Epilogue: Part 6

Take it to the Next Level

Epilogue: Part 6


Youngil laid flat on her stomach and stared over the jagged edge of the large hole in the floor to peer down at the floor below.  Kyung crouched and ran his blade over the sharpening block.  Even from her hiding place, Youngil could hear his stomach growl.  She smiled.  He looked so different to her now, but some things never changed. 

Kyung had definitely matured in the few years that Youngil had last seen him.  The way he moved suggested more strength and confidence than he had had when she had last seen him.  But it was a relief that he hadn’t changed too much.  She had heard a lot about him.  He had stepped up his game when The Block split and he had become a valuable asset to Zico and Block B.  The stories and tales hadn’t sounded much like the goofy boy she had left.  She had been scared that when they met again, she wouldn’t be able to recognize who he had become.  But she had had nothing to worry about. 

She tensed for a moment, when she heard noises approaching the room yet Kyung did nothing to prepare himself for possible danger.  But it was only P.O and Taeil that came bursting into the room.  They too looked more mature than when Youngil had last seen them.  She let the sadness wash over her for a moment.  They had all grown up without her.  She wondered how different she would look to them.  They weren’t the only ones that had changed.

P.O and Taeil took off again quickly and left the case with Kyung.  When two more guys, ones she didn’t recognize, rushed in the room, Youngil readied to jump in and help Kyung, but they barely spared him a glance and took off after P.O and Taeil. 

When the chicken startled Kyung into dropping everything but the frying pan, Youngil had to cover to keep from laughing.  Nope, some things never did change.  Luck was with her though.  The briefcase that Kyung had been holding had slid until it was right beneath her hiding place.  Youngil watched as Kyung chased the chicken out into the courtyard and slowly shook her head at him.

Silently, she held the handle of the fake case in one hand and gripped the edge of hole in the ceiling with the other and lowered herself into the room below.  Thankful for the low ceilings, she dropped only a few feet and landed in a crouch over the briefcase.  She quickly swapped cases and then hurried out of the room, disappearing through the doorway P.O and Taeil and the men after them had come through. 

Youngil settled against the wall, just out of sight.  She waited there until Kyung came to a truce with the chicken and returned for the case.  She watched him leave with the fake case then reached in her pocket for her cell phone to call Mai. 


Zico was silent.  Not normally a good sign, Mai knew.  She distracted him. 

“What’s your relationship with Youngil anyways?” She asked.  “It’s obvious that Kyung is crushing on her even after not seeing each other for three years, but I can’t get a grasp on your relationship with her.  You obviously care for her.  I start thinking it’s a strictly platonic brother/sister type relationship and then something happens that makes me wonder if there was ever more.”

Zico was silent for a moment.  “Are you jealous?” he finally asked.

That caused Mai to pause.  “I don’t know,” she answered truthfully.  “Maybe a little, but I’m mostly just curious.” 

 “Well, to fully understand our relationship, it’s a long story.  And you haven’t finished your entire explanation yet,” Zico said, changing the subject once again.  “What about quiet girl up there?  What role did she play in all this?”

Mai promptly decided there had once been something between them.

“Ying was at the trophy room to make sure U-Kwon and Jaehyo got out of there okay,” Mai said, letting the subject of Youngil drop and continuing her explanation.  “And then she kept an eye on U-Kwon when Lan coaxed Jaehyo away.  I was surprised that Ying was the only one that had to do any fighting.”

“Fighting?” Zico repeated.  He looked at Ying and had trouble seeing her in a fight.  Then he looked at U-Kwon whose cuts and scrapes had mostly healed. 

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BookWormNerd #1
Chapter 21: I would love to have a sequel to this one! I suggest to go into the back stories of each member of Block B of how they go into the gang ^^ mostly Taeil, since he's my bias :D
Hello :) I'd like to inform you that your story has been nominated for Best Psychological Thriller at World of Literature 2014 Fanfiction Awards. You may find us here: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/748372
Have a nice day! Karma~
Chapter 20: ^^... What should i say...
this story is so original... and it's just like reading an extended version of the short less than 4 minutes MV. LOL~~
i finished this story in just a few hours...
It's interesting and you are doing a great job making me laugh at certain scenes. Good Work!! The scene where Zico asks who was steering this 'thing' is the most hilarious. Judging at Kyung, i know exactly what u r trying to tell... Haha...

The chapters goes back and forth which confuse me a little (i mean the flashbacks and then the currents situation). But that was just a minor things to be bothered of.

I think you just did a good job~~~
Sorry taking your space for this long comment haha...

Write more Block B's stories... It's my 'responsibility' to subscribe to 'em... huhu...
Chapter 20: Wow, I really can't say how you did amazing on your writing!
The mv is really well transcribed. As Kyung is my ultime bias, I can't help to feel a little jealous thought, haha! But of course it was his fault the briefcases were exchanged, it's always his fault!

No but seriously, you really did an amazing work, I can't wait to read other stuff from you ^^
Thank you for writing this amazing story :)
Chapter 20: This is a very well-written story, and I love that you played with the order of events. It was easy to keep track of, because of the MV, but I still enjoyed reading this a lot, and your interpretation of events is very clever. Heh, the girls' roles in this were also really good~ everything suddenly makes sense! (Lol, of course it was Kyung)

Thanks for writing this!
chocolakay #6
Chapter 20: What was up with guns, today, yes Ying. I know right? every guns appearing in nilili mambo is being ridiculous, they didn't throw bullets!

well, hungry clumsy kyung, chicken, and youngil is equals not good. yes zico, get angry to your bestie!

lan and jaehyo is veeeery alike. how can I not shipping them instantly!

well, i love this story! and the ending needs a sequel! i demand a sequel!
ShinhwaStar #7
You story is gread! Good work, keep up with it!
Chapter 6: So, I'll try to write this in english, but it's kinda difficult for me xD
Anyway, I can understand the whole text, but I can't write a simple comment, yeah.

I just think this story is really awesome, I had to stop reading because I need to sleep, but ''dude'', I love it... so good.

'A thought stuck him and he frowned. He looked from B-Bomb sitting with him at the table to Jaehyo at the stove to P.O, Taeil, and U-Kwon standing at the stairs. If the six of them were all down here… “Who’s steering this thing?” He asked, harshly cutting off Jaehyo’s rant. “Please don’t tell me you gave Kyung the wheel.”' I laughted so hard.

Y sí, soy de España, un saludo :3
chocolakay #9
Chapter 8: well, the last word is the key. whoops. hahahaha.....

this is my favorite part of the mv, and in this fic too.