Diary of an Introvert


You're that special girl in school.

You're actually pretty and cute in terms of your looks.

You're also smart and running for the number 1 spot.

Everyone in the school wants to be your friend for different reasons.

Every guy in the campus considered you to be their most wanted girl.

You didn't have a single friend in school.

Despite of the attention you've received from them, you chose to leave.

You dropped out from your school and looked for a new one.

Everyone wondered why you leave your former school.

Your reputation there was good and you were considered as the brightest student they ever had.

But what if you can sense or rather read what they really think of you.

What if you just enjoy doing things alone because you're just fed up of what others think of you?

You finally found a school where you can start a new beginning and could be known as the nobody in school which was what you really wanted.



You entered the principal’s office and greeted him. He signaled for you to sit.

“Hello Ms. _________ so, today will be your first day. I heard you were a very good student in your former school. Your grades are all impressive and needless to say, I ah-

“You wanted to ask me why I agreed to be in the lowest section, is that right?”

You said as the principal looked at you in awe and have a nervous laugh.

“You got me there, good guess!”

He said as you thought to yourself,

I didn’t guess it. You actually said it yourself in your mind.

“So why did you agree? Even if the section A is complete now and fully loaded, we can still make room for a student as good as you are.”

“No thanks. I don’t want to be treated differently. I’ll be fine with my section. Thank you sir.”

You simply said as you leave not wanting the man to continue his ministrations in you.

When you were walking in the hallway, you can hear the silent murmurs of the students about you.

Is she the new student? Wow she’s pretty!

Yeah, I heard she’s smart also!

She looks like a rich kid, don’t you think?

You glared at the students whose talking about you and simply made your way on your classroom.

When you were near your classroom, you encountered two girls who were thinking of the same thoughts as the students earlier but the both of them were thinking of the same thought that you knew just now.

She looks nice and she’s pretty! How can she handle those 12 horrible boys in that rotten section?

I bet she’s going to change sections or drop out soon!

She will be the only girl in that section!

It’s like the hell in this school!

The last girl who entered that room dropped out after a week!

You wondered what that was about but you just shrugged and let the thought pass as you entered your classroom.


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Update plsssssss ㅠ.ㅠ
Yunjae-Eunhae #2
Seems really interesting, I will wait for your updates ~
mickzjeff #3
Sounds interesting authornim ' I cant wait to read it !^^
Oohh.. This looks so interesting~
A girl like her with 12 monsters? Lol!
Hope you update soon~
omggggggggggg finally! my most awaited fic of yours haha update asap! :">