I got you,

I got you,


Waiting for another meeting on the partner office building, she sit on the couch while checking the paper on her hand, she turn up her head when suddenly she heard a melody of piano were playing. Staring at the man in black coat and focused his eyes in the piano, he look so cool there. Dont staring at him again Bom you will fall more at him, he's your boss. She warned herself.
"arent we come too early bom? Why the meeting is havent start yet? Im bored"
"im sorry sajangnim, the schedule said that its held on 3pm and now its 3.30pm"
"tsk, they always being like this, lets leave" he stood up from his seat, fixing his coat before leave,she following him from the behind. The wind blow peacefully this evening,
"where are we will go sajangnim?" bom ask him,she thought that he will back on the car but he walk to the park near the building,
"arent you not tired? Lets go find some fresh air here.. Bom-ah"
"a..arraseo" she look at him sitting on the bench,lean his back on the tree wood,folded his arms across his chest and close her eyes. Seems like he enjoy the wind. She take a deep breath and looking at somewhere place after noticing him. She standing not far from him. The weather is nice,she smile. She heard a noise voice behind her, she turn her head on them, there were two kids that already fight, the tall boy was hit friend head until he cry, Bom run on there for broke the fight,
"yah dont hit him" bom said as she bend down her body and hug the little boy,
"let me punish her ahjuma! He stole my bread, he have his own bread that mom give for us,but he eat my bread!" the tall boy said about to hit the little boy again but bom prevent them with rubbing his head,
"Im hungry hyung"
"me too! We didnt eat since morning!" he shouted at his little brother.
"omg stop it, its bad if you hit him.. Nah you guys hungry right? Come on buy another bread!" bom patted their head and carrying the little boy on her hand, she drag the tall boy hand and walk together on the bread shop. He staring at her from the bench , a line of a smile appear on his lips. She’s  actually a secretary of his father , but for no reason his father  ask her to be his secretary now. He never close with her , just relation of work, she’s beautiful but he never get interest on her. He’s still think about his wife. Yes his wife , maybe if his wife still here they will be had a beautiful daughter or handsome son. But its never happen , his wife passed away two years ago. He blink his eyes when he feel his tears will down to his cheek, he saw Bom with the kids and quickly following her. They enter the bread shop , she let the two kids choose the bread that they want,

“just it?” Bom bend down her body and ask them when they stretch their hand on Bom , showing the bread that they choose,

“yes ahjuma, our money is not enough to buy another bread” the older kids said, Bom smile and rubbing his cheek,

“just choose another bread that you want , I’ll pay all of the bread that you and your brother choose”

“jinjja?” he ask happily , Bom just nodded her head , they run to choose another bread in the counter. She walk to the cashier for pay the bread, but his boss already standing in front of the cashier and pay the bread,

“I pay all of it Bom” he said , she just hang open , isn’t he sleep on the bench in the park? Why he’s here? Bom thought , her blank face make him smile and drag her to out from the bread shop,

“ahjuma , thank you so much.. tonight we will eat delicious bread!” the little kids says as he smile brightly holding Bom hands, she blink her eyes try to erase all of the thing that disturb her brain , she smile and nodded her head,

“say thanks to ahjussi too, he pay all of your bread” Bom said ,

“thank you ahjussi!!” they said together and excuse their self to back home, Bom waving her hands and turn her head on her boss,

“should we back to office sajangnim?”

“emh , yes come on”


“Bom” he stop his step and looking at Bom who walk behind him,

“yes sajangnim?”

“can we just walk together? I mean , you walk beside me not behind me”

“ne?” Bom ask him with confuse face , he chuckled look at Bom face , he cover his face with his right hand,

“something funny sajangnim?”

“now I know why my father like you so much” he shook his head, make Bom pout her lips, she gasped when he pull her hand to closer with him,

“my father ask it too right?” he ask her still holding her hand,

“ask what?”

“to walk side to side , not walk in behind him”


“you did it?”

“yes? Ermh he said he need friend to talk so I .,..”

“do it for me too , you know I haven’t friend to talk like him right?”

“yes but,”


“ermh .. ”

“no excuse Bom , for now if we’re out from office don’t walk behind me , arraseo?”

“y..yes” he smile and start to walk again, suddenly she feel is dry , its awkward. He’s the cold man on the office all the staff know it , it’s the first tie Bom saw he smile and chuckled , she heard from the other staff that he’s actually not kind of silent guy but since his wife passed out , he keep shut his mouth and never talk with another staff except his father and his gang. But now , what happen with him?

