Dumb Ways to Confess

100 Days With Luhan

Sehun was floating in cloud 9, but he knew it wouldn't last long. Especially when he has someone like Yifan as a friend. That man was a certified mood wrecker, although he rarely means it. 

"Did you get in his pants yet?" The fact that Yifan sounded so casual as he uttered those words made Sehun cringe. 

"Are you an idiot?" Sehun snapped at him, slamming his locker door shut. He turned to leave, but Yifan was persistent. 

"Well Chanyeol always said I in almost everything except PE but-"

"Why would you even ASK that?" Sehun continued, ignoring Yifan's babbling. 

Yifan frowned. "Hey, it's crucial question."


"Because your answer depends on whether or not I get your sports car."

Sehun rolled his eyes. "Are you seriously not considering my feelings here? Does 7 years of friendship mean nothing to you?" 

"Wow, I've tolerated you for THAT long?"

Yifan hissed when Sehun punched him on the arm. 

"Alright, alright, let's try this 'talking about our feelings' thing." Yifan sighed as he adjusted the strap of his backpack. The pair continued walking. "God where's Jongin when you need him?"

"Flirting with his tutor." Sehun frowned. 

"That kid's worse than you." Yifan shook his head. "But we're talking about you so... What's up?"

Sehun pursed his lips and gazed down. He really needed someone to talk to, but he wasn't sure Yifan was the right person to approach. Sehun decided to risk his pride and said, "I think I like him."

To Sehun's surprise, Yifan laughed. "What the heck." Sehun glared when he realized Yifan wasn't laughing at him, but at his cellphone. 

Yifan coughed and tucked his cellphone inside his pocket. "Sorry, Chanyeol texted. He said he- nevermind. What were you saying again?"

Sehun's glare didn't falter. "I said I think I like him."





"Does he like you too?"

"I guess." Sehun bit his bottom lip. "He drops hints here and there. But whether he likes me back or not won't change my feelings for him."

"Does he know about our bet?"


"Well, will you tell him?"

"... Yeah I really don't know how to tell him yet."

"Just... Be honest."

Sehun raised an eyebrow. "What, I'm just gonna approach him and say 'hey Luhan did you ever wonder why I started talking to you? Funny story. I never wanted to, but I made a bet with a dumb friend of mine that I could make you fall in love with me.'"

"... Not THAT honest." Yifan deadpanned. 

Sehun opened his mouth to retort, but a foreign voice cut him off. 

"Sehun?" It was Minseok, the one who worked with Luhan. 

Sehun absentmindedly noted that he looked pissed off for some reason. 

"Have you seen Luhan?" Minseok's voice was strained.

"Uh... No, I haven't." Sehun swallowed the lump in his throat. Something about Minseok's aura made Sehun's knees tremble slightly. "You should check the music room though."

Minseok nodded, gaze never leaving Sehun's face. "Okay. Thanks."


Sehun breathed out a sigh of relief once Minseok was out of sight. 

"I think I made a mistake."

Sehun quirked an eyebrow. "Why?"

"I should've betted you'd fall in love with him, not the other way around. I could be driving your sports car to school right now."

Sehun never thought he could punch someone as hard as he punched Yifan. Yifan ended up nursing a bruising arm for the entire day. 


"Luhan?" Minseok peered inside the music room, smiling slightly when he spotted Luhan sitting comfortably in front of the grand piano. 

"Hey you." Luhan greeted warmly. "What's up?"

Minseok shook his head as he walked towards Luhan, stopping directly in front of him. "Nothing. I just missed you. You've been hanging around Sehun a lot lately."

Minseok didn't miss the light blush on Luhan's cheeks. It made his heart ache. 

"Sehun's just being nice. He's a good friend."

"Too nice." Minseok muttered quietly, but Luhan heard him. 


"Aren't you curious why he's being nice to you all of a sudden?"

Luhan was taken aback by Minseok's intense gaze, but he regained his composure. "People change, hyung."

"No." Minseok glared. "Not if they have another motive."

"W-what are you trying to say?"

"I heard Sehun and his friend talking... He doesn't care about you, Luhan."

Luhan shook his head violently, furiously wiping his tears with the sleeves of his bright orange sweater. "NO! He cares about me."

