[DROPPED] Otrera: Goddess of Chaos

SungYeol could not believe his eyes when he entered the mission room – all screens had a huge ‘H’ assembled by neon green binary code on them. There were laptops on the tables, probably belonging to the team members, all marked with the poisonous green. Everyone was gathered around MyungSoo’s table and both he and Director joined them, as they had rushed back from ‘Bloom’ as soon as Hades’ name was said, leaving SungGyu and WooHyun at the scene to gather evidence, while Howon went after the van that left the scene.

The reason why everyone was gathered around was pretty clear when SungYeol noticed that MyungSoo was operating probably the only computer in the room that somehow didn’t react to Hades’ codes. His screen was now filled with several code tablets changing from one to another, his fingers jumping over the keyboard, entering numbers and letters in one tablet, then another.

“My personal laptop is still immune from Hades’ codes from the last encounter and was able to isolate the virus code as soon as it tried to shut down and block the system. Any other device which tired to access NSS network is down, not only for us but for the entire floor.” MyungSoo spoke before either Director or SungYeol asked anything.

“Can you break the blockage?” Director asked, resting his hand on the back of MyungSoo’s chair, his eyes locked on the screen.

“No. I am currently working on regaining visual connection we lost at least like this so we could track Jung Leo down while he is still somewhere near. To break the blockage I need the antidote code and I don’t have it.” MyungSoo finally looked up from the screen at Director, who had turned his eyes to MyungSoo. For SungYeol it looked like they were having a short, telepathic conversation and what ever they said was of utmost importance.

“Update me on the progress.” Director spoke and turned around, heading to the door. “Do all you can to get Jung Leo.” He said to everyone in the room, mostly MyungSoo, and left. He did not go to his office but went straight to the elevator. He did not have to explain his actions to anyone, but it seemed that only one person in the room knew exactly where and why the director was heading.

Instead of the code tablets, NSS security volt control panel was now on MyungSoo’s screen and with few clicks he had disabled the volts security system using the Hades’ code that had paralyzed the whole floor. He looked at his wrist watch, obviously timing something and after approximately 20 seconds he simply removed the code he had just entered from the volts system, closed the control panel and continued the work with code tablets.

It might have been only SungYeol’s imagination, but for the moment when MyungSoo had entered the volt, SungJong and DongWoo quite obviously had walked away, looking at the screens that obviously didn’t work. What MyungSoo did was definitely illegal and quite evidently connected with where the director went, but the illegal part didn’t bother anyone.

“The visual is back.” MyungSoo spoke as CCTV windows opened on the screen of his laptop. He picked up the head-set that was placed on the table and put it one. “Howon, do you hear me?” he spoke.

“Loud and clear,” came the answer from the speakers in the room, the noise of a moving car audible in the background.

“The van is heading to the highway - A-47, third ascent. I don’t know where it was and what root it took, but check it.” MyungSoo spoke, typing in speed of light in another tablet, scenes of the van going pass various CCTV’s on the streets appearing.

“On it.” Was the answer. “Do your magic to stall it, if you can.”

“Already doing it.” Another control panel opened, this time not NSS but road service. Yet again it didn’t take more than few clicks for the page to freeze, but that seemed to be the purpose. “They are stuck at the red light for 10 minutes, hurry up.”

No answer came for a moment, before Howon started to give out orders and movement could be heard. A CCTV focused on the third ascent was now on the screen, the van directly in front of it. It was impossible to tell who were in it, but it was obvious there were a driver and passenger. Everyone in the room was glued to the screen, waiting for what will happen.

The passenger side window opened, an arm clad in blue, high quality fabric hung out, a cigarette between its fingers. “He’s there.” SungYeol murmured, clearly remembering the color of the suit their target was wearing. He saw him only for a moment on the roof, but not many people would wear a suit of that color.

In around 7 minutes SWAT men could be noticed moving around and taking their positions and in around a minute afterwards the van was surrounded and both the driver and the passenger got out, yet for a huge disappointment none of them was Jung Leo.

The driver was already grey-haired middle aged man while his co-rider, who was definitely wearing Jung Leo’s suit, was a young guy in his twenties.

