the question


the t-shirts showed up and SOL showed GD who laughed at SOL's t-shirt then at his own one SOL had done for him..

yoseob is nervous and is worried something will go wrong so doojoon is giving him a pep talk..

your all making your way to the new dance grounds and its crazy..

different colour lights are flashing everywhere..the dance floor is huge and its packed...

*oh man its so busy* yoseob thinks

mystery get right into it and battle

beast are cheering you all on....

up next is a few more groups then just some random dancing your all messing around and having a laugh...

you notice kikwang is really happy and is acting really dorky with D-LIte....

BEAST are all wearing hoodies as an excuse for yoseob to hide his top......which he is going to reveal to you later......

yoseob is doing his happy dance where he jumps up and down on the spot a few times when

"UP NEXT....BEASTTTTT" the MC calls making yoseob freeze on the spot with his famous shocked face

*oh no* he thinks

the boys take to the dance floor and V.I pulls you to the front so you have full view of beast..

next to your other side is GD and next to him is SOL and your other two brothers

beast are performing and its coming up to yoseob's part your eyes are on yoseob

suddenly beast make a circle covering yoseob then like GD had said all jump back to reveal yoseob who has forgot to pull his hoodie off...they all look at him and kikwang tugs on his own hoodie telling yoseob to pull his own one up...

yoseob smiles and lifts his hoodie up revealing his question for says

                                                               STAR WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND ?


you read it and look at yoseob who is pointing to his top with a smile on his face then to help there friend out the rest of beast point to yoseob's laugh then see SOL step out of line holding up his own hoodie with his own message..

                                                                          SAY YES TO YOSEOB ^_^


you laugh at your brother then feel a tap on your shoulder and turn to GD who lifts up his own hoodie and smiles...

                                                                     YOUR OLDER BROTHERS APPROVE


yoseob is shocked at there tops but smiles even bigger you smile at GD's top and walk over to SOL and cover up the '' part on his top only leaveing the 'YES' showing.....that was your answer

"ITS A YES" D-Lite shouts

yoseob runs over to you and smiles then lift's up your mask and gives you a little kiss on your cheek...

you know you have to hide this from your father but right now you didnt care you were now yoseob's girlfriend and you were more then happy...

yoseob is also more then happy now he can finally say that he's your boyfriend


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