

Everyday, she would see the same boy standing on the rooftop. She failed to notice that he stood closer every day; to the railing, to her.


To the person who has stumbled upon this story: hello. Hope you like it. :-) 


I also suggest listening to Super Junior's "Daydream" while reading. It inspired me a lot while writing. ^^

I might post the chapter in two or three days. Please wait for it and thank you so much! :-)


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ScarletAlphaHunter #1
Chapter 1: I actually cried, it's so sad.... T_T
unicornglitter #2
Chapter 1: i tried not to cry and i realised that i started to make ugly faces bc my mum is here. thanks a lot tina.
suhween #3
Chapter 2: you write really well, i am deeply emotional, but not enough to cry
Chapter 1: I'm sobbing right now..suicide hits my heart really hard..then u bring Sehun and all this stuff and it's just like BOOM my pillow is all wet now..sigh
InfinitizedExotic #5
Chapter 2: that was so sad ;__;
yannnnna #6
Chapter 1: I swear to God this is so sad. You should make another one.
SeKai94 #7
It was such a nice fic... :')
I cried... T.T
Good job, Author!
I rly love this!!