Amissio Vox


No one expected it. No one expected the long nights and the pains they had to endure. 

No one expected the cries of anguish. No one expected what was to pass.

And yet, it happened. And now, they had to endure.

Not only for their sakes, but for their maknae's too.

{Excerpt} As Siwon entered the dorm after a long schedule recording shows, he knew something was wrong. All the lights were on, and yet it was quiet. Far too quiet. He stepped out of his shoes, and walked into the brightly lit living room, placing the bag of takeaway food on the coffee table. The television was blaring away, a rerun of Strong Heart showing on the plasmas screen, muted. The man frowned at it, before grabbing the remote from the side of the television and turning it off. 

Placing the remote back down, the Super Junior member looked around, before entering the kitchen.

There were pots and pans scattered across the room, and as Siwon picked up a chrome pot from the floor, he noticed something out of place.

The chrome pot was placed to the side as Siwon leant closer and closer to the sink, where the tap was open and cold water was spilling out slowly.

What had happened here?

Siwon turned off the tap and moved back into the living room, before heading to where Eunhyuk's bedroom was.

The door was closed and no light came from under the door, so the man moved on.

The next room to check was Yesung's and Ryeowook's. However, their room was in the same state as Eunhyuk's; no lights and closed door.

And so, the religious man heading towards the room belonging to Kyuhyun and Sungmin.

However, as he headed that way, he passed by the bathroom which was brightly lit.

He looked into it while walking by, and the sight before him made his blood freeze with fear.

There, sprawled on the floor, was Kyuhyun.


This is going to be a side project I'll work on minorly compared to The Mission That Changed Their Lives. That one will still be produced the most, but I believe its best to have two stories going so if you get writers block, you can still practice keeping in character and the like.

This story will most likely be 30 chapters max, a small project, unless I think of something that could make this story a lot larger. I have the basic plot thought of already, but there's always room for more!

Nothing except the idea/plot belongs to me.

Hope you all enjoy. :)


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Reader2 #1
Chapter 1: I love your story please come back to it soon~
bookworm83197 #2
Chapter 1: Hey there author-nim!! ^^ Happy beginning-of-March~ :D
rinichaaan #3
Chapter 1: :( Where's chapter 2? I hope you'll update it, I really like your ideas.
BritDF2014 #4
Chapter 1: Please update soon!
zemyx1995 #5
Chapter 1: Chapter two, where are youuuu lol :)
Can't wait for it!
Reader2 #6
Chapter 1: Your story are all so intresting and I love it XD
angelvoicekyu #7
Chapter 1: Hi admin, this is really an interesting story to begin with. I will surely continue to read it later when you update it. I was so worried of Kyuhyun's well being, oh my lord, I'm just a fan, anyway, I hope that he doesn't get infected with serious diseases somehow such as influenza and so on. He's too fragile. I hope Siwon would take care of him too as he is his precious dongsaeng anyway. Thank you and jia you (fighting!).
zemyx1995 #8
Hope Kyu's alright, can't wait for the next installment author-nim <3
Chapter 1: I wanna read mooooore. OuO
sfbsdjvsdojvnsod I loike this! I wanna read more! :DDDDDd