“They said Jung jumped in front of their car after they had finished delivery for ‘Bloom’ and paid them to get him to the nearest subway and for the driver’s son to exchange clothes with him.” Howon spoke in to the receiver and instead of replying MyungSoo’s fingers flew across the keyboard again. More and more CCTV footages appeared on the screen, this time from the closest subways stations.  “Search for a guy in a blue cap, black hoodie and grey sports pants, carrying a gym bag.” Howon spoke again and everyone at the monitor focused on the description.

“There!” DongWoo finally pointed to one of the video windows and that was brought to front immediately. Red was peeking out from under the cap and the hood, confirming the identity of the suspect.

“Call director and tell him what has happened and that I need the antidote as fast as possible, or else we can’t track Jung.” MyungSoo, for SungYeol’s surprise, spoke exactly to him. It took a second for the later to react but in a short moment he was already speaking with director on the phone, giving situation overview and MyungSoo’s request or rather demand.

“Tell him the code will be there in two hours. Meanwhile he needs to drop regaining lost data and focus on tracking down to where Jung went, did he meet anyone, and did he change again. All he can find,” was the director’s answer before he hung up. He was definitely in a car, going somewhere according to noises. But where would he go at a crucial moment like this?

SungYeol’s curiosity level rose as there was definitely something fishy going on, which included the director and definitely Kim MyungSoo and the whole team, apart from SungYeol, was aware of what it is. He shook the thoughts away, handing the director’s instructions over, not receiving an answer in return, but it was obvious that MyungSoo did what he was told to do.

He went through CCTV record of all platforms in all stops until the man with red peeking out from his cap appeared on the screen again. The visual connection on the screen was in real time, giving an actual chance to capture in Jung Leo, but before someone managed connect with Howon, Leo looked straight at the camera, a smirk on his lips, before pulling a gun from his jacket and shooting three times in the air.

An absolute panic broke out in the station, people running everywhere and becoming a mass of screaming and running individuals and Jung Leo blended in immediately, disappearing from the sight of cameras in mere seconds.

“We have officially lost him.” MyungSoo let out a frustrated growl, running his hands trough his hair and getting up from his seat with a launch, the chair falling on the floor and starling DongWoo. “The mission has failed.”


~ Ω ~


JiSub pulled over at a mansion after around an hour of ride. The house was located outside of Seoul and guarded 24/7.  Unlike any other modern house it had not computers, no mobile phones, no tablet computers, not a single thing that could be connected to the internet and all for one simple reason – this was the safety house of the infamous Hades.

Three years ago along with his capture his identity – Daniel Choi - was revealed. Since then every single criminal organization was after him for one simple reason – he was a mastermind able to break in every single server, every single page, and control things with one click - no prison was made for holding him in. Because of that one of NSS safety houses was remodeled for him, where he had spent all this time.

No visitors, no connection with outside world apart from newspapers; no technologies, not a single thing that would give out his location. The only visitor he had once in a while was his old friend, the person who captured him – the current NSS CSD directors So JiSub. And today as well he had come here, but not for a friendly visit.

“JiSub, you usually warn everyone here, before coming over.” Daniel said with a smile, turning to his friend walking through the door. All in all they might be on different sides of the law, but there were plenty of things to unite them and keep their friendship strong, per example a past shared with Miryo – another old friend who had went further than Hades’ ever considered.

Daniel’s smile disappeared when he saw his old laptop in JiSub’s hands. “What’s going on?” he asked and sat down at the table where JiSub had already sat down.

“Otrera is back, including Miryo, and they are using your codes.” JiSub explained shortly and pushed the laptop towards Daniel. “We need antidote for the blockage code and vaccine so that your codes wouldn’t affect our equipment again.”

“And that’s why you broke in to security volt, brought out my laptop definitely without permission, and rushed here probably breaking several traffic rules? Are you sure that it will be worth it?” Daniel asked, opening and turning on the laptop, his fingers flashing over the keys in matter of seconds.

“I will get her this time.” Was JiSub’s answer as he handed a flash drive to Daniel and leaned back in his chair.

“Miryo is not a fool, we both know it and she knows we know it. She will go all out on this.” Daniel looked up from the screen for a moment, taking the flash-drive and plugging it in.

“She’s all ready doing things no one expected. GaIn is out of the game.” JiSub’s words made Daniel to stop typing and look at him. “We took her in today.” He added, earning a sigh from other.

“If she’s kicking out GaIn, things might be even on a bigger scale than you think.” Daniel said, adding the few last clicks before handing the USB to JiSub. “Antidote, vaccine and track eraser as a bonus, as I know your methods. Your protégé will handle these easily.”

“Thank you.” JiSub took the USB, put it in his pocket and took out another one. “I need you to do one more thing.”  He said and placed the USB on the table.

“What is it?” Daniel looked at the USB and then at JiSub.

“Create a persona. The ultimate hacker of this year. All unclosed cyber crimes need to be connected with him. All relatively impressive ones from past year need to have a connection to him as well. He needs to be near the same level you were, with his own codes, with his signature.” JiSub explained. “The laptop will stay with you for as long as needed, but I trust you on using it only for my request.”

“What are you planning?” Daniel rested his elbows on the table. “Are you really thinking of sending someone in?”

“Yes.” The answer was short followed by a question. “Can you create him?”

“Yes, I can. What will be his name?” Daniel said with a sigh, leaning back in his seat, waiting for JiSub to answer.

“Very simple. L.”


~ Ω ~

After the shooting at the subway all traces of Jung Leo were gone. He disappeared in the middle of the chaos he created, not leaving a single trace behind him and it was clear for SungYeol that MyungSoo was furious about it. DongWoo had tried to calm him down, saying that they got GaIn and that is something, but the previous did not even consider listening. He continued going through CCTV footage from all cameras around station without success until director returned and handed him a USB drive.

The later did not say a single word, did not explain what was in the flash drive, but just placed it on the table and left to his office. SungYeol’s best guess was that he was as upset about not catching Leo as MyungSoo was, but it might as well been something connected with where he was and who he met during the past 3 hours. This day planted more and more questions in SungYeol’s head and none of them were pleasant to deal with.

SungGyu, WooHyun and Howon returned soon after director. The team leader gave out quick instruction about tomorrow – the arrival of the digital evidence, interrogation of GaIn and the start of backtracking every single bit of information from today, when the equipment will be intact.

He didn’t stay long afterwards and neither did the other two who arrived with him. They took their things and headed home as they could not do anything here – all systems were still blocked despite MyungSoo working with the USB director delivered already for a while. DongWoo followed their example and even SungJong, who had insisted on staying left after passing out on the table once. In the end only MyungSoo, SungYeol and director in his office were left.

“Here,” SungYeol said and placed a plastic cup of coffee on the table next to MyungSoo. The later mumbled a quiet ‘thank you’ taking a sip from the cup and continuing to change and shifting rows of numbers and occasional letters. SungYeol had no reason to stay, but his head was too full with everything to go home and sleep anyway. He looked at the codes on the screen, changing and morphing with each press of a key.

He had stared at the numbers changing for a moment until an idea hit him on the head. He took a seat at his desk, taking his tacky notebook from his bag and opening the page where he had started making notes on the first day he came to NSS.

‘NSS CSD Director So JiSub <-> Hades (Choi Daniel) -> Otrera (Children of Hades, Miryo, Son Gain, Jung Leo, Kim JaeJoong)’ was still written on a new page with no notes under it as nothing was suspicious up till today.

‘Director definitely has something to with Hades that is undeniable.’ SungYeol thought and circled the link between two with red. ‘Somewhere between these two is a place for MyungSoo, but I am not sure where.’ He continued the trait of his thoughts writing ‘Kim MyungSoo’ under the line of names between director and Hades.

My personal laptop is still immune from Hades’ codes from the last encounter..."

MyungSoo’s words from earlier rang trough SungYeol’s head and he draw a line between director and MyungSoo.

‘If Director So was the one who captured Hades and MyungSoo encountered the later before that could me he either worked with the director…’ he draw an interrupted line between MyungSoo and Hades, but crossed it out. ‘No, he wouldn’t work here if he had any criminal past.’ SungYeol looked up from his notes and looked at MyungSoo, who, as it seemed, had reached one of the last steps in activating the codes he got.

‘The codes director delivered are definitely made in the same style like the ones that attacked the system. They definitely have the same source, which is Hades.’ He turned back to his notes, underlining both director and Hades, only strengthening the link between the two. ‘If director went to meet Hades what did he need from the security volt?’ he focused his gaze on the page, trying to get any connection. What could be the connection?

“SungYeol,” a voice next to him spoke, making him to jump and instinctively closed the notebook. The speaker was no one else but MyungSoo. “I have finished entering the vaccine. If you need to do anything here, do it and tell director when you’re leaving. I’m going.” He said and stood up, closed his laptop, put it in his bag, took his jacket and left.

SungYeol looked up at the big screens and indeed, Hades symbol was changed back to NSS logo. All systems were working, including the still open laptops on other desks. MyungSoo was the strategic team leader and the one responsible for encoding in the team was DongWoo, so why was this job entrusted to someone who was not in charge of it?

SungYeol opened his notebook again, looking at the link he had made.

“Too many variables.” He murmured and closed the notebook, putting it back in his bag before standing up and heading to the door. He turned around to look at the room once more and when he turned back he almost jumped for the second time that night.

“I’m glad you haven’t left yet. Your NSS pass is finally here.” Director So spoke and hanged a laminated card to SungYeol. “Be ready for a lot of work tomorrow.” He said before turning around, not noticing SungYeol’s bow, and returning to his office despite the late hour.

SungYeol stood in the door aisle for a moment before he looked at the card in his hands. That was a key to minimize the variables in his chain of thoughts.

~ Ω ~

“Was the shooting really necessary?” a blond male in his late twenties, sitting in a leather chair in the corner of the dimmed room, asked as soon as Leo entered and threw the bag full of money on the table.

“That was greeting to NSS.” The red hair replied, taking off the cap and the hoodie he had ‘bought’ from the van-drivers son. He walked to the mirror on the wall, fixed his hair and dress-shirt and then sat down on the couch perpendicularly to the chair.

“The greeting can turn out to be a red cloth to a bull. I know NSS. They won’t let this slip and will do everything to track you down. It will be easy when they have GaIn.” The blond spoke and stood up, placing a glass of amber-colored liquid on a shelf next to him. “You should have got rid of her for good.”

“This makes it more fun.” Leo replied and took his phone from his pocket, looking at the screen for a moment before putting it away again. “Miryo approves of this plan.”

“She’s playing with fire, just like two years ago.” The blond said with a sigh walking to the window opposite the couch.

“Two years ago she won over fire, you know that JaeJoong.” The red hair stood up, taking the bag with cash. “She will win this time again.” He added before leaving.

“Two years ago, he wasn’t dealing with her own friend.” JaeJoong said even though he was alone in the room, looking at the colorfully lit Seoul behind the window. This time, fire could win over the one who tamed it before.


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UPDATING "Otrera" TOMORROW so be ready :D


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Chapter 4: <3 <3 <3 <3
susou1 #2
Chapter 4: wow,this is amazing....i love your writing style.
Chapter 4: this is so tense
First I want to comment that I love those dramas...
So, this kind excite me.. so much..

I'll read this story..
hyundeul #5
Chapter 4: You know what amaze me? I can actually picture the entire scenario through the whole story and now i am completely overwhelm and blown off. This is totally amazing, seriously. One of the best stories I have came across so far!
octuyet #6
Chapter 3: I... wow... that's all i can say about this chapter, a single word "WOW"
I know it's not comparable when i compare Can u smile's action to this action, but Can u smile is the only fic that i've read from you (sorry, i'm busy haha) but your writing is so much better from back then, the action scene is much more detailed and well written that i couldn't stop reading.
i've always admire authors like you, like how can you guys write action scene so good?? i mean look at how you describe the equipments.
i caught some small details that can help me predict for "the twist" but since i'm not so sure, i'm gonna keep my mouth (or hands lol) shut.
Seriously, this is such an awesome chapter >"< and i hope you won't post new chapters so soon lol because i want to re-read this chapter for a better understanding (i'm weird yeah)
btw, i love how you describe Woohyun always smiles ^^
I'm gonna love this bcos your writing skill is always wonderful *O*
nnmhmh #8
Chapter 3: yes totally cool. go on girl.
kimchoding91 #9
Chapter 3: COOL..COOL..COOL!!!!!!!
octuyet #10
Chapter 2: The tittle really caught my eyes and it's a delightful to know that you're the same author as "Can you smile" ^^ (I still don't have time to translate your story, but i think i can add this story to my list XD)

Crime/mystery are always my favorite genres and i'm so glad that i find your fic. The chapters are so well written (with all the details about Security department) and it keeps me reading ^^

Because there aren't much things so i don't know what to comment besides Dongwoo's words "you're his type" XD

Great chapters + plot, hope to see you again soon ^^