A Million Photoshoots Later


                             Kyung Yoo Jung 

You're Yoojung, 18 years old, a normal girl, who wanted a normal life (how wrong that wish came to be) You come from Dongducheon, perhaps not the richest of places. Leaving home reluctantly, you arrive at Seoul hoping to earn enough money for the coming winter. Food doesn't come cheap, and neither does the heating bills for a family of seven. You've hardly stepped on Seoul soil when your life takes a darastic turn.                                                                                                   You..become a model.





                 Kim Jongin  (Kai)                     

This..is Kim Jongin, or better known as Kai. You don’t know a lot about this man. Furthermore, You don’t want to know anything about this man. He’s just a pretty face; arrogant, mean and very uncaring. Not only does he own the whole company; STORM Models, he was also or still is, the legendary model of South Korea. He’d given it up to be model after; quote Minseok- “His idiot of a brother, Junmyeon ran off to Paris to pursue pottery studies and theatre last year, so that kid didn’t have a choice, someone had to take the family business.”

This owns the company, and you. 




This is Kris, who you’re convinced is your true love of all time.  Kris is the most well-known model in South Korea, but he’s a man of mystery. No one knows; who is his family? What is his past? What kind of person is he? You’d expect a model to be confident and perhaps a bit arrogant, but Kris was the complete opposite. Quiet, mysterious, kind. An old soul. Girls want to be with him, men want to be him. All the girls, are in love with him, and so are you.






He’d crashed into you on your first day in Seoul. With his car, maybe it was your fault or his you’re not sure. It’s not anything fatal just a slight pain from where you’d fallen flat bottom on the road. You’re surprised and shocked at this guy, as he stares, he looks so flustered, as if given the chance, he’d leave you. You stare at him and he hastily opens his wallet. “Damn it..” He sighs and looks at you, bothered. “I don’t have any money on me right now. I have an important meeting right now, if you follow me, I’ll get money from someone there and pay you.” You follow him into the car, half surprised, half curious. He doesn’t take you to the hospital; instead you end up in chaos. Surrounded by clothes racks, people pushing you, shoving, and heavy whiffs of floral perfume in the air, the lights of the camera clicking away. You don’t even understand what’s going on; but before you can even ask the man, you’re pulled by a woman..man? It’s a man but with the features of a woman. “Are you model no.223? You’re late. Sehun! Tick model 223 off! She’s here!” He clicks in fingers, and an army of women arrive bringing forth death instruments, poking your eyes with toothbrush esque wands, colouring your cheeks, pulling your hair this way and that. You’re changed into a dress and you’re pushed into bright lights. You know what this is, this is a photoshoot. You’d seen it plenty of times on television, so you listen to the photographer; “Chanyeol” he says his name is. You strike poses and even feel proud when he keeps saying “amazing”, “great”; picture after picture. Soon, your clothes are returned. A stylist winks at you and points at the watch you nearly forgot to give back. Honey, take that, no one will notice. You can’t find the man you saw earlier, and in a haze, everything is over. You are outside again, out from all the glamour you witnessed, outside in the cold. You shrug it all off and go to find a motel. This, would be a happy memory, you guess. It will never happen again. You look at your watch, and walk away into the night.


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elkyouya #1
Chapter 1: ohhgg this actualy not kairis fic? awww disapoint... T^T u must add tag krisxOCxKai