“why you silent?” he ash her , they already arrived in front of the car but she just standing beside the car still busy with her mind ,

“I should ask it for you sajangnim” Bom mumble but enough for him to hear that,

“what? Me?”

“errhh no” she shook her head and stretch her hand to open the car door , he hold her arms want some explain for her word,

“tell me what do you mean Bom”

“Im not saying anything sajangnim”

“just call me Jiyong”


“tell me now”

“Im sorry sajangnim” she hang down her head,

“no its okay , just tell me what your mean , me? silent?”

“yes , I feel something different on you? Are you alright?”

“Im fine , what make you feel that?”

“I saw you smile and just now your chuckled in front of me , I look it strange because you never did that” Bom answer make him lift his eye brows , did I do that? Smile? Chuckled? And now I feel so peace in deep of my chest, he said in his mind.

“its okay sajangnim , you just need to rest .. your schedule is enough for this day , should I call Mr. Dong Young Bae to accompany you this night? Or should I booked the club for you?”

“no no , I want alone with my self”

“okay” she open the car door for him and close it after he enter the car. She walk on the passenger seat beside the driver. They start to back on the office. He walk slowly to his room when they arrived , keep his mouth shut like always , ignore all the staff that greet him.

“annyeong Mrs. Han Ga Yoooooo” he heard Bom greet another secretary on the corridor , she playing with Mrs. Han Ga Yoon name , he smile. Again? He snapped out and quickly walk to his room.

“yah Bom-ah how can you still smile? Aren’t you not tired? He have so many schedule this day”

“no Im not , yah ahjumma I saw he’s smile and chuckled in front of me, omg” Bom covered when she tell the story about her boss,


“for the god sake ahjumma really, I help a kids this day when we’re on the time to go back here, I take them on the bread shop , when I walk to the cashier and pay for it , he suddenly said that he already pay it, she drag my hand , this hand” she showing her right hand that Jiyong drag just now , make Mrs.han giggled,

“youre in love with him Bom , look at your excited face when you tell the story about him. Oohh youre the lucky one Bom , youre lucky to saw his first smile”

“ahh , maybe he’s not feeling right this day” Bom hang down her head weakly,

“yah what the relation of that? Smile is a sign that people feel in good mood , maybe when he’s with you his mood turn on good mood and he smile over you”

“aigoo Mrs.han you always tease me , why him? Why??”

“because his father send you to him , didn’t I told you about it before? He smile now , youre did well Bom , jis father want to see his son smile again”

“I think he choose a wrong people” Bom said ,

“how’s your work today Bom?” suddenly a man voice ask Bom , she turn her head quickly on the voice.

“Mr. Dong how are you?” Bom greet him and bowing her body,

“Im fine , Jiyong is in his room?”

“yes sir, he’s there”

“you look more beautiful everyday Bom seriously” Young Bae said with a bright smile on his face, but he pout his lips when Jiyong called his name in annoyed tone,

“yah Young Bae-ah”

“ahhh is he’s not see I have fun here?? Tsk that dragon” he mumble and walk lazily to Jiyong’s room , he open the door and raise his hand to greet him,

“ssup dude!” he said happily,

“just sit , I wanna ask you bout something”

“”oh ne ne , whats that sir?

“yahh , don’t act like youre staff here!” Jiyong yelled , its just make Young Bae laugh holding his stomach,

“okay , whats that?”

“me , since Jenny passed out , am I change?” he ask as he sit in front of Young Bae and crossing his arms,

“you didn’t recognize it?”


“youre became a silent type Ji , you pull yourself, avoiding the people around you oh and all the staff said that your change in to the cold person, ssshhhh youre change, ah why you suddenly ask about this?”

“its because my new secretaries , Bom”


“yes, she act weird when she saw me smile and chuckled in front of her , I thought I always do that but she once again ask about my condition am I fine or not”

“you smile in front of her?!”

“I don’t know , she said that”

“omg God , its hard for me to believe, you never even smile to your mom then you smile in front of Bom? Ahh Im broken heart ahh my heart” Jiyong laugh and hit Young bae head,

“see see?? Youre laugh , your mood is good today aren’t you? Its because Bom , you know Ji,, that’s why I love her”

“you what?!”

“you heard me”

“yah youre stupid Jiyong-ah , how can you just notice her now?”

“I don’t know , I don’t know why I notice her suddenly.. she have a warm heart like Jenny”

“hey , every woman has a warm heart inside them Ji , why you just look at Jenny and Bom??”

“sshhhh yah Young Bae-ah , why you always notice Bom , while there’s someone who always waiting for your love?”

