A Demons Angel


Death is lonely, cold and scary. But, so is life.


A small one shot drabble, please enjoy not many stories have morals in them nowadays


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Chapter 1: *falls on the floor in tears* this is so beautiful! i love it! <3
turtlepanda22 #2
Chapter 1: Im about to cry but im in the mall so cant do that BUT IMMA BOUT TO CRY i agree with darkangels tho DIS NEEDS TO B LONGER nd not filled with nd chains of the underworld that helps with their nites =.=
Chapter 1: You have got to be kidding me! This kind of awesome plot needs a longer story, at least a full one-shot? I kind of wanted more but this was so AWESOME! You write so beautifully and this is minwook! W£ho doesn't like minwook? OMG!!!!!!!! This was simply beautiful and oh my god it definitely tugged at my heart strings! You have to write more minwook (not rated ne~?) pls pls pls! I really love your stories! <3 <3