
Piercings Are y Too (Hunhan Version)

It seemed to Sehun that piercings were becoming a thing in the dorm. And he really wanted one himself.

The only problem was convincing his deer that he wanted to get one. The problem wasn't really asking, since he was determind to get it anyways, but that he didn't know what he wanted. He thought about doing what Chen did and getting his ear pierced but then decided that maybe he wanted to be different. 

Sehun then thought that maybe he shouldn't be different cause' he didn't want to wreck his face with a piercing. 

After a 10 minute debate in his head he just decided to go with the flow and get his ear pierced. 


"Where's Sehun?" Suho asked. He never got his answer though cause' everyone ignored him and kept eating. Until Chanyeol asked the same question. 

Everyone shrugged since they didn't know. They were a bit concerned since Sehun usually tells someone if he's going somewhere. It was getting a bit late and a few members tried texting him but didn't get a reply.

"Someone should text Luhan. Maybe he's with Sehun" said Kyungsoo. "I already did" Baekhyun said in reply. "He hasn't seen Sehun today, which is odd since they're usually together when we have free time since they can't keep their hands off each other..."

Suho was about to say something when the front door opened and in strolled the maknae. And as per usual, Suho got up and started asking 50 questions and being all motherly to him. 

"Chill guys, i'm okay. I just went to get bubble tea." 

No one really believed him since he was gone for 3 hours, but they backed down a little, (Mostly Suho), and Sehun went to walk to his room to change when Baekhyun caught a glimpse of something shiny in his ear. It looked like silver and- wait- what? 

"Did you get your ear pierced?!" He exclaimed.

Sehun just shrugged and said yup before continuing to stalk off to his room.

"I wonder if Luhan knows.." Chanyeol added.


It was about 5am the next day when a loud shriek pierced the air. 

"YOU GOT YOUR EAR PIERCED? WHAT? WHEN? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" Luhan exclaimed in a manly, (more like girly but he won't admit to that), way.

"Because i knew you'd freak. And are you trying to make me deaf?" Sehun replied.

Luhan didn't answer but in the silence a loud smack was heard. Luhan had slapped Sehun, (on the shoulder of course, he wasn't going to wreck his baby's face though he was tempted to hit that). 

In the kitchen everyone winced and went back to eating breakfast. No one was going to try and be a hero and save the maknae. He was on his own for this.

It was his fault anyway.

Needless to say he would be spending the next few days being Luhan's slave and trying his best to use aegyo to get out of it.



Whew. Another one done! And to satisfy curiosity, in the story he got his Industrial pierced. But yeah. 


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SehunFangirl #1
Chapter 1: Aww... That's cute. :)
post it soon..