From My Dreams


Taken by the soft wind to your world
You asked me brightly where I came from to your side
And I told you that It was a secret
Wherever we walk together
Will be paradise

                                 (-EXO-K Angel)



I saw a dream in which I was walking along a beautiful garden with a person who's face I don't remember, but I do remember feeling so happy to be there. That, coupled with the fact that I've suddenly begun to cry every time I hear the end of the first chorus of Exo-K's Angel, is what gave birth to this fic. So feel free to imagine your bias as the stranger in the story, I think it fits Kyungsoo the most

Lyrics Credit:


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Chapter 1: I'm so in love with this,it's not even funny, the language you've used and the images you've created...oh my god. I keep wondering if he's real or not and

Just a suggestion, the spacing of the paragraphs. They seem like one big paragraph in this even though you've already divided it into paragraphs. AFF screws with paragraph spacing ;_;