s back and sighed.

Siwon melted seeing Jaejoong angelic smile.

“Damn he’s so cute~~”


Jaejoong walked through the school hall and suddenly he stopped and took his phone from his pocket.

“ Stupid Joongie! Why don’t you call him?” He grumbled and dialed Yunho’s number in hurry.

The blonde man placed his device on his right ear, waiting for the other to pick up the phone. “Aish.. pick up the phone yunho ya~~” and after few moments somebody talked from the other line.


“ Yunho ya, where are you? Are you ok? What’s happen with you? Where are you now? I want to meet you.” Jaejoong spoke those words in one breath, earning a chuckle from the other.

“kkk what’s happen? Do you miss me?” He even can tease Jaejoong at the moment, his voice sounds light and happy.

“ I didn’t miss you! I was worried about you!” his tremble voice can be heard by Yunho.

“ Sunbae, what’s happening?” Yunho started to get confuse by Jaejoong’s word.

“Where are you now?”

“ school roof—I ..” He was about to say another word but cut by Jaejoong. “ I’m coming to you, don’t go anywhere.” He ended the conversation and dashed off to the roof.

A little smile crept on Yunho’s small face as he switch off his phone and his eyes moved to the door on the corner of the roof area. Waiting. His heart started to beat faster when he heard footstep coming closer and soon he saw Jaejoong running to him and to his surprise, the older man hugged him.

“Wow..” Yunho laughed, he felt a sudden weight bumped to him as Jaejoong tighten his hold.

“ I found you.”

Yunho hugged him back, still confuse with Jaejoong’s act. “Are we playing hide and seek game? Why you said you find me?” he asked.

Jaejoong pulled himself off from their hug and clutched Yunho’s upper shirt. “ Yah, is there something wrong? Did I make you mad? Why did you running away? Your friends said that you’re missing.” He shouted and right after he finished talking, he hung his head low.

“Did you mad because I didn’t give you a kiss this morning?” he said in a low voice but clear enough for Yunho’s ear.

Jaejoong’s last words made Yunho’s heart bloom in happiness, the fact that his boyfriend worried about him was enough to him to forget his jealousy earlier, the silly reason behind his mischievous disappearing. Tough Jaejoong’s conclusion kinda funny but he like it.

Yunho smirked and something just popped in his mind.

“ Well.. I’m hoping to get a simple kiss this morning to gain more spirit to face the final game but you didn’t give me..” He glanced at Jaejoong who still keep his head down. “ I’m sad and suddenly I lost my will to play.. “ He continued his pleading story but suddenly Jaejoong’s grips on his shirt getting tighter and the next second he found Jaejoong lips touched his own for a few seconds.

That was a short kiss.

“ I’m sorry.” Jaejoong looked deeply into Yunho’s eyes and he step forward and this time his hands made his own way to the other’s neck, pulling him closer as he sealed their distance with another sweet kiss.

The soft kiss they shared getting more passionate as Yunho Jaejoong’s upper lips and bite it lightly earning a moan from the blonde man and they’re fighting dominance when their tongue started to dance  in a rhythm. Their lips melting into each other and after a few minutes they pulled off, panted.

Jaejoong looked at Yunho’s flushed face.

“ Am I forgiven? “ He asked but Yunho just smiled. “ Not, unless you let me kiss you one more time.” And he captured those plump lips once again, not even wait for Jaejoong to say yes.

Their last kiss was gentle and sweet. After seems like forever, they ended it and both of them stared at each other eyes, smiling and Jaejoong whose face gone red hugged Yunho immediately, buried his head in his boyfriend’s warm chest.

“ Thank you Sunbae.”

“ And you better win today because I have a special gift for you.” Jaejong lifted his head up, he let out his best smiles.

“ Of course.”


The next two hours, They spend their times at stadium. Yunho joined his team to warming up for the game and Jaejoong watched him from the bench.

It’s fifteen minutes left and the game was about to start. The students filled up the stadium to support their school basketball team and the contender already entered the field. Jaejoong keep his eyes closed to Yunho and his heart beat faster tough he’s not the one who compete. On the field, Yunho glanced at him occasionally and send him a toothy smile.

Somebody nudged Jaejoong’s arm. “Jaejoongie, there you go.” Changmin came and took a seat beside him, he brought a sketchbook and a purple box and handed them to Jaejoong.

“ Thanks Changmin ah.” He smiled in relieve.

“ Why you need those things anyway?” He asked him.

Jaejoong patted his book. “ My special gift for my boyfriend.” He stared at the field, his eyes searching for a tall tanned man who was holding a orange ball.

“Let’s hope our team will win today, since they compete against last year champion.” Changmin sighed and he got a smack on his arm.

“Yah! They will win! Yunho will win!” Jaejoong shouted in optimistic tone and his voice muffled by the sound from other students who already claps their hands and yelling because the game already started.


The game started. And the contender have many good player. They made Yunho’s team lose in the first round. The orange ball had been dunked most into Yunho’s ring. But soon, they caught up their lost and scored more in the second round. And in the last minutes both of them have the same score and finally Yunho made long shoot from the corner and add another score to the team and the game end in the next two minutes and the Yunho’s team won the cup and the whole school shouted in joy, including Jaejoong who keep yelling his boyfriend’s name for the last hour.

The game is over and it’s time to the winner to receive the cup from the school headmaster and he gave the shiny cup to The MVP today, which is Yunho and he raised the cup and showed it to the whole students. Everbody yelling his name, some girls crying and boys shouted, praising Yunho. And the MC for today’s game gave him a change to say thanks and when he hold the microphone, everybody started to shut their mouth, they want to hear what he’s going to say.

“ First of all I would like to say thanks to our basketball team who already worked hard to win the game..” and the whole stadium claps their hands.

“To our friends who gave us support, thanks. This cup is for all of you.” Another claps and shouted came out.

Yunho smiled and continued his speech.

“ And personally, I’d like to say thanks to one person. I promise to win this game for him..” He stopped his word and he looked directly at one person who standing in the middle of the crowd.

“ Kim Jaejoong sunbae.. thank you.. “ And the whole school suddenly turned their head to one direction, all of them now looked at Jaejoong who blushed as he hold his sketchbook on his chest. The stadium started to hype again, another claps and screams from the girls. Some of them yelling in angry, some fainted and some boys let out a disgust sounds.

Yunho started to speak again. “ And this is my last word.” The crowd immediately lower their voices in order to hear the final words from him.

“ Sunbae.. let’s break up. Let’s end this here.. mjjeje… thank you.” And after finishing his speech, He handed the cup into Siwon’s hand, he walked away from the stadium, leaving the entire school who remaining silent because of his last words.

Once again the whole attention dropped to the same person –Jaejoong, whose got the most shocked face among the others. The blonde man heart seems to stop for a seconds. His knees gone week as he fall to his seat and his sketchbook loose from his hands and fall on his laps. Changmin hold on his friend’s shoulder, patted it slowly.

“ What the hell is that?” Yoochun blurted out and he walked fast, from his seat and followed Yunho but Junsu just blinked and he took a glance at Jaejoong’s place before running to catch up his boyfriend.

The crowd started to buzzing like a mad bees and some of them even shouted a bad word to Jaejoong and Changmin put his hands on Jaejoong’s ear, prevent him from hearing those nasty words.

“ Jaejoongie, don’t hear them, close your eyes.” And Changmin wrapped his arm around the fragile boy, holding him up, protecting him from the them.

Jaejoong cried in silent as his heart broke into pieces.


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yeayyyyyy i'm back ^^ n i hope i still have my reader here kkkk


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Chapter 4: (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
kissBJ #2
Chapter 18: I really like this story.. So sweet..haha
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 18: Huwaah I know it! There was no way Lord Voldemin lend his room willingly without some sneaky intention LOL.. Aigoo i want to smack n hug Minnie in the same time.. His 'Cupid help' for Yunjae just so crude sometime but its all strangely working lol.. Well thanks to him YunJae happy couple now hihi.. Thanks for the story, Author-nim :D :D
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 16: ASTDFGHJK so hawwwwwwt.... Poor Jae though, his kinkiness must be put on hold keke.. Well there will be forever next time for them *<*
Elrhumy #5
Chapter 7: Awww that the right spirit Joongie *<* honestly between all the revenge n dumped in public, both of them wronged each other.. they need a fresh start €<€
Elrhumy #6
Chapter 4: Aigooo Yunho you poor boy.. stupid Joongie *facepalm*
Elrhumy #7
Chapter 3: There In Your Face mr lee lol .. what will Yunho do if he know who is mjjeje keke..
Chapter 18: Funny jung yunho and jae are back together after that HOT scene
But seriously when yunho dump jae in public is not a joke yunho you dare to say thats a test????? Its not funny
Chapter 6: What the was that?????? WHAT????????? what the yunho???? So you just play on jae the whole time??????
Chapter 5: Aw i have a bad feeling about the last part