“what?! Who? Chaerin?”

“yes her”

“but I want Bom”

“tsk , go away!” Jiyong push Young Bae body to out from his room,

“nooo , at least give me a cup of coffee ask Bom to make it”

“youre rich , you can buy it!”

“I want Bom” they keep push each other and stopped it when the door was open by Jiyong father , he yelled at them make Young Bae let off Jiyong body,

“yah yah! Youre too old for playing that!”

“Jiyong start push my body first ahboji” Young Bae bend down his head and act like a child , Jiyong father just giggled look at his expression,

“Chaerin waiting on you in the lobby bae-ah”

“what? Why? I mean errmhh”

“just meet her!” Mr. Kwon said in mad tone , without take a long time Young Bae run ut from Jiyong room,

“How’s Bom? She’s nice right?” his father ask Jiyong after Young Bae out from Jiyongs room , he ask as he close the door,

“dad , why you ask about Bom? Not ask about my work or something else? Don’t said that youre in love with Bom like Young Bae did”

“what?!” he raise his tone and laugh,

“now I know why he always here for” he laugh again , Jiyong just look at him with weird look,

“I miss talk with her, she’s kind Ji.. she also beautiful right?”

“wait , dad .. youre not try to match making me with her right? No dad I can’t change Jenny with another girl”

“yaish kids! Why are you so stubborn like this? you need a woman to take caring you when your mom and your dad leave you!”

“I still have Dami noona , plus I have more than enough money to leave by myself , I don’t need anyone else to take caring me”

“you’ll feel alone Ji”

“no , Jenny is with me” they keep arguing about Jiyong life , here in front of Jiyong room , Bom standing in front of the door with two cup of coffee that Jiyong father ask before, she heard all of the word that Jiyong said. Its hurt hearing all of it. why? Its because Bom fall in love with Jiyong since she work here with his father. Since she’s still a secretary of his father. When suddenly his father ask her to be his secretary Bom reject it , she don’t want fall more far on Jiyong, she know who’s she. She’s nothing, plus Jiyong never pay his attention on Bom. And now what? Jiyong said that no one can change his wife. Yes no one. There’s no hope for Bom. She hit her chest, for make a hurt feeling far away from her. Cry? No .. why she should cry for a guy who doesn’t have feeling on her? This is one side love, Bom thought. She take a deep breath and start to knock Jiyong rooms.

“come in” she heard Mr. kwon voice , let her to come inside, she smile. Fake smile. Doesn’t brave to look at Jiyong face. She feel a cold stare from Jiyong direction. Maybe he will hate her, because all people around him talk about her.

“Mrs. han” Bom call Mrs. Han after she back from Jiyong room,


“Mrs. Han how is it?”

“hey Bom what happen?”

“he said no one can change his wife” Bom run to hug Mrs. Han body, she hug it tight, Mrs. Han try to make her calm with rubbing and poke her back,

“you love him?”

“yes, but I try to hold my feeling” Bom let off the hug and look at Mrs. Han face,

“Bom ..”

“Im fine Mrs. han” Bom smile on her and leave her, she walk to her table , fixing her things ready for go home. His smile face were always come around on Bom head make her frustrated.

“yaishh , I can’t I can’t” she shook her head hard make her loose the balance , she feel someone catch her body , she open her eyes and gasped,

“Mr. Kwon Jiyong , Im sorry”  Bom quickly bowing her body and apologize to him many time , he just stare at her with no expression ,

“stop it”

“ne?” she ask him but he leave her without answer her, she take a deep breath and start to leave too.

            Another day in Jiyong home, this morning she’s on his home. Not just this morning actually she always pick up him on his home and drive together to the office, his father ask Bom to always pick up Jiyong in home. After she knocked Jiyong room ask him to wake up , she standing in living room , staring at the beautiful women in the picture. There’s a big picture there , in the living room wall. she always staring at them while waiting for Jiyong. She don’t know why she always did that, its became her habit.

“you always staring at my wife picture?” Bom gasped when she heard Jiyong voice behind her, she turn down her head,

“why you never look at me when I talk with you?” Jiyong ask , she walk closer to Bom. He can smell Bom perfume from his place.

“look at me Bom” he said , but bom still hang down her head.

“sajangnim I think we’re late” Bom try to change the topic,

“I don’t care” he walk more closer to Bom direction, she take a back step until Jiyong hold her arms tight,

“look at me” he said again , Bom can feel Jiyong breath on her face now, her body is trembling , she bite her lower lips try to hide her pale lips,


“how many time I always ask you to call me Jiyong?”

“im sorry sir” he smirk at her , make Bom more afraid to looking at his face,

“you must be hate me so much don’t you?”

“what? No sajangnim, I never hate you”

“oh? You didn’t hate me then you irritated on me right? Why?”

“no Im not, really”

“its okay Bom I’ll not kick you out from the office”

“but Im not hate you” Bom cut his word quickly,

“then why you never look at my eyes when I talk with you? Look at me now” he force her to look at his face , he lift her chin and make her looking at him, he saw a tears on her eyes, no.. what happen with me? why I feel so many butterfly attacked my stomach? Jiyong thought. Its like the first time when he met Jenny his wife. He wipe the tears on Bom cheek gently,

“Im sorry , am I make you scared?” he ask her with soft tone, its make her heart melted, but she quickly shook her head,

“no sajangnim Im sorry” she wipe her tears with her hands and start walk leave Jiyong , she stopped her step when suddenly Jiyong hug her body from back, she hold her breath. She staring at Jiyong wife picture again, her tears is fall on her cheek, the guilty feels attack her now when Jiyong place his face on Bom neck in hale her scent,

“Ji .. Jiyong” Bom finally talk , this is the first time she call him by his name, she can feel his face is move away,

“yes call me Jiyong” Jiyong said

“your wife staring at us” Bom said , make Jiyong hug her tight,

“baby Im sorry , this is Park Bom. The girl that I always told you every night, she’s beautiful right? Now I know what my feeling towards her. I feel calm whenever she’s around me, but seems like she’s not like me, she always avoiding my gaze. Its hurting me so much when I watch her laughed with Young Bae while with me? she avoiding me” Jiyong talk to his wife picture there.

“Ji I said Im not hate or irritated on you please don’t said like that”

“so , what the reason you never look at me?” he ask her as he let off the hug and turn Bom body around for facing him,

“said that, I want to know”

“I have the reason but I can’t tell you” Bom said and smile on him , she try to look at his eyes, its make her heart beating faster.

“just take a shower and eat your breakfast , I wait here” she said again,

“you love me Bom?” Jiyong question make her lifted her eye brows, she just silent looking at Jiyong with worried look. Jiyong caressing her cheek,

“because I love you too Bom”

“what?? No no , you can’t love me , your wife will be mad at you plus you said no one change her right?” Bom said , push Jiyong body. He look at Bom with curious look,

“when I said that?”

“eh? Errhh I .. emmhh” she looking around to every side try to find some excuse or change the topic , but she saw Jiyong smile on her,

“why smile?” she ask him,

“you heard that when I talk with my father didn’t you?”


“seems like I know what your reason to avoiding me”

“how can you know that I have feeling on you?”

“Mrs. Han” hearing Jiyong answer Bom hit her face with her hand and close her eyes, this is embarrassing.. I will never trust you again Mrs. Han! You betrayed me!! Bom scream on her mind.

“can I go to the office by myself sajangnim?”

“don’t call me sajangnim”

“fine , Im sorry Ji , can I -”

“no you can’t , just wait for me Bom, I’ll take a quick shower. Wait here” he pull Bom body to the couch and make her sit on there,

“I want alone with myself”

“I’ll not let you alone with yourself” he heard her sigh, he just walk leave her alone in the living room , bite his lower lips to hide his smile. Im sorry Young Bae , I cant let her to be your mine. She will be mine. He said on his mind.

            Bom run to Mrs. Han room , she open wide her door and place her and on her waist, she look at Mrs. Han with annoyed face,

“Mrs. Han I blame you for betrayed me!!!” Bom yelled, she slammed the door and standing in front of her.





I'll make it two shoot beacuse its too long , the next chapter will update soon. Im sorry kkk ^^

I write it whithout reread or edited Im sorry if there's error gramar or typo u,u

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Chapter 2: Wow..I like it. Really, really like this story. Write another gbom fanfic, please..
I always waiting another story about gbom from you :)
samlizzie #2
Chapter 2: Thankyou for writting this story it really fun
i hope you write another story soon i'll waiting for it
Chapter 2: yay, finally.. thanks :D
Thank you..for feeding me..finally...
You know I'm craving over stories... Please do write more
nahonja87 #5
Chapter 2: ouuuuuhhhh.......
nothing cam describe my feeling when i read this one..
love love love!! kkkk.....
Chapter 1: next shot please.. hoho, thanks for the Ms. Han for telling jiyong her secret :D love it.. <3
No, thank you! ;)
I'm waiting kkk