Minseok was furious. "FOR GOD'S SAKE, STOP BEING SO GULLIBLE, LUHAN! NOT EVERYONE IS AS NICE AS YOU ARE." He paused to look at the visibly shaking Luhan. The look on Luhan's face made him want to stop, but he couldn't. He watched Sehun enter their lives, uninvited, and take Luhan away from him. Now that he knew what Sehun's true intentions were, he couldn't let Luhan suffer anymore. In Minseok's twisted mind, Sehun was the evil villain after the innocent damsel, and Minseok had to be the hero for the both of them. "Luhan... He doesn't care about you. He-he made a bet with Yifan that you could fall in love with him." Minseok came closer and cupped Luhan's cheeks. Luhan didn't fight him off, so he continued. "I'm the only one who really cares about you, Luhan. Not Sehun." You could say that Minseok was caught in the moment, thus doing something stupid, but he couldn't find it in himself to care- so he kissed Luhan. He kissed him hard. He felt Luhan stiffen, and soon enough Luhan flapped his arms around to push Minseok off. 

"What do you think you're doing?" A familiar voice caught them offguard. 

Minseok and Luhan simultaneously turned to face the stoic face of Oh Sehun. 

"You have no right to be here!" Minseok snarled. "Tell him, Luhan." 

Luhan didn't say anything. He was too shaken to say anything. 

"I need to talk to Luhan." Sehun replied. 

Minseok growled at Sehun, but he knew at this point yelling at the younger man wouldn't achieve anything. He made sure to smack his shoulder against Sehun's before he left. 

When Minseok was gone, Luhan fell on his knees, sobbing. He was waiting for Sehun to comfort him like he used to, but Sehun remained by the door way, completely unfazed. Finally, Luhan looked up. 


"Don't call me that." Sehun snapped. 

Sehun wasn't entirely sure why he was angry, but something inside him snapped when he saw Minseok and Luhan kiss. He didn't see Luhan fight the older man off, so to Sehun, it looked like Luhan was kissing him back. 

Luhan looked at him quizically. 

"Is this what you do? Make people feel sorry for you and then turn your back on them when you have what you want? I thought you were different, Luhan. I guess you're just like the rest of them." 

"What are you-"

"Stop it. I'm tired of playing this game. I'm telling Yifan I give up."

A look of realization dawned on Luhan's soft features. "So... It's true then. You did make a bet with Yifan."

Sehun wanted to stop. He wasn't a cruel person by nature, but he was still mad at Luhan for kissing Minseok, even after he acted like he cared about him- not Minseok. "Yes. It's true. Are you happy now that you've learned the truth? Now you can go back to Minseok and-"

"Go back to what, exactly?" Luhan said in a soft voice. "I'm not stupid. I know Minseok has feelings for me."

"There shouldn't be a problem, then. You two look good together."

Luhan shook his head sadly. "But there is a problem. Minseok isn't the one I love."

Sehun felt something tug on his heart strings. He let his gaze falter. He was stupid, that he knew now. He let his emotions cloud his thoughts. When he saw Minseok and Luhan kiss, he automatically assumed the worse- that Luhan loved Minseok, not him. Sehun was never good at keeping his emotions in check. 

"Luhan..." Sehun's croaked. 

Luhan shook his head as he wiped his tears away. He smiled at Sehun, making Sehun's heartbeat quicken and his chest tighten. 

"It's okay, Sehun." Luhan began. "I knew you were too good to be true, anyway." He grabbed his backpack which was sprawled on the floor and slung it over his shoulders. "At least something good came out of this. You get to keep your sports car because... Yes, I'm in love with you, Oh Sehun. So stupid of me."

Sehun turned numb as he let Luhan's words sink in. Luhan left without sparing him a second glance. He could only cry to himself when no one was watching. 

Author's Note: Nooo, you're definitely not hallucinating! This is another official update! LOL. Sorry for having you guys put up with all the drama, but you knew this was coming, right? Btw, I am in no way, shape or form annoyed by Minseok. So to all you Xiumin fans, sorry! It just seemed like he was the most perfect candidate since he 's also close with Luhan and all. Hihi. Okay, so I'm gonna stop ranting now. Til the next update!

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Chapter 13: aaAaaAaAaA sooo cute! I loved this
Re reading this bcs hunhan <3
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 1: Rereading this because i miss hunhan
Chapter 1: I love this already! But I really hope no one hurts Lulu in their mess!
ilyyandyy #5
Chapter 13: i read this all in about an hour and im so happy like it was so beautifully written
blacksea04 #6
Chapter 13: Cute Sehun luhan.
Chapter 13: omg i like this so much. it's so cute yet so sad as well yet it's so fluffy and gah, i just love it XD
briagate #8
Chapter 13: Aaahhh!!! I love the plot :D <3 about to cry, gosh i'm too emotional right now. but still, some parts killed me (the cuteness was overwhelming), thank you so much for writing this!! :)
Chapter 13: Love the story so much ;) thanks for this and please never stop writing <3
Greyson #10
Chapter 13: aww <3 this is so cute! too much fluff i cant take it! haha don't worry minseokkie, jongdae is waiting for yah. Great job authornim <